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Notting Hill (诺丁山) Heroine Julia Roberts (朱莉娅 罗伯茨 ),one of the most beautiful woman with charming smile in the world. In the movie, she also played a very famous actress, Anna Scott ,who fell in love with an ordinary man, William Thacker . Hero Hugh Grant (休格兰特 ), an famous actor from the United Kingdom, he is a gentleman. In the movie, he is an extraordinary man , William Thacker ,who is eager to get true love from Anna Scott . Movie plot (电影剧情) A bland wednesday, Anna and William met inside the bookstore of William, shortly after Anna left the bookstore, William help his colleague to buy drinks , he met Anna once again , but,he accidentally put a cup of drink which was spilled on the Anna body . William felt guilty , so he invited Anna to home to clean dirty clothes. Since then,they began a period of fairy-tale journey of love. Some classical lines in the film The most I think about things, the more I see no rhyme of reason in life. No one knows why some things work out and some things dont. 人生不如意时常八九。 没人知道为什么有些事 能解决,有些事却不能 。 Dont forget Im also just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her. 别忘了,我也是一个普 通的女孩子,站在心爱 的人面前,求他爱她。 Thank You
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