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,Unit3 Holiday fun,museum palace bund square,Pay attention to these words:,如果你看到的是单词,请你大声的,迅速的读出单词。如果你看到的是图片,请你拍着手大声的说“Go! Go! Lets go!”,Lets play!,the Great Wall 长城,the Tiananmen Square 天安门广场,the Bund 外滩,the Summer Palace 颐和园,the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆,the Palace Museum 故宫,Where did you go for the holiday? I went to,What did you do there? I,Did you ? Yes,I did.No,I didnt,Lets talk!,小组在一起讨论,选择下列句型做成对话!,did not,How was you holiday? It was goodgreat funwonderful.,the National Day Holiday,the National Day,the National Day holiday,Task1:Lets ask and answer!,观看完动画后,小组集体讨论,根据课文对话,选择“what did?”,”where did?”或者why did?“,”How was“这些疑问词来进行提问,当然你也可以用一般疑问句:Did.?来进行提问。其他小组在听清问题后可以举手回答。,Where does Liu Taos aunt live?,Where did Liu Tao go in shanghai?,She lives in Shanghai.,He went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum.,go,Task2: Answer the questions.,You can see many old things in the museum.,Where did Mike go for the holiday?,Did Mike catch a big fish?,Why did Mike call Liu Tao?,He and his familly went to a farm near Star Lake.,Yes, he did. He caught a big fish.,Because he wanted to give Liu Tao the fish.,want,came werent- visited- did- went- saw- picked- caught- ate- didnt =,Task 3: 写出下列动词过去式的原形.,come,arent,visit,do,go,see,pick,catch,eat,did not,Task 4: Read and show!,在两分钟的练习时间里,小组可以选择自己喜欢的方式大声地练习读课文,例如:分角色朗读或者集体齐读。随后老师会选取小组进行展示。,Task5:Lets show and retell!,看着自己做的思维导图小组成员在一起讨论,练习复述课文。,The students_ _ to school after _ _ _ _. Liu Tao and Mike are talking about their _. In the holiday,Liu Tao went to_and _ _ _.He went to the_and the _ _.He saw many _ _. Mike went to a_.He picked some_and went_ . He_ a_ _.,came,back,the,National,day,holiday,holiday,Shanghai,visited,his,aunt,Bund,Shanghai,Museum,interesting,things,farm,oranges,fishing,caught,big,fish,Task 6: Fill in the blanks.,利用本节课你学会的句型,小组讨论练习,用对话的形式分享你这个假期的旅游经历。,Lets enjoy(分享) your travelling!,Let me recommend! 让我来推荐!,Lets go to ! I thinkis goodnicebeautiful. You can seein.,好东西要学会分享哦!,I love China!,Homework:,Listen to the tape and read the dialogue three times.Try to recite it. Make a dialogue with your partner.,
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