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音乐教育对学前儿童发展的价值 河北大学 硕士学位论文 音乐教育对学前儿童发展的价值 姓名:郑玉香 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:艺术学 指导教师:贺志朴 20041201 摘 要 20世纪80年代术以来,我幽学莳儿龋音乐教育方面的0家、学者,人力Jl:展了探 讨如何发挥爵乐教甫的整体功能,以促进儿谫的身体、智J、情感、个世E、 会性的伞 rtli年lJ渚发展,取得了定的成果,但j发达旧家的儿奄子乐教育棚比,我 及工作还有 艇大的差距。 教行活动t扎不仪儿童的旨乐基本素质得到发展,而且儿童的身体、斜J、情感、个性、 社会性也会得剑个由和谐发展。因此,把握学前儿章占乐教育,既受遵循爵乐学爿舰律 及儿鼗音乐,心理发展特点进行菏乐基木知彭 、技能的教育和熏陶,虹要以个断发展教 fiI为中心,通过占乐的 F段、爵乐教育的途径以促进儿馥在身体、错力、情感、个性、 社会件等方帕i的整体、和谐发展。 哭键词: 菏乐教育 学时儿迸 价值 涵义 Abstract and of music endof1 preschool Bvthe professionals 980s,expels havemade effortstodiscusshowtorealizethewhole inChina education great inorderto the ligent, education physical,intel ofmusic improve function have andsocial of childrenWe preschool developments emotional,Dersonality in in withthe musiceducation someachievements,butcomparisonpreschool havea to still longwaygo? countries,we developed music theroles the of education,and Thisthesisdiscuss preschool meaning andthemusic of。 the and capacity it to development psychological plays physical beorientedtowards should musiceducation childrenPreschool oreschool and correctideas valuesWiththe val withmusic educational ues,supplemented music basicmusicabilities of education,the musicactivities scienntic preschool asother as aswell physical, be aspects?such of childrencan developed preschool the to facilitate andsocial,thus intelligentemotional,personality of music fulldevelopmentpreschool the music and tobetaken tothelawsof learning needs seriouslyAccording thelevelof ofchildren, development ofchildrenmusic,and psychological laws basicmusic and the children knowledge weinstructpreschool coordinated thewholeand themusic tofacilitate through approach of children preschool children education development music preschool Keywords:preschool _1I,It:人。艺术学坝I0吖t论文 月IJ 吾 随并:人类社会教fi“动的小断深入和敦疔科学、心列科学年好占棚天科。7-椰
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