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Lesson 18 Cats and Dogs教学目标:1.知识目标:学生要掌握四会单词:cat, dog, goat and sheep学生会唱本课的这首英文歌曲。2.能力目标:Develop good habits from childhood days教学重难点:四会单词:cat, dog, goat and sheep学会唱本课英文歌曲。教学准备:录音机、动物头饰、词汇卡片教学过程:RevisionDrillReview above, below, on, under and beside; near and far; and this and that by calling out directions. Ask the students to stand and pick up their student books. Call out commands and demonstrate, at first, where to hold the book.More drillAsk for volunteers to draw pictures of the animals on the blackboard. Ask the class to say the name for each animal.New concept播放几种动物声音,其中有学生已经学过的17课的四种动物,以及这节课将要学习的这四种动物。让学生分辨他们都听到了那种动物的叫声。之后逐一教授单词。例如:S1:这是猫的叫声。T: Yes! Very good! Cat, c-a-t, cat. Read it, please!C: Cat, c-a-t, cat.T: Ok! (Hold up the picture.) Look at the picture. This is a cat.C: This is a cat. (Read “cat” a few times with the class. Teach dog, goat and sheep like this. 要特别强调goat和sheep的不同。)Game.“一人比划一人猜”把学生分为三组,每组各出一名计时员、一名计分员和两名参赛者。这两名参赛者一人比划另一人来猜。教师出示动物卡片,比划的同学只能用肢体语言来形容这个动物,另外一名同学根据比划的同学的动作来猜是哪种动物。限时一分钟,猜对一个得一分,最后得分最多的一组获胜。Song “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.”先让学生听一遍这首歌,逐句解释意思。之后把学生分为六组,每组每位学生发给一个动物头饰(分别有六种动物头饰)。在唱这首歌时,当唱到动物叫声时,戴着这种动物头饰的学生就唱这一句中的动物叫声,其他部分合唱。Class ClosingDo 洗手,那还不简单。但是,并非每个人都知道正确的洗手方法。我们在数名家长中调查时发现,大多数家长都会叮嘱孩子常洗手,但对于正确的洗手方法和洗手时间的长短,并不太了解。很多家长这样理解洗手:饭前便后要洗手、每次用流动水冲洗等。1
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