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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Section A提能训练.单项选择1.Where would you like to go on vacation,Lily?Its hot here.Id like to go C.A.everywhere coolB.cool everywhereC.somewhere coolD.cool somewhere 2.Our English teacher encourages us A part in all kinds of after-class activities.A.to takeB.takeC.takingD.to taking3.The movie D is very interesting.But I dont like it at all.A.itsB.itsC.itD.itself4.My mother likes D glass cups.She has got twenty glass cups now.Thats an interesting hobby.A.drawingB.breakingC.cleaningD.collecting5.B you ever to Africa?A.Have;goneB.Have;beenC.Do;goD.Were;going.补全对话(有一项多余)A:Hi,Jerry!What a nice day it is!B:Yeah!1.CA:Its boring.You know I dont like animals.B:2.AA:No,I havent.How about you?B:3.E But I still want to go there.A:Lets go there this afternoon.B:4.D How are we going to get there?A:Lets take a bus.B:OK.5.BA:All right.See you then.A.Well,have you been to the art museum?B.Lets meet at one oclock at the bus stop.C.Lets go to the zoo to see animals.D.That sounds good.E.I have been there once.F.Sounds terrible.洗手,那还不简单。但是,并非每个人都知道正确的洗手方法。我们在数名家长中调查时发现,大多数家长都会叮嘱孩子常洗手,但对于正确的洗手方法和洗手时间的长短,并不太了解。很多家长这样理解洗手:饭前便后要洗手、每次用流动水冲洗等。2
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