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Great Scientists Module 4 基础知识回顾提升,构建单元知识网络 .单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格) 1n.(去e)al adj. agriculture(n.)农业_(adj.)农业的 类记 centre(n.)中心_(adj.)中心的 face(n.)脸_(adj.)面部的 globe(n.)地球_(adj.)全球的 person(n.)人_(adj.)个人的 origin(n.)起源_(adj.)原来的,最初的 agricultural central facial global personal original 2n.doingadj. ricegrowingricegrowing( adj.)_ 类记 laborsavinglaborsaving( adj.)_ mouthwateringmouthwatering( adj.)_ peaceloving peaceloving( adj.)_ timeconsumingtimeconsuming( adj.)_ papermakingpapermaking( adj.)_ 种植水稻的 省工的,节省劳动力的 令人垂涎的 热爱和平的 费时的 造纸的 .连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子) 1爱因斯坦很出名,但简言之,他的相对论更为人所知 。 Einstein was very famous. But_, he_his theory of relativity. 2简被诊断患有罕见的皮肤病,所以不得不放弃了舞台 生涯。 _a rare skin disease,Jane had to give up her stage_. in brief was betterknown for Diagnosed with career 3他原是该社区的领头人物,但现在成了人们取笑的对 象。 He was a_in the community,but now he is a_of fun. 4耕地是农业生产的基础,是维护粮食安全的重要保障 。 Cultivated land is the base of_,and is an important factor to ensure food security. 5难道我们不能既为生活也为职业来教育人们吗? Cant we_people for life as well as for a _? figure leading figure agriculture production educate career 6那本畅销书告诉我们有关宇宙学的常识。 The_tells us something about _. 7请详告价格、质量、可供数量及其他有关情况。 Full information as to prices,_,_available and other relative particulars would be appreciated. 8爆炸有可能是因为一个管道断裂引起的气体泄漏。 A gas_from a fractured pipe was the likely cause of the_. bestseller cosmology qualityquantity escape explosion 9箭笔直地飞出去,正中小鸟的那只眼睛。 The_went_and hit the eye of the bird. 10我们将扩大出口信用保险,加大对出口的支持。 We will expand_credit insurance and provide more_for_. arrowstraight export supportexport .句式点拨 1当违反交通规则时,不要总是企图逃避受到处罚。 (T/F) (1)Dont always attempt to escape being punished when you break traffic rules. ( ) (2)Dont always attempt to escape to be punished when you break traffic rules. ( ) 思路点拨 escape表示“逃脱,避免”时,其后跟名词、代词或者动名 词。不能跟不定式。escape表示“逃跑”时,为不及物动词, escape from/out of.表示“从逃跑”。 句式训练 没有办法逃脱做这项工作。 _ _ 2自2000年以来,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。(T/F) (1)Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 2000.( ) (2)My hometown has been taken place great changes since 2000.( ) 思路点拨 take place是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。在英语 中,不及物动词或不及物动词短语没有被动语态形式。 句式训练 这个十字路口三年前发生了一起死亡事故。 _ _ 答案:1.(1)T (2)F There is no way to escape doing the work. 2(1)T (2)F A fatal accident took place at this crossing three years ago. .语篇易记 Which are you interested in, botany, biology, biochemistry, zoology, genetics or cosmology? There are brilliant scientists in every field. Today, Ill introduce one of them to you. Dr Yuan Longping is a leading figure in Chinas agricultural research. Dr Yuan is known for his super hybrid rice and has been awarded several times. Born, brought up and educated in China, Mr Yuan knew that many people suffered from hunger. A lot of them even made their living by begging. At that time rice was a staple food in China. So he dreamed of developing a new species to raise rice production to feed more people. After graduating, supported by the government, he devoted himself to the research. As a result of his years efforts, in 1974, he made a great breakthrough and finally developed hybrid. This hybrid rice has a higher yield than either of the original plants. His discovery was published in newspapers worldwide. Now, Dr Yuans rice has gradually replaced the common rice and much of the land has been converted to growing vegetables and cash crops. Large quantities of rice have been exported to other countries, which partly solve the world hunger. Dr Yuans personal life is very simple. Sometimes, he escapes his busy life by playing the violin or mahjongg. Though he is in his eighties, his physical condition is very good. For his career, he once made a brief summary: Im only a student who asks questions. 你对什么感兴趣,是植物学、生物学、生物化学、动物学、遗传学还是宇宙学呢? 在每一个领域里都有才华横溢的科学家。今天我给你们介绍其中的 一位。 袁隆平博士在中国农业研究中是一位重要人物。他因 自己的超级杂 交 水稻而出名,而且多次获奖。袁隆平在中国出生、长大并接受教育, 他知道很多人遭受着饥饿。他们当中很多人甚至通过乞讨谋生。 那时,水稻是中国的主要粮食。于是他就梦想培育一个新的品种提 高水稻的产量,以养活更多的人。大学毕业后,在政府的支持下,袁 博士便投身于该项研究中。由于他多年的努力,1974年他取得了 重大的突破,最终培育出了杂交品种。这种杂交水稻的产量比原来品 种要高。他的发现 在全世界的报纸上公布。现在,袁博士的水稻已经逐渐地代替 了原来的普通水稻,而且许多土地都被转换来种蔬菜和经济作物。大量 的 水稻已经出口到其他国家,这在一定程度上解决了世界饥饿问题。 袁博士的个人生活很简单。有时,他会通过拉小提琴或打麻 将来暂时逃避自己繁忙的工作。尽管已经八十多岁了,他的身体状 况依旧很好。对于自己的事业,他曾经做了一个简短的总结:我只 是一个问问题的学生。 科学构建,高效作文 记叙文:人物介绍 一、写作指导 1确定体裁:人物介绍一般是要求介绍某个人的成长历 程,主要事迹和社会贡献等,属于记叙文中的写人。 2确定主体时态:一般来说,某个人的成长、事迹和贡 献等都是已经发生或存在的,可考虑把一般过去时作为主体时 态,也应根据具体内容在必要时变换时态。 3确定中心人称:介绍他人应用第三人称。 4确定结构:可采用三段式结构。第一段引出中心人物 ;第二
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