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三年级英语下册第七单元练习 3姓名 班级 知识回顾一、本周教学内容:1. 学习对话 dialogue (2) (3) (4)2. 语音知识Oo 读音二、重点、难点:1. 编对话2. Oo 字母在单词中的读音。教学过程:1. 复习常用单词:come to school (work)walk to school every day. be bike / bus / train / plane on foot 2. 复习句型:How do you come to school? How does your mother go to work? 3. learn the dialogue. (1)儿子在和爸爸聊天Son: Do you often go to Shanghai, Dad? Dad: Yes. Son: How do you go? By train or by plane? Dad: By train. 代读 译文(2)白露在问鲍勃有关他父母的一些情况Bai Lu: How does your father go to work? Bob: By bike. Bai Lu: How about your mother? By bike, too? Bob: No. She walks to work. 代读 理解中文(3)周末,白露在爷爷家见到一张照片,她指着照片中的人问Bai Lu: Whos he, Grandpa? Grandpa: Hes Mr Green. Bai Lu: Where is be from? Grandpa: America. Bai Lu: Does he often come to see you? Grandpa: Yes, he does. Bai Lu: How does he come? Grandpa: Sometimes by bus, sometimes by bike. 代读,理解中文4. 语音:(1)o: on dog box clock office often lot hot fox wrong orange trolley (2)Oo: no hope code tope lone ubone not hop cod top long box (3)pot, a hot pot, Thats a hot pot. clock,on the clockWhats on the clock? 老师代读,音标及单词,用升调降调,请同学们看以下单词:go got not note so song rot rote mop mope lope lop Oo 字母在单词中有两种读音,这两种我们叫它开音节、闭音节,读元音字母 u叫开音节。读元音字母 叫闭音节,你们会找出哪个是开音节吗?我们学习几个涉及时间的习惯用语。(1)on time 准时的(2)from time to time 偶尔(3)times up 时间到了(4)in time 及时(5)in no time 很快的(6)at times 有时(7)buy time 争取时间(8)kill time 消磨时间(9)press the time 时间不足孩子们,我们每天出入各个场所都需要乘坐交通工具。如果你想知道朋友们怎样上学、上班,该如何表达呢?How do you go to school (work)? 学会了吧!请你们问问父母,亲戚和朋友吧!那么对第三人称如何做问答呢?How does Mary go to school? She goes to school by bike. 助动词要用 does, 在回答时,行为动词后加 s, es或去 y 加 ies. (1)一般情况下加 s(清辅音后读s 浊辅音后读 z元音后读z )如:works, stops, asks, looks, gets, sitsplays, comes, sings, rains, begins. (2)以 ce 为结尾的动词加 s 后读-siz如 dances. (3)以 o 结尾的词加 es, 读z如 does, goes. (4)以 ch, s, sh, ss, x 为结尾的词加 es,读iz如:catches, watches, washes, kisses, misses, passes, fixes. 5. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,变 y 为 i 加 es,读z 如:studystudies, carry carries,trytries一般现在时构成肯定句 第三人称单数行为动词加 s 或 esMary goes to school by bike. I go to work by bus. We go to work by subway. 否定句 单数第三人称谓语(行为动词)加助动词 doesnt(does not)动词原形。Mary doesnt go to school by bike. We dont come to work by trolley bus. 疑问句形式Do you walk to school? Yes, I do. (No, I dont)Does he go to work by bike? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. 以上句型请同学们多读、多练习几遍,将第三人称单数的重点句型记住。模拟试题(答题时间:40 分钟)ListeningI. Listen and circle. 1. go got 2. not note3. so song 4. rot rote5. mop mope 6. lope lop7. so over 8. office oftenII. Listen and tick: 1. I go to school _ every day. A. by bike B. by bus C. by subway2. Mrs Zhang goes to work _ every morning. A. by subway B. by trolley bus C. by taxi 3. A: How does Li Ping come home? B: _. A. By taxi B. By bike C. By train 4. A: Do you often go to _, Mr Wu? B: Yes, I do. A. New York B. Paris C. LondonIII. Listen and number. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV. Listen and choose the answer. ( )1. A. I come to school by bus. B. I go to the park by subway. C. My mother goes to work by bike. ( )2. A. I walk to school everyday. B. Tom doesnt walk to school. C. Yes, I do. ( )3. A. Lucy goes to Shanghai by train. B. She comes to Beijing by plane. C. She goes to school by bus. Writing I. 将下列词组译成中文:1. every day ( ) 2. come to school ( ) 3. by subway( ) 4. How about ? ( )5. trolley bus ( ) 6. go home ( )7. go to work ( ) 8. go to school ( )II. 选择填空:1. I _ to school by bus. (come, comes)2. He _ to school by bike. (go, goes)3. She _ to work on foot. (go, goes)4. We _ to school. (walk, walks)5. They _ to school by subway. (come, comes)6. Lily and Tom _ to school _ foot. (come, on comes, by )III. 完成下列对话:(A)A: Do you often _ to Shanghai, Mum? B: Yes. A: How _ you go there? _ train or by plane? B: By plane. (B)A: How _ your father _ to work? B: _ foot. A: How about your mother? _ foot, too? B: No. She _ to work _bike. 【试题答案】ListeningI. Listen and circle. 1. go got 2. not note3. so song 4. rot rote5. mop mope 6. lope lop7. so over 8. office oftenII. Listen and tick: 1. I go to school _ every day. (B)A. by bike B. by bus C. by subway原:I go to school by bus. 2. Mrs Zhang goes to work _ every morning. (C)A. by subway B. by trolley bus C. by taxi 原:Mrs Zhang goes to work by taxi every day. 3. A: How does Li Ping come home? (B )B: _. A. By taxi B. By bike C. By train 原:How does Li Ping come home? By bike.4. A: Do you often go to _, Mr Wu? (A)B: Yes, I do. A. New York B. Paris C. London原:A. Do you often go to New York, Mr Wu? B. Yes, I do. III. Listen and number. () () () ()() () () ()bus trolley bus car bikesubway train plane shipIV. Listen and choose the answer. (A)1. A. I come to school by bus. B. I go to the park by subway. C. My
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