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2722007M2nullnullSnullnullnullnullActa ScientiaeCircumstantiaeVo.l 27, No. 2Feb., 2007:S/(No. 104250)Supported by the key project ofM inistry ofEducation ofChina (No. 104250)Te:v+(1978null ),3,pV3; *YT(3T), Enullmai,l lxh hustnullesr.i comBiography: REN Dajun (1978null ), male, Ph. D. candidate; * Corresponding author, Enullmai,l lxh hustnullesr.i comv+,X,f,. 2007.)T J.S, 27( 2): 206- 212Ren D J, YanK L, Liu FH, et al. 2007. The study on effects of conullmetabolism substrates on the biodegradation of indole by white rot fungus J. ActaScientiaeCircumstantiae, 27( 2): 206- 212)T任大军1,颜克亮2,刘飞虎1,张晓昱2,陆晓华1, *1. 华中科技大学环境科学研究所,武汉 4300742. 华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院,武汉 430074l: 2006null03null09null null null: 2006null11null30null null nullc: 2006null12null21K1:a&pST),YV)BP8)rA!8V,is,I)s)Y.TAU,8)V99%).sV4);&pSV9F),)40,H&pS9?.rA,)pH6 8W) K(&p) K();78)Qql1,0. 686mgnullL- 1nulld- 1.dl3)ZE,Sa&paiB3)(, 1997),7)?s+xT,)y,H9.V1)8QTTable 1 Kinetic results ofdifferent indole biodegradation systems)8QZQqK / (mgnullL- 1null d-1 )V%R2)C= - 0. 686t+ 0. 774 0. 686 0. 985)C= - 1. 323t+ 1. 617 1. 323 0. 942&p)C= - 1. 518t+ 2. 035 1. 518 0. 941S)C= - 2. 235t+ 2. 826 2. 235 0. 9443. 2null 共基质物质对白腐菌漆酶分泌和吲哚降解的影响)1s3,!VaV.t)?Hs3,t)s12.)Pleurotus ostreatus ( BP),1cp(pnulldiphenol oxidase, EC1. 10. 3. 2) ,Vbp00,1,p#!,Hs0$( Johannes,1998).)V1T,)VzM1(v+, 2006a).m2V,)8)8,OVyr.)8,V)4s,NHq/),4. 4m in5. 2min)2AC.MSs,2A0(m /z165146). m /z165)V?(nm8b),7m /z146)V?.sV,)T209null nullnull nullSnull nullnull nullnull null27m7null8UVm( a.)8; b.&p)8; c.S)8, 313nm)S)Fig. 7null UV spectra ofdifferent conullsubstrate systems ( a. theNH+4 nullN and indole conullsubstrate system; b. thephenoland indoleconullsubstrate system; c. the quinoline and indole conullsubstrate system, thepeak of quinoline is at313 nm)/Sonm9,V?n5J23?3B,23W7.4null)(D iscussion)a&pSi)BT.D*( 1997),!)8s9,VC;)BP,i)4,V7?)s,P)3q4.7&pVT)s4.V,!1s0YP!,VT44,m8null)HPLCm( a.)b; b.)8)5d)Fig. 8null HPLC spectra of indole ( a. the blank sampleof indole; b.indole degraded bywhite rotfungi in theNnullNH3 and indoleconullsubstrate system after5 d)m9null)SoFig. 9null Initialdegradation pathway of indole bywhite rot fungitPaPaR?a2!pa,Pa?aJ&a=J&,+Ynull OHnull NH2v(Munozet al. , 1997),7&p9null OH.N,&p?)ZT,P)3r4.SBv,)aM,4,i),y)%,)sS,v K (&p) K() K().2)sV4);&pSV9F),)40,H&pS9?.3)8pHMC)1;rA,)pH = 6 8W)?.4)V,
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