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interests, and is related to the good life in the future, to a greater degree to arouse the enthusiasm of the vast numbers of people plunge into the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, rally, displayed a creative, and strive to achieve common goals. SARS and bird flu this sudden disaster, with Hu Jintao as General Secretary of the new party leadership of Comrade collective, always put the health and safety of the people in the first place, has adopted a series of major decisions and measures. Key moments, party and national leaders risked risk, visit line command, always and people through thick and thin, its heart earnestly, its meaning kind, full reflected has party on people of care of love, again once confirmed has we party is party, and ruling for people of party, is and people heart, and sharing weal and woe, and faithful representative they fundamental interests of party; again once showed that we party completely can led people achieved full construction society of struggle target, from victory to new of victory. Three represents thought deeply reveals our partys party power base, a source of strength in the end is that peoples support and advocacy, . 3, follow-up to the care of people living to take development as the top priority in the work for the realization of assuming power for the people creating the necessary material conditions. The Communist Manifesto, the increase in overall productivity as quickly as possible as a proletarian political parties after seizing power in an extremely important task came, called for the proletarian Party devoted to economic and social development. Leaving development and assuming power for the people, is talking and assuming power for the people. Take development as the top priority, which is an important condition for assuming power for the people and the fundamental way, is also the historical responsibility of the ruling Communist Party. Development is the key to solving all problems in China, embody the advanced nature of the party and the superiority of the Socialist system by development, solve the contradiction of socialist society, promoting the development of Chinas economic and social progress depends. History of the party should take to promote Chinas social progress responsibilities and achieve the purpose of assuming power for the people, it must always hold fast to the primary task of development. Coordinate the interests of all parties, focusing on disadvantaged groups, towards assuming power for the people and create a stable social environment. China is now in a period of social transformation and socio-economic relationships and social structure is undergoing significant and profound changes. People of different classes have different interests. Therefore, must be based on the present situation of the power for the people, reflects correctly and properly handle contradictions among the various stakeholders, to identify the most effective ways to integrate and coordinate the interests of different social strata and groups, conditions permitting, to satisfy the interests党政领导干部公开选拔标准模拟试卷标准模拟试卷一一、单项选择题(下列各题所给选项中只有一个符合题意的正确答案,答错、不答或多答均不得分。本部分共30题,每题1分,共30分。)1.胡锦涛在“三个代表”重要思想理论研讨会上的讲话指出,衡量有没有真正学懂、是不是真心实践“三个代表”重要思想最重要的标志是()。A是否坚持理论与实践相结合来学习B是否在实践学习中不断进行理论创新C是否牢牢把握立党为公、执政为民D是否牢牢把握“三个代表”重要思想的内在联系2.“三个代表”重要思想是立党之本、执政之基、力量之源。“三个代表”表明中国共产党()。是中国工人阶级的先锋队组织领导地位的确立是中国革命发展的必然结果以马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论为指导思想根本宗旨是全心全意为人民服务ABCD3.中国共产党要始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,就是党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策和各项工作,必须努力符合生产力发展的规律,体现不断推进社会生产力的解放和发展的要求,尤其要体现推动先进生产力发展的要求,通过发展生产力不断提高人民群众的生活水平。从经济常识的角度,体现()。A社会主义本质和根本任务B建设中国特色社会主义C以经济建设为中心的基本目标D建立和发展社会主义市场经济4举世瞩目的西气东输工程2002年7月4日全线开工。这条能源大动脉,西起新疆轮南,经过甘肃、宁夏进人陕西,在陕西的靖边与长庆气田连接,再穿越黄河经由山西、河南、安徽、江苏、浙江,东抵上海,把塔里木盆地含量丰富的天然气源源不断地送抵我国经济最发达的东南沿海地区。该工程是我国进人新世纪后启动的最大工程,投资规模不亚于三峡工程。“西气东输”工程经过的西部地区是()。新疆内蒙古甘肃宁夏青海陕西山西ABCD6、对满足社会需要而必须提供的公共服务,政府不能“错位”,主要是说()。A政府的宏观调控应做到及时、准确、有效B政府必须满足社会各个领域的需要C社会经济的发展离不开国家的计划管理D政府对经济的管理主要是经济手段和法律手段6国家对社会成员的基本生活给予物质保证的社会安全制度是()A按劳分配制度B按需分配制度C社会保障制度D平均分配制度7确定我国经济体制改革目标的核心问题是正确认识和处理()A改革和开放的关系B计划和市场的关系C发展和稳定的关系D速度和效益的关系8在赈灾义演中,甲乙表演了丙创作并发表的小品亲情,因义演也是营利性的,所以甲、乙()。A应经丙许可并向丙支付报酬B可以不经丙许可,但应向丙支付报酬C可不经丙许可也不用向丙支付报酬D对丙不产生任何义务9关于法律溯及力,我国刑法规定()。A从旧原则B从新原则C从轻原则D从旧兼从轻原则10立法监督是()。A中国共产党的监督B社会及舆论的监督C国家权力机关的监督D,人民法院和人民检察院的监督11我国刑法对共同犯罪中的犯罪分子分为()A主犯、胁从犯、预备犯、教唆犯B首犯、胁从犯、未遂犯、帮助犯C,主犯、实行犯、帮助犯、从犯D主犯、从犯、胁从犯、教唆犯12国务院研究室是典型的()。A行政决策中枢系统B行政决策信息系统C行政决策咨询系统D,行政决策审批控制系统13当前我国政府机构改革的重点是()。A精兵简政B提高办事效率C转变政府职能D理顺关系14发展全社会卫生体育事业属于政府的()A文化B社会C政治D经济15会议纪要是会议文件的一种,以下关于会议纪要的标题说法正确的是()A标题需写明会议名称与文种B标题需写明发文机关名称、事由与文种C标题需写明会议名称、事由、文种D可以采用一般文章标题的形式,在标题中简要明确地揭示中心思想16联合行文标注发文机关时,标在前面的机关是()。A上级的B组织序列表中靠前的C主办的D其他系统的17下列关于公文的抄送机关的说法,正确的一项是()。A请示上报的同时不得抄送下级机关B公文的抄送机关可以再次将公文转抄转送其他机关C可以将公文抄送给
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