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英语写作训练 英语记叙文的写作的方式英语记叙文的写作的方式 Beginning(topic sentence 主题句) Middle Ending Concluding sentence 结论句 Supporting sentence 支持句 例子、实事、数据或引文 记叙文写作方法:记叙文写作方法: 采用“总分总 ”的写作方式 即先概括总 述,再分述 最后再总述 。 总述 分述1 分述2 分述3 总述 写作注意写作注意“ “四定四定” ” 1. 定内容, 不折不扣。 2.定时态, 世态前后呼应。记叙文、日 记一般用一般过去时;说明文、通知 、布告、介绍等用一般现在时;计划 等用一般将来时。 3.定人称,用第一人称亲近自然;用第 三人称客观真实。 4.定句型、定词语;应依据内容。应该 先定句型后定词语。 写作注意的几个问题写作注意的几个问题: 1. 尽量使用简单句,如果复合句用不好 就不要用,文章算不上完美,但很实 用。要牢记 “避繁就简”原则。当然 长句短句交叉使用最好。 2. 把握要点,避免遗漏,注意发挥适度 既不要多写也不要少写。 3. 注意句子与句子、段与段之间过渡自 然,行文连贯,注意适当使用连词, 例如:and ,so ,or, but, become, Whats more; What worse, not onlybut also, neithernor 等等 。 4. 再有学生语文水平的滑坡,使得英语 老师不得不带领学生完成写作内容的 挖掘。 写作注意的几个问题写作注意的几个问题: 选词:普通的叙述文或短文,应 该选择简洁、朴实、准确的大众化 词语,避免使用矫饰、复杂、故弄 玄虚的词,并尽可能挑选积极的动 词。 写作注意的几个问题写作注意的几个问题: 措辞:能写出树的具体名称an apple tree, 就不要使用tree; 能说 清具体数字时,就不要使用some; 知道是某种专门的活动,就不要使 用do去描述,词意越具体,越能给 读者鲜明的印象。 写作注意的几个问题写作注意的几个问题: 你如何写开头你如何写开头 1.开头常用词语: as far as we know 据我们所知 as everybody knows 众所周知 at present 目前 first of all 首先 To tell the truth 老实说 1.结尾常用词语: after all 毕竟 at last 最后 in a word 总而言之 finally, 最后 we hope that 我们希望 In short 简言之 clearly 显然 你如何写结尾你如何写结尾 如何添加过度句、连接词如何添加过度句、连接词 补充说明 for example, besides,In addition(此外), Whats worse! Whats more! Worst of all. 转折 however, yet, but 原因 thanks to, because of 结果 as result of , so ,sothat 范文2:I m pleased to write to ask for some help. I want to tell you some problems we meet in English study. First, some of us arent interested in English. They think studying English is such a boring thing to do. And then Its so difficult for us to remember all the words in the texts. So lots of us 作文如何添加过度句、连接词作文如何添加过度句、连接词 作文如何添加过度句、连接词作文如何添加过度句、连接词 dont have enough confidence to keep up English study . And we are always afraid to join in the group discussion. Whats more, there are so many new words we hadnt meet before in the passage. I dont know what to do. Sometimes we cant understand the main idea, let alone 作文如何添加过度句、连接词作文如何添加过度句、连接词 answer the questions about them. But the most difficult thing is to write. We often use wrong words and sentences. Can you help us ? How can we improve our English? Please give us some useful advice. Thank you very much. Write to me soon. Yours Fang Hua 信息点与承接词的关系信息点与承接词的关系 信息点是珠子,承接词是线,用线 把珠子串连起来就是一条熠熠生辉 、优雅华贵的项链。单独看某一方 就成为一条破绳子,一堆烂珠子。 如何写好好人好事的结尾 be proud of speak highly of follow ones example come true 你如何写结尾你如何写结尾 近年中考写作的特色:描述近年中考写作的特色:描述+ +看法看法/ /感想感想 1.写这类作文要求同学们先审题,弄清图示 情境中的故事梗概。审题的内涵较广,不 仅只对作文题的审视,也包括审视写作提 示词、主题句、图以及对作文字数的要求 。审题一旦出现偏误,就会“差之毫厘, 谬以千里”。大部分同学不会写作,主要 原因是不会审题, 通过审题, 抓取有效信 息。考题在描述上是有限定的, 发表看法 及感想是自由发挥的。 范文范文1 1: 在日常生活中你主动帮助你的父母做家务 活吗?请你根据提示用英语写一篇80字左 右的短文,描述你平时所作家务以及你对 家务的看法。 提示:1.扔垃圾 2. 扫地 3. 帮助妈妈做饭 4.洗衣服 5. 为花浇水 6. 饭后洗碗 要求:语句通畅,语法正确。 不得逐句翻译。 学生的优秀范文学生的优秀范文 (1515分)分) AS we all know, Its important to help parents do housework during our daily life. I often help them do housework. I throw the rubbish away and clean the floor in the morning. I help my mother cook the lunch . I always wash clothes for my family. My parents are very happy. Besides, Watering the flowers is also my duty. I like them very much and take good care of them. After supper, I always wash dishes . I think it can make my parents feel more enjoyable after work. In a word, the more housework I do, the happier my parents will be.(即总括又阐 明看法) 学生的优秀范文学生的优秀范文 (1515分)分) 天津市书面表达考题天津市书面表达考题 日前,由教育部,国家体育总局,共青团中 央联合举办“全国亿万少年阳光体育运 动” 启动仪式,其影响巨大,意义深远.你 在本校参加了此项活动,请根据表格中 所给信息写一篇英语短文. 天津市书面表达考题天津市书面表达考题 内容感想 1.学校师生收看了启动 仪式; 2.开展了一个小时的集 体体育活动,如;跑步,做 操,打篮球等 1.锻炼有利于强 健身体; 2. 运动使大脑休 息,学习效率更高. 3. 每天锻炼一小 时,幸福生活一辈 子. 注意: 1. 词数80100 个左右. 2.短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数. 3.短文须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐句 翻译,可适当加入细节,可适度发挥,使 短文通顺,连贯. 4. 文中不得使用真实姓名,校名. 书面表达考题书面表达考题 书面表达考题书面表达考题 参考词汇: the launching ceremony 启动仪式 build up ones body strength 强身健体 More effective 效果更好 “Millions of young students nationwide sports sunshine” launched on April 29, 2007.The teachers and students in our school were organized to watch the launching ceremony . 学生优秀范文学生优秀范文 (1515分)分) After that, all of us went to the playground. We had different kinds of sports that we liked for an hour. Some took part in running, some played basketball and football, and some did exercises. We enjoyed doing sports so much that we all forgot the time. We really had a good time. 学生优秀范文学生优秀范文 (1515分)分) Doing sports is very good for us. It helps to build up our body strength, Besides, our brains can have a good rest after doing sports. So our study can be more effective. So why not join us ? Doing sports an hour everyday, you can have a happier and better life. 优秀范文讲评优秀范文讲评 讲评: 该文结构严谨, 思维清晰,在内容及 感想间使用了不同的时态;一般过去时 及一般现在时,发挥适度,长句短句交叉 使用,句式赋于变化,用词得体,有很强的 可读性, 文章的开头与结尾相互呼应,浑 然一体,使主体得以升华.做到了 naturally and clearly. 好人好事好人好事 假如你叫小明。下面的图图画讲讲述了你和一位男孩在 上周一发发生的事情。请请根据图图画写出一篇日记记。日 记记的开头头已经给经给 出 Go to school Saw fall off Carry to Visit with Be fine thank 看图作文看图作文 Who was lying on the ground? What happened to the boy? When did it happen? Where
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