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2017届高三二轮复习英语精品资料【讲案】专题2 完型填空【构建知识体系】完型填空考点1猜测生词扫清阅读障碍考点2分析句子结构破解长难句考点3日积月累攻克固定搭配考点4广泛阅读加深对西方文化的了解考点5瞻前顾后揣摩语境考点6抓住主题句明了文章主旨2014-2016年全国高考卷本专题考查分布明细统计年份名词动词动词短语代词形容词副词连词文体文章大意20149400430议论文各年龄段的人对重复做的事情最终感到烦恼20157600241记叙文作者周末带孩子去超市购物,为路上碰到的求助者买了许多所需要的东西20164531313记叙文讲述了司机Larry在路上遇到着火的汽车,积极救人的故事。2014-2016年全国高考卷本专题考查分布明细统计年份名词动词动词短语形容词形容词短语副词连词介词短语文体文章大意2014362351记叙文两个朋友成功登山后,在返回途中Joe不行摔断腿,进过一番救助挣扎后,Simon不得不割断绳子舍弃Joe,但三天后奇迹般地生还并回到营地。20156612131夹叙夹议通过观看女儿所在球队的比赛,作者意识到,学习固然重要,亲身经历和时间更重要,对人生更有意义。201645070202夹叙夹议主要通过讲述作者和Rani开始时,只通过电话联系,觉得她是个冷漠的人。但是后来见面之后作者才发现Rani是一个热情的人。这说明有的时候,电话给人留下的印象并不一定是准确的。2016年全国高考III卷本专题考查分布明细统计年份名词动词代词动词短语形容词形容词短语副词连词介词短语文体文章大意20166511501和一个混搭和形容词10夹叙夹议文章描述了“我”十三岁时的梦想是成为校足球队明星,后来校足球队一名种子选手意外失去一只手臂,“我”因此实现了梦想后的复杂心情。【考纲解读】考试大纲要求考纲解读在一篇约250词的短文中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题的给的4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。既考查考生的英语基础知识,又考查考生综合运用语言的能力,主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括词语辨析能力、语法结构分析能力、语篇理解能力、逻辑推理能力、文化背景透析能力、作者意图剖析能力和生活常识综合运用能力。该题型分值高(30分,占整个卷面总分的45%)、区分度强,是考生最容易“拉开距离”的一项测试。【剖析全国高考真题】预测高考命题方向2016新课标全国卷I阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Heroic DriverLarry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was 41 along I65 north after delivering to one of his 42 . Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43 he got closer, he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from under the 46 vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he had 49 an emergency call. They 50 heard a womans voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. 51 the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay 52 until the emergency personnel arrived, 53 she thought the car was going to 54 . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move 55 she injured her neck.Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man 56 and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go. They let him and the other man go.One thing is 59 Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His 60 most likely saved the womans life.41. A. walkingB. touringC. travelingD. rushing42. A. passengersB. colleaguesC. employersD. customers43. A. SinceB. AlthoughC. AsD. If44. A. eachB. anotherC. thatD. his45. A. flamesB. smokeC. waterD. steam46. A. usedB. disabledC. removedD. abandoned47. A. got hold ofB. preparedC. took charge ofD. controlled48. A. came downB. came throughC. came inD. came over49. A. returnedB. receivedC. madeD. confirmed50. A. thenB. againC. finallyD. even51. A. StartingB. Parking C. PassingD. Approaching52. A. quietB. stillC. awayD. calm53. A. forB. soC. andD. but54. A. explodeB. slip awayC. fall apartD. crash(动词和动词短语混搭)注意变化55. A. as ifB. unlessC. in caseD. after56. A. stepped forwardB. backed offC. moved onD. set out57. A. womanB. policeC. manD. driver58. A. forbiddenB. readyC. askedD. free(动词和形容词混搭)注意变化59. A. for certainB. for considerationC. reportedD. checked(动词和短语混搭)注意变化60. A. patienceB. skills C. efforts D. promise【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了司机Larry在路上遇到着火的汽车,积极救人的故事。41Cwalk 走路;tour旅行;travel旅游,行进;rush 冲。根据下文中“Larry pulled over”可知他沿着公路行驶。故选C。42Dpassenger乘客;colleague同事;employer雇主;customer顾客,客户。根据首句“Larry works with Transport Drivers,Inc.”可知他是送货司机,再根据空前的after delivering可推断他应该是在给客户送完货后在回去的路上。故选D。43C根据语境判断当他走近的时候,他又发现了另一辆汽车。as意为“当时候”。故选C。44B根据前句“Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on.”可知当时有一辆开着灯的汽车,由此判断他又发现另一辆损毁的汽车。故选B。45Aflame火苗;smoke烟;water水;steam蒸汽。根据第一段末句“the fire was put out.”可知当时汽车是着火了。故选A。46B根据第二段中的a womans voice coming from the wrecked(毁坏的) vehicle可知,汽车被毁坏了。used使用过的;disabled 报废的;removed被移除的;abandoned被遗弃的。故选B。47Aget hold of拿起;prepare准备;take charge of负责;control控制。根据后句可知他下车拿起灭火器灭火。故选A。48Dcome down下来;come through 经历;come in进来;come over 走过来。那个司机走了过来和Larry说话。故选D。49Creturn 归还;receive a call 接到电话;make a call 打电话;confirm确认。根据下文可知这个司机打了报警电话。 故选C。50Athen那时;again再次;finally终于;even甚至。根据语境判断,那时他们听到在车内有人发出声音。故选A。51Dstart开始;park停车;pass通过;approach走近。根据上文可知汽车着火了,情况很危险,由此推断Larry他们离汽车很远,故他们走近了才看到车内的那位女士。52Bquiet 安静的;still不动的;away远离的;calm沉着的。根据本段末句“she should not move”可知,Larry让这名女士不要动。故选 B。53D根据后句可以推断这位受困的女士想从汽车里出来,而Larry不让她动,怕她伤到脖子,这两句话之间是转折关系。故选D。54A根据后句内容判断这位女士害怕汽车会爆炸。explode爆炸;slip away溜走;fall apart 散架,崩溃;crash坠毁,摔碎。故选A 。5
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