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Unit 1 Having a PartyLesson 5教学目标:1.情感目标:能够通过阅读有关介绍节日聚会的短文,初步了解东西方文化之间的差异。2.知识目标:能够借助故事配图及图中人物对话,读懂故事。3.3. 能力目标:能够借助故事配图及图中人物对话,读懂故事。初步形成阅读能力。教学重点:借助故事配图及图中人物对话,读懂故事。教学难点:借助故事配图及图中人物对话,读懂故事。教具准备:录音磁带,挂图学具准备:教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCDEFGRevisionHow many people are there in your family?Who are they?Can you introduce your room?Do you know “Thanks giving day”?Talk something about “Thanks giving day” to students.Show a picture. What can you see in the picture 1/2/3?Who is he /she? Where are they?What are they doing ?Listen to the tape. Then listen it again and to do the exercise.Listen to the tape and read after it.Teach some new and difficult words, expresses. There are three pupil is a group. Ask them to practice the dialogue and come to the front, act out this dialogue.Answer the questions.There are 3 people in my family. They are my mother, my father and I.There is a bed (sofa, table) in my room.Listen to the teacher.Look at the picture. Listen to the teacher and answer questions.Do the exercise.Read, think and number.Read one sentence by one sentence.Learn to say Thanksgiving, woods, turkey, pumpkin pie, tastes, tummy, hurts.Role play.Lesson 6教学目标:1.情感目标:能够通过阅读有关介绍节日聚会的短文,初步了解东西方文化之间的差异。2. 知识目标:(1)能够掌握ay,ai,aw,ar等字母组合在单词中的发音规律。 (2)复习并巩固本单元所学的内容。3.3. 能力目标:初步掌握ay,ai,aw,ar等字母组合在单词中的发音规律。教学重点:(1)能够掌握ay,ai,aw,ar等字母组合在单词中的发音规律。 (2)复习并巩固本单元所学的内容。教学难点:能够掌握ay,ai,aw,ar等字母组合在单词中的发音规律。教具准备:录音磁带,音标卡片,文具学具准备:文具教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCDEFRevisionReview the words and phrase in Unit 1.Recite the chant of lesson 2.Tell others How to make an invitation? Listen to the tape, and number these pictures.Look at these pictures. Please say the whole sentences. And if you are right, please colour the blanks with different crayons.Look at the part C. Read and match.First discuss with their neighbors, how to do these things? Then write these sentence on the books. And check up their answers.Ask them to pay attention to pronounce “ay, ai, aw, ar, a” in the word.Read and spell the word and phrases. Recite the chant.Say how to make an invitation.First get your paper ready, next Listen and number.Look and say.Draw with crayons. Ive got 100 pointsCut with scissors. Ive got 200 pointsRead the text by yourself and can know which sentence is first, which one is nextPair work.First, we are going toNext, we are going toThen write these sentences on the books.Read these words by themselves and say how to pronounce these letters in the word. Then say out some other words in the same pronounce.洗手,那还不简单。但是,并非每个人都知道正确的洗手方法。我们在数名家长中调查时发现,大多数家长都会叮嘱孩子常洗手,但对于正确的洗手方法和洗手时间的长短,并不太了解。很多家长这样理解洗手:饭前便后要洗手、每次用流动水冲洗等。3
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