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释义学主题的转换及其三种历史形态述评(The conversion of the theme of Hermeneutics and its three historical forms)The conversion of the theme of Hermeneutics and its three historical formsauthor Zhao MingHermeneutics is a long history of science, and philosophical hermeneutics is almost the most young genre in modern philosophy, has a great distance between the name of many schools of philosophy and purpose so we cant literally pass directly to philosophical hermeneutics as interpretation of the bearing, but also we should not arbitrarily take two separate. From the earliest definitions to philosophical hermeneutics, it has undergone several thematic changes and evolution.OneThe Latin root of paraphrase is Hermes, translated by Hemmers. In ancient Greek mythology, Hemmers was the messenger of the gods to convey information to mankind, and he also acted as an interpreter, so that the will of the gods became clear and meaningful. Later, Hemmers extended the meaning of interpretation, explanation and interpretation. The formation of this sense of the definition, refers to the establishment of a correct interpretation of the rules and methods, in order to reveal the classic original, especially by the language you can understand the interpretation of the Bible in the mind of God to be clear, so the interpretation is about how to correctly understand and interpretation of technical theory and, rhetoric, philology, philology, there are no clear boundaries between the science of exegesis.In medieval Europe, religious society gradually occupy the dominant position, how to interpret the Bible is very important, therefore produced a number of specialized industry people, interpretation has gradually become an independent learning. Because the object of interpretation is mainly the Bible, the purpose of interpretation is to serve the social rule of religion, so the earliest hermeneutics is theological hermeneutics.Because of the development of history and the change of religion, many different interpretations of the Bible have appeared. Theologians believe that this is due to the disunity of interpretation methods. In order to keep God in order to maintain the consistency of reduced to fragments, the interpretation of the Christian world, researchers put their eyes on is said to be the oldest and most authentic Hebrew Bible manuscript copy, trying to find that common mode of interpretation, and thus to the absolute truth. They believe with confidence that it is possible to reveal the only thing that is right, sacred, and absolute.In twelfth Century eleven, the formation of scholastic philosophy, rigorous textual research of text, meaning, judgment and reasoning, in order to deeply understand and grasp the classics, philosophy research is highly respected, allusive, detailed and thorough annotation of argumentation, this philosophy is called complicated philosophy. But scholasticism did not leave the history of philosophy, the interior is also not only a tone, French theologian and philosopher father Abelard views quite worthy of our attention. As a clergyman, he expresses his great devotion to God and religion in his writings, but he advocates the constant exploration and understanding of the truth of faith, rather than humbly accepting the paradoxical authoritative interpretation. He wrote yes or no, and put forward one hundred and fifty-six theological topics, each of which has two opinions: affirmative and negative. These views are extracted from the works of apostles and fathers recognized by the church and are equally authoritative. Abelard does not want to deny the rationality of authoritative opinions, but he felt that he should ask is ordinary or other rules, rules with time and reason, he believes that if the words are not understood is meaningless. His bold remarks did not produce the effect of wavering beliefs, as he accused them of. Of course, in scholastic philosophy does not allow negation in the interpretation before Gods intention absolute existence. But Abelard gave us a message: interpretation means that we can be different from each other, and even the interpretation rules should not only have a model.Rise of the Renaissance, promoted to the Chinese classics and ancient Greek civilization in the interpretation of the problem, gradually expanded to the entire ancient culture, but with the interpretation of the principles and methods of Theological Hermeneutics to history, law, literature spread, it cannot self contradictions exposed by the interpretation: since objects previously exist,Then it should not be different according to the different interpretations; the fact is that the interpretation can only interpret the object of interpretation from the specific meaning of its own. Theological Hermeneutics meets the difficult question: is interpretation a creative activity? This is impossible to answer in the context of theological hermeneutics.TwoInstead of Theo
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