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人教最新版英语语口语记忆语记忆 顺顺口溜(八上10) 引导导同学们归纳简们归纳简 短口语语 , 学编编整合记忆顺记忆顺 口溜。 指导导教师师杨杨学慧 什么样样的舞蹈? What kind of dance? 哦,是摇摆摇摆 舞。 Oh, swing dance. 旧习难习难 改。 Old habits die hard. 他们们多久跳一次舞? How often do they dance? 他逗我哈哈大笑。 He makes me laugh. 好朋友常让让人捧腹大笑。 Good friends make us laugh. 你应该应该 好好学习习。 You should study hard. 在课课堂上我学习习更加用功。 I study harder in class. 珍妮很聪聪明。 Jenny is very smart. 他惹人们们大笑起来。 He makes people laugh. 我在课课堂上表演得最好。 I act the best in class. 全班同学给给我鼓掌,令我感动动。 The whole class are clapping for me, it touches my heart. 我打算买买一辆辆快车车。 Im going to buy a fast car. 你打算什么时时候开始? When are you going to start? 将会有更多的私家车车。 There will be more cars. 一些机器人能跳舞。 Some robots can dance. 他们们知道自己所在地。 They know where they are. 去失物招领处问问领处问问 。 Go to Lost and Found to ask. 那是一只玻璃造的小船。 That is a boat made of glass. 想把事情做对对,就得认认真思考。 To get it right, you must think hard. 公园里有好多女人。 There are a lot of women in the park. 我听见见孩子们们在课课上唱歌。 I hear the children singing in class. 时间时间 多快啊! How fast! 一到礼拜天,她带带儿子去公园。 On Sundays, she takes her son to the park. 作为为学生,我们们必须发奋须发奋 学习习。 As students, we must work hard. 努力学习习很重要。 It is important to work hard. 他们们是多么好的人啊! What nice people they are! 那首歌触动动了我的心灵。 That song touches our hearts. 她去了一位朋友的农场农场 。 She went to a friends farm. 过过去的生活是什么样样。 What life was like in the past. 那里漆黑一片。 It was so dark. 雨下得很大。 It was raining hard. 你们们在课课上做了什么? What did you do in class? 我们们制作了好些特殊的明信片。 We made a lot of special postcards. Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best.
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