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河南大学 硕士学位论文 中国“90后”高中生价值观教育研究 姓名:杨旭 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:法学、政治学理论 指导教师:马福贞 2011-05 I 摘 要 价值观教育是德育理论的重要组成部分, 是一个永恒的课题, 在不同的时代背景下, 价值观教育的形式和内容都会有所不同。在当今时代,我国正处于一个社会转型期,由 于世界各国交流不断扩大和深入, 科学技术、 大众媒体得到前所未有发展, 使得中国 “90 后” 高中生接受的知识和思想越来越多, 且越来越多元。 而这些多元的知识和思想在 “90 后”高中生内化的过程中因未能得到及时有效的引导,从而对其产生了负面的影响,致 使中国“90 后”高中生存在一些错误的价值观。本文正是基于这样的情况,决定对中国 “90 后”高中生的价值观教育进行研究。 本文以中国“90 后”高中生价值观现状为出发点,指出 “90 后”高中生存在的价 值观偏向,分析“90 后”高中生价值观所具有的特点,总结影响“90 后”高中生价值 观形成的因素,最后针对这些影响因素,提出针对“90 后”高中生进行正确的价值观教 育的有效途径。为了使这一研究更具有可靠性,本人设计了关于高中生价值观倾向的调 查问卷,并在郑州市一中、郑州市十一中和郑州市四十七中三所高中发放了共计 2000 份的调查问卷,通过对回收问卷选项的整理分析,总结出目前中国“90 后”高中生存在 的主流价值观以及一些错误的价值观倾向,针对问卷中反映出的问题,本人采用座谈的 形式与学生交流, 在交流中探析这些价值观出现的本质原因。 通过一系列的调查、 总结、 分析以及参考国内外学者研究成果的基础上,完成了本文的写作。 通过本人的研究发现:中国“90 后”高中生的价值观之所以出现偏差和错误,主要 是受到西方价值观和当下中国社会环境的负面影响而造成的: “90 后”高中生独立、执 着,西方的个人主义、自由主义符合他们的追求; “90 后”高中生前卫、时尚,西方的 享乐主义、拜金主义和他们的思想不谋而合; “90 后”高中生利益分明,中国市场经济 符合他们的心理特征。正因为如此,中国“90 后”高中生的价值观倾向就慢慢地偏离中 国主流的价值观,因为偏离,所以错误,因为错误,所以需要教育去纠正和引导。但是 中国的价值观教育形式单一、内容死板,这与“90 后”高中生创新、个性的思维模式形 成了对立;中国的价值观教育方法欠佳,一味的进行灌输式、填鸭式教学,这与“90 后”高中生喜欢自己尝试、自主得结论的学习习惯形成对立。教育主客体的对立注定了 教育的无效,教育的无效使得“90 后”高中生在价值观形成的道路上缺乏了指示灯和路 标,以致于他们在错误的道路上越走越远。事实证明,中国“90 后”高中生存在的价值 II 观问题, 主要归责于不完善的价值观教育体系和教育方法。 随着时代的不断进步和发展, 教育也不能一成不变。作为德育工作者,要依据中国“90 后”高中生所具有的心理和生 理特征,结合时代要求和具体实际情况,解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,开拓创新, 不断地探索在新时期如何引导中国“90 后”高中生树立正确的价值观。 本文的内容主要有以下三部分组成:第一、介绍了价值观的基本概念、界定了中国 “90 后”高中生群体以及这个群体所具有的特征,同时也指出了 “90 后”高中生价值 观的特点以及存在的问题;第二、从国际和国内两个角度出发,指出了西方价值观、当 下中国社会环境和高中生自身问题对“90 后”高中生价值观形成所产生的负面影响;第 三、针对中国“90 后”高中生价值观出现的偏差,就如何引导中国“90 后”高中生树 立起正确的价值观提出了一些对策建议。 关键词:中国, “90 后”高中生,价值观,教育 III ABSTRACT Values education is an important part of the theory of moral education, which is an eternal topic, and the form and content of values education is different at different times. Nowadays, our country is in the social transition period, and because of the expanding of communication of world, science and technology and mass media developing very much, make high school students of “post 90s” accept more and diverse knowledge. But these diverse knowledge and ideas didnt get timely and effective guidance , which lead to negative effects on high school students of “post 90s”. On base of this situation, the author decided to have a research on high school students of “post 90s”. This paper takes the status of Chinese high school students of “post 90s” as the starting point, points out existing values, analyses the characteristics of values, summarizes the factors of impact, and the paper arises an effective way to the values of students on the base of factors. In order to make this a more reliable research about high school students, I design the values tendency of questionnaire, and in the first senior middle school of Zhengzhou, eleventh senior middle school of Zhengzhou, forty-seventh senior middle school, I handed out total of 2,000 questionnaires. Through analyzing the questionnaires , the author summarizes the present existing mainstream values and some mistakes in high school students of “post 90s”. For the problems, I communicate with students in communication and am willing to find the essence reasons. On the basis of series of investigation, summary, analysis and reference scholars both at home and abroad, I completed this paper. Through the authors research, we know that the reason why high school students of “post 90s” have a mistake is mainly influenced by western negative values and contemporary Chinese social environment. High school students of “post 90s” are persistent, independent, and western individualism, liberalism meet their pursuit. High school students of “post 90s” are avant-garde, and western hedonism fashion and the money worship and their thoughts are alike. High school students of “post 90s” are trenchant, and the Chinese market economy meet their psychological characteristics. Because of the above, high school students of “post 90s” of Chinas values tendency deviate slowly. So we need education to correct and guidance it. But Chinese values education form is single, content formalist, which is antagonism to high school students thinking mode of innovation and personality; In addition, Chinas values education method is poor blindly, and this is object to high school students independent study habits that formed ,which lead IV to the destined education. Invalid education makes high school students lack of the indicator and the way that they sign in the wrong road farther and farther. Facts have proved that values problems of Chinas high school students is mainly attributable to imperfect values education system and education method. As the era of progress and development, education also cannot stand still, and as moral educators, need to explore how to lead Chinas high school students of “post 90s”, according to the different situation. The main content of this paper is that: firstly, introducing the basic concept and definition of values and the characteristic of this group. and also pointing out the high school students values proble
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