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2014山东高职对口单招考试英语模拟试题22(含答案)B Panopticon is a place in which everything is in full view of others A recent New York Times House and Home article featured the story of a man who lives in a glass houseEvery wall in his home is transparent; he has no walls to hide behind, not even in the bathroomOf course, he lives in a remote area where he doesnt exactly have neighbors looking in and watching his every moveBut he has chosen to live without any physical privacy in a home that allows every action to be seenHe has created his own panopticon of sorts The term panopticon was coined by Jeremy Bentham in the late eighteenth century when he was describing an idea for how prisons should be designedThe prisoners cells would be placed in a circle with a guard tower in the middleAll walls facing the center of the circle would be glassIn that way, every prisoners cell would be in full view of the guardsThe prisoners could do nothing unobserved, but the prisoners would not be able to see the guard towerThey would know they were being watched - or rather, they would know that they could be being watchedbut because they could not see the observer, they would never know when the guard was actually monitoring their actions Similarly, it is common that people behave differently when they know they are being watchedWe act differently when we know someone is looking; we act differently when we think someone else might be lookingIn these situations, we are less likely to be ourselves; instead, we will act the way we think we should act when we are being observed by others In our wired society, many talk of the panopticon as a metaphor (隐喻) for the futureBut in many ways, the panopticon is already hereMonitoring cameras are everywhere, and we often dont even know our actions are being recordedIn addition, we leave a record of everything we do onlineAnd most of us have no idea just how much information about us has been recorded and how much data is available to various sourcesWe can do little to stop the information gathering and exchange and can only hope to be able to control the damage if something goes wrong59According to the passage, a panopticon is Aa prison cell Ba house that is transparent Ca tower that provides a broad view Da place where everything can be seen by others60From Paragraph 3, we learn that panopticon Ais not applicable outside the prison Bis used everywhere in public places Cis an effective tool to control prisoners Dis an effective tool to share information61Why does the author say that panopticon is already here? ABecause our privacy is completely transparentBBecause we are all prisoners m our own homesCBecause our actions are observed and recorded in many casesDBecause we are always afraid that someone might be watching us62A key difference between prison panopticon and panopticon in our daily life is that Aprisoners can see their observers, but we cant Bprisoners know that they may be being watched, but we often dont Cprisoners are more protected in their panopticon than we are in ours Dprisoners are less observed about privacy issues than technology usersC I want to talk about the economyNot the economy we hear about endlessly in the news each day and in politicians speechesI want to talk about the real economy, the one we live in day by day Most people arent particularly interested in the economyShare prices are flying high; interest rates are soaring; the Dow Jones Index closed sixty-three points down on 847235 We hear this and subconsciously switch off Notice that the economy is not the same as the economy, The economy is what men in suits play with to make vast personal wealthThe economy is where the rest of us live on a daily basis, earning our living, paying our taxes, and purchasing the necessities of life We are supposed to be benefiting from all the advantages of a well-off societySo why do we feel tired and stressed? We have no time for anything other than work, which is ridiculous given the number of labor-saving devices in our livesOur towns become more and more crowdedWe poison our air and seas, and our food is full of chemicalsTheres something wrong hereIf times were truly good, then you may think wed all feel optimistic about the futureYet the majority of us are deeply worriedMore than 90 percent of us think we are too concerned about ourselves and not concerned enough about future generations The term economic expansion suggests something desirable, but expansion simply means spending more moneyMore spending doesnt mean that life is getting betterWe all know it often means the opposite - greed, crime, poverty, pollutionMore spending merely feeds our whole economic system, which is based on production and consumption
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