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初一英语下册第一单元相关内容测试一 单词考核,你准备好了吗?1. He can play the g_.2. Lets go to s_ in the river3. Can you play tennis? Please s_ us4. Can you s_ Chinese? -Of course I can.5. What c_ do you want to join? -The sports club/6.Can you play the d_(鼓)?7.My brother can play the piano and he can a_ play the guitar.8.-How many p_ are there in your family? -Three. My father, my mother and I.9. I often play the v_ on the weekend.10. Lang Lang (朗朗) is a famous m_. He plays the piano well.二句型你掌握了吗?1. He can do Kung fu.(改为一般疑问句)_2.Can she sing English songs? (做出否定回答)_3.Grace can play volleyball (对划线部分提问) _4.Bill wants to join the art club.对划线部分提问)_5.Jane and Mike can play basketball and soccer.(改为否定句)_三最怕适当形式又来时。1. Little Tom can _ ( draw) a picture for his partner.2. Please join our _( swim) club3. He wants _( write) a song for his mother.4. Jane is good at _ ( tell ) stories.5. Come and _ (join) us.6. That _ ( sound) good.7. Cindy cant _( come) to school today.8. We need you _( talk) to the children.9. I think you can make _( friend) with Frank.10. - Can you play games with _( they)? -Yes, we can.11. Peter likes _ ( help) the old people when he is free.四这些错误你经常会犯吗?1. I like play the chess._2. He can speak English _3. I want join the swim club._4. What language do Mike say? _5. What about go swimming? _6. Im good at tell story. _7. I cant speak English and French._8. I want to make friend with the rural rich._9. I need do my homework._10. I very busy now._11. She is good at his friends._五小伙伴们,你们愿意挑战自己的极限吗?1. 你能帮我写英语作业吗?(两种表达方法)_2. 她说的一口好英语。_3. 我忙着打电脑游戏呢。_4. 郭老师教我/我们英语。_5. 她擅长功夫。_6. 他想成为一名音乐家吗?_7. 给我看看你土豪金。_8. 你想加入什么俱乐部?_六放松一刻中考题。1. (2013,江苏淮安)- Can I park my car in front of the building? No, you _.A. wont B. cant C. neednt D. couldnt2. (2012,贵州贵阳) Victor can play _ piano. He can join the music club.A. a B. an C. the3. With the help of the new technology (技术), you _ e-mail your friends by mobile phone.A. can B. must C. need D. should4. (2012.山东威海) I always enjoy visiting London,_ I wouldnt like to live there.A. because B. so C. but D. and5. (2013甘肃兰州)-Can she _ it in English? - No, she cant.A. talk B. talks C. speak D. say6.(2012,山东菏泽) Miss Read is good _ music. She is good _ children in the music club.A. at; at B. with; with C. at; with D. with; at
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