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Unit 1测试 提优卷一、选出每组中不同类的一项. ( )1.A.light B.computer C.classroom ( )2.A.close B.door C.open ( )3.A.desk B.big C.new ( )4.A. colour B.yellow C.green ( )5.A.where B.near C.under二、读句子或对话,圈出正确的内容。 1.-(Where/What) is the picture? -(Its/Theyre) on the wall. 2.-We (have/has)a new classroom. -Really? 3.-(Lets/Let is) go and see. -OK. 4. The floor (is/are) blue. The desks (is/are) orange. 5. Turn on the (door/light),please. 6. We have two (computer/computers) in our classroom. 7. This is our (teachers/teachers) desk. Its yellow. 8. (lets/Let me) clean the classroom.三、给下列句子选择恰当的答句。 ( )1. What is in your classroom? ( )2. Where is my kite? ( )3. Lets clean the teachers desk. ( )4. Hey, Amy. We have a new classroom. ( )5. Let me help you.A. OK.B. Really? Lets go and see.C. Its on the wall.D. Many desks and chairs.E. Thank you !四、情景交际. ( )1你想知道书桌里面有什么,应该问:A. Whats in the classroom? BWhats on the desk? CWhats in the desk? ( )2别人要帮助你,你应该说:A. Let me help you. BPlease help me. CThank you. ( )3你想知道电脑在哪儿,应该问:A. Where is the computer? BWhats the computer? CIt is on the desk. ( )4你想建议大家一起打扫教室,应该说:A. Good idea! BLets clean the classroom. C. Let me clean the classroom. ( )5你参观了朋友的新教室后,可能会说:A. Lets go and see. BWhats in it? CIts so big and clean.五、按要求写句子。1classroom, We,a,have, new()(连词成句)_ 2teachers, Let, clean, me, the, desk()(连词成句)_3看图选择句子,规范抄写在横线上。 A. Let me clean the blackboard. B. Let me clean the windows._4_(看图写句子)5_(看图写句子)六、选择正确的句子补全对话。 A:1._Do you see my picture? B:2_ A: Its blue and black. B: Is it in the classroom? 3._ A: OK. Lets go. B: Look.4_ A: Yes, it is5_ B: Youre welcome.A. What colour is it?B. Excuse me.C. The picture is on the wall.D. Lets go and see.E. Thank you.七、任务型阅读。 This is Amys classroom.Its very big and clean.Its on the first floor(一楼). Look! This is Amys seat.Its near the door. The door is yellow. The desks are yellow, too. There are six lights and four fans over the desks. Look at Amys desk. Whats on it? Oh,a red kite and a blue pencil box. Amy likes the classroom very much. (一)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 ( )1. Amys classroom is_.A. big and clean B. small and beautiful Csmall and clean ( )2. There are_fans and_lights over the desks.A. six; five B. four; six Csix; four ( )3. The blue pencil box is_the desk.A. in B. on Cunder (二)根据画线句子,看图仿写。1. This is Amys seat. Its near the door._2. The door is yellow._Unit 1测试 提优卷一、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A二、1. Where, Its 2. have 3. Lets 4. is, are 5. light 6. computers 7. teachers 8. Let me三、1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. E四、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C五、1. We have a new classroom. 2. Let me clean the teachers desk. 3. A. Let me clean the blackboard. 4. The door is near the fan.或 The fan is near the door. 5. The computer is on the desk.六、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. E7、 (一)1.A 2.B 3.B (二)1. This is Amys kite. Its on the desk. 2. The fan is blue.
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