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23.图书影视介绍,文体概述 图书影视介绍一般包括图书或影片中的故事背景(setting)、故事情节(plot)、人物角色(character),最后要发表一下自己的观点(opinion)。对作品做出评价时,我们可以从一个情节和人物形象或一个场面等方面着手。注意事项: 1. 主要是一般现在时,也可根据需要灵活使用其他时态。 2. 以第一和第三人称为主。 3. 使用恰当的过渡词。,常用语块 1. 由执导 _ 2. 极其吸引某人 _ 3. 文化元素 _ 4. 文化背景 _ 5. 涉及的话题范围很广_,cover a wide range of topics,directed by,attract sb. a lot,cultural elements,cultural background,6. 和某物的大小一样_ 7. 最新的版本 _ 8. 为专门准备的_ 9. 精确的语言 _ 10. 丰富的内容 _,abundant contents,be of the same size as sth.,the latest edition,be intended for,accurate language,11. 适合某人 _ 12. 对痴迷 _ 13. 特技/特效 _ 14. 国际电影节 _ 15. 纪录片/喜剧片/恐怖片/武侠片/伦理片/爱情片 _,documentary film/comedy/horror movie/ swordsmen film/ethical film/affectional film,be suitable for sb.,be crazy about,special effects,international film festival,套用句式 1. 这些天我在读一本叫做简爱(Jane Eyre)的书,这本书极大地吸引了我。 2.海底总动员(Finding Nemo),由安德鲁斯坦顿(Andrew Stanton)执导,背景是澳大利亚大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)。,1. These days I am reading a book whose title is Jane Eyre, which attracts me a lot.,2. Finding Nemo, directed by Andrew Stanton, is set off the Australian coast in the Great Barrier Reef.,3.虎妈战歌在2010年出版,书的作者是一名美籍华人耶鲁大学的教授Amy Chua。,3. A book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, whose writer Amy Chua is a Chinese American and professor in Yale University, was published in 2010.,5.2012是美国的一部著名电影,上个月在中国开始上映。,4. 我最喜欢的是一部名叫英雄的动作片,这部电影是著名导演张艺谋执导,由李连杰、章子怡、陈道明等人主演。,4. My favorite movie is Hero, an action film, which is directed by famous director Zhang Yimou and starring Li Lianjie, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Daoming and so on.,5. 2012 is a famous movie made in the USA, which was showed in China last month.,习作修改(做短文改错,背经典范文) Finding Nemo, directing by Andrew Stanton, is set off the Australian coast in the Great Barrier Reef. Marlin is the clownish fish and he is a single parent. He have a son named Nemo, who is really brave. The other character is Dory, who becomes a friend of Marlins. One day, until Nemo is alone, he is caught up by human.,directed,a,has,when,Then Nemo father meets Dory, a friendly fish, who offers help. Together they set out to look Nemo. And at last, they succeed. The picture in the film are great and the story is very moved. It is a brilliant film for all to enjoy them.,Nemos,pictures,moving,1. directing directed因Finding Nemo与direct在逻辑上是被动关系,要用过去分词。 2. the a因为clownish fish在此首次出现,表示泛指,用不定冠词。 3. have hashe是第三人称单数,谓语动词也要用单数。 4. until when根据上下逻辑关系可知,用表示“当时”的when才符合逻辑。 5. 去掉caught后面的up表示“抓住”直接用catch,不用up。,6. Nemo Nemos修饰名词father,应用所有格作定语。 7. 在look后加for look for为固定搭配,意为“寻找”。 8. Picture pictures根据后面的are可知此处应用复数形式。 9. moved moving修饰物,应用moving,moved用于修饰人,表示“(人)感到感动的”。 10. 去掉them动词不定式to enjoy作定语修饰film,构成动宾关系。,课堂练习 假定你是李华,最近你的美国朋友Tom发来邮件,希望你给他推荐一本书。请根据以下信息给他回复邮件。要点如下: 1. 你推荐的书名及作者。 2. 该书的主要内容。 3. 从该书中你学到了什么。 注意:1. 词数100左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。,Dear Tom, I am glad to share with you one of my favorite books. These days I am reading a book whose title is Jane Eyre, which attracts me a lot. The books writer is called Charlotte Bronte, who was born in England in 1816. Actually Jane Eyre is a book whose theme is of love. In the story, Jane Eyre lived a hard life, but she was self-confident and perseverant.,In her heart, there is always a mind that if you hold a belief and stick to it, you will eventually achieve your dream. From the book Jane Eyre, I have learnt a lot, which will push me further in my life. I believe I can make my dream come true if I stick to it. And I hope you like it as well. Yours, Li Hua,课外作业 假定你是李华,最近你的美国朋友Peter发来邮件,他为了了解中国文化,希望你给他推荐一部中国电影。请你根据以下信息给他回复邮件,要点如下: 1. 你推荐的电影及其导演。 2. 该电影的主要内容。 3. 推荐该电影的理由。 注意:1. 词数100左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。,Dear Peter, I am glad to share with you one of my favorite movie. My favorite movie is Hero, an action film, which is directed by famous director Zhang Yimou and starring Li Lianjie, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Daoming and so on. The film is set after what happened in the late period of the Warring States and it mainly tells us a story that the King of Qin, the largest of six Chinese states, is trying to conquer an empire. To resist him, three men try to kill the King of Qin.,For one thing, the beautiful language in this movie may contribute to your study of Chinese in listening, speaking and writing. For another thing, the cultural elements will equip you with foreign cultural background and, above all, enrich your daily life. Yours, Li Hua,
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