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中等职业技术教育的历史发展与改革研究 河北大学 硕士学位论文 中等职业技术教育的历史发展与改革研究 姓名:孙立文 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:教育史 指导教师:谢长法 20040501 摘 要 摘 要 职业技术教育的本质可以概括为 相对于普通教育而言 更加具有 职业针 对性 的教育类型或专门教育 我国的中等职业技术教育主要是指高中阶段的职 业教育 它主要由中等专业学校 技工学校和职业高中组成 是中国职业教育的 主体 在培养各级各类初级应用型人才方面发挥着主导作用 论文分为五个部分 第一部分 职业技术教育的历史发展 主要分析了职业 技术教育的本质特征 考察了国际职业技术教育的历史发展过程 第二部分 我 国建国后的职业教育的发展与存在的问题 我国由于受政治经济和生产力发展水 平的影响 职业技术教育的发展是一条曲折坎坷的道路 论述了中等职业技术教 育在发展过程中面临的问题 第三部分 对中等职业技术教育陷入困境的原因 影响中等职业教育的外部因素和影响中等职业教育的内部因素进行了系统分析以 及如何理解职业技术教育中的发展问题 第四部分 考察中外职业技术教育发展 可以看出 其发展趋势体现出 四化 的特点 职业技术教育普通化 职业技术 教育普及化 职业技术教育上移化 教师在职培训经常化和制度化 根据职业技 术教育发展的特点 针对职业教育中的问题 从转变思想观念 认清国情 发展 中等职业技术教育不动摇 保持 高质量 低重心 以培养能力为着眼点 构建 中等职业教育课程体系 加强师资队伍建设 是保证职教人才培养质量的基础 进行管理体制和运行机制的配套改革 建立多元化办学体制 借鉴国外先进经验 使中等职业技术教育得到长足发展七个方面提出了职业技术教育的改革策略 第 五部分 是结束语 通过对职业技术教育的产生与发展的探索与研究 可以看到 我国中等职业技术教育经历了曲折发展历程 虽然取得了很大成绩 但近些年来 却陷入了发展的困境 主要表现在招生难 生源差和就业难 这种情况既是受一 些客观外部因素影响 又是由其自身内部的一些不足所致 通过对国外职业教育 现代教育思想和教学模式的学习和国内一些成功经验的借鉴 让我们重新审视和 探索中等职业技术教育发展的改革突破口 就会发现中等职业技术教育的发展不 仅要扩大办学规模 更重要的是要提高办学质量 提高师生素质 增强适应性和 办学的活力 关健词 中等 职业技术教育 历史发展 改革策略 I Abstract Abstract The essence of vocational education can be summarized as: compared with public education, it is vocation-aimed and specialized. Middling vocational education in China mainly refers to vocational training during the years in senior middle school which comprises intermediate vocational schools, vestibule schools and vocational senior high school as well. Vocational schools are the principal part of Chinese vocational education and it plays an essential part in developing primary resources at all levels. There are five parts in this thesis. The first part deals with the historical development of vocational education. It mainly discusses the essential characteristics of the vocational education and investigates the historical development of vocational education abroad. The second parts deals with the development of vocational education after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China and its existing problems. Under the influence of politics, economy and productivity, vocational education in China has undergone much difficulty. This thesis also discusses the problems vocational education in China has to face in its development. In the third part, it analyses the reasons why middling vocational education has fallen into a dilemma, the internal and external factors that affect middling vocational education, and how to understand the development problems existing in vocational education. In the fourth part, this thesis deals with the tendency of development which shows the peculiarity of “four modernizations” by investigating the development of vocational education in China and foreign countries, namely, the publicity of vocational education, the popularization of vocational education, the advancing of vocational education, and frequency and systematization of teachers training. Based on the development and the problems of vocational education, it explains the importance of attitude transformation, recognition of the present situation and the strong determination to develop vocational education so as to develop “high-quality but low-barycenter” vocational education to constitute its curriculum system. To train qualified teachers is the guarantee of qualified graduates. II Abstract This thesis also sets forth the reforming theory of vocational education from seven factors and the further development of vocational education is to set up the managing and functional system and system of running a school in variety by referring to advanced experience abroad. The fifth part is the conclusion, which analyses the difficulties of vocational education has encountered during
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