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Unit 1测试 基础卷一、判断每组单词画线部分读音是()否()相同。 ( )1.A.dad B.bag ( )2.A.apple B.cake ( )3.A.hat B.hate ( )4.A.map B.make ( )5.A.face Bfat二、单项选择。 ( )1._clean the classroom.A Let B Lets Clets ( )2. Look, the door_yellow. The desks_green.Ais; are Bare; is Cis; is ( )3. This is our_desk.A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers ( )4.-_in the classroom? -Many desks and chairs.A. Whats B. Where C. What ( )5. -_ is the kite? -Its near the window.A. Wheres B. Where C. What三、看图,选词填空,补全句子.1. Look, its my_(picture/teacher).2. The bag is under the_(desk/chair).3. Lets clean the _(window/floor).4. The blackboard is near the_(door/wall).5. Let me turn on the_ (fan/light).四、给下列句子选择恰当的答句. ( )1. Where is the green book? ( )2. Let me help you. ( )3. Look, we have a new classroom. ( )4. Close the window. ( )5. Whats in the classroom?A. Thank you.B. On the teachers desk.C. Wow! Its so big.D. A teachers desk and many desks.E. OK.五、连词成句。1. What, in, the, classroom, is(?)_2. in, is, It, the, desk(.)_3. the, is, Where, picture(?)_4. me, Let, clean, windows, the(.)_5. are, The, green, desks (. )_六、阅读对话,在相应位置打“”,完成表格。 Ann: Our classroom is not clean. Tim: Yes. Lets clean the classroom. Kate: OK. Let me clean the windows. Lily: Let me clean the blackboard and sweep the floor. Lucy: Hey, Ann! Lets clean the desks and chairs. Tim: Let me help you, Lucy. Ann and Lucy: Thank you!floordesks and chairsblackboardwindowsAnnKateLilyLucyTim七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F). We have a new classroom. Its very big and beautiful. The door is green. The walls are white. Two pictures and a map are on the walls. We have twenty-five desks and fifty chairs.They are yellow.Two blackboards are in the classroom. The big teachers desk is near the blackboard. Its orange. We have a new computer. :Its on the teachers desk. We have six lights and two fans in the classroom. We clean our classroom every day. We like our classroom.( )1. The classroom is not big.( )2. Two maps and a picture are on the walls.( )3. We have 25 yellow desks and chairs.( )4. We have a new computer on the teachers desk.( )5. There are nine lights in the classroom.Unit 1测试 基础卷一、 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、 1.B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B三、 1. picture 2. chair 3. window 4. door 5. light四、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. D五、1. What is in the classroom? 2. It is in the desk. 3. Where is the picture? 4. Let me clean the windows. 5. The desks are green.六、floordesks and chairsblackboardwindowsAnnKateLilyLucyTim七、1F 2.F 3F 4T 5F
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