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$ Top of M/Vision Define File: 5442 lines$ Composite Material Test Data Schema (CMTDS) $ Database Schema Development Committee for Composites (DSDCC)$ Rich Fields, Lockheed Martin E&M, Chair$ fieldsslr.orl.mmc.com, 407.356.5842 phone, 407.356.9228 fax$ Tom Kipp, MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, Secretary$ tom.kippmacsch.com, 714.444.5060 phone, 714.545.9434 fax$ Version: 1.0, 1996-02-02$ Editor: Rich Fields$ Previously Distributed Versions:$ 1995-09-08 beta-1 review$ 1995-03-24 pre-beta draft$ 1995-01-26 alpha review$ 1995-01-04 pre-alpha draft$ 1994-11-30 proposal$ 1994-09-17 initial committee draft$ PREFACE:$ -$ The Committee requests of any that change or modify this file that this$ header also be changed to clearly distinguish the changed file from the$ original file distributed by the Committee.$ This work builds on the previous work of this Committee while incorporating$ concepts advanced by ASTM E-49, ASTM D-30, and MIL-HDBK-17.$ This schema is provided by the Committee as a free service to the composites$ industry and to others interested in material property databases. Each user$ is expected to evaluate the suitability of the schema for his/her own$ uses; the Committee makes no warranties that this schema is fit for any$ particular purpose.$ Version 1.0 incorporates, to the greatest extent possible, the comments$ made by DSDCC members on pre-release drafts as well as the results of$ assigned actions to several Committee members to create Value Set Tables.$ While additional work remains to be completed, this version is significant in$ that it represents a consensus of opinion among a diverse group of$ US aerospace composites experts on how to create a database for storing raw$ composite material test data. Comments on the schema are encouraged and$ should be directed to either the Chair or the Secretary as listed above.$ There are currently 555 attributes and another 49 graphs in 10 relations$ (plus the SOURCE relation and three PROPERTY tables). There are another$ 386 proposed non-mechanical attributes and 7 graphs documented in an$ Appendix, that have not yet been organized into the schema proper.$ TABLE OF CONTENTS:$ -$ (Page numbers are correct for a format of 92 lines per page. Create a$ properly formatted PostScript print file for US A-sized paper using$ the Unix command enscript -fCourier6.9.)$ Preface/Table of Contents .1$ Schema Goals .2$ Changes Since Previous Version .3$ Outstanding Issues .4$ Current Default Database Units .5$ Miscellaneous Notes .6$ The Schema .7$ The Attributes Listed By Relation .8$ MATERIAL Relation.8$ DESIGNATION Relation .10$ CONSTITUENT Relation .11$ PREPREG Relation .18$ PROCESS Relation .19$ BATCH Relation .23$ ACCEPTANCE Relation .24$ MOLDING Relation .26$ ENVIRONMENT Relation .31$ COUPON Relation .34$ SOURCE Relation .43$ MECHANICAL Property Table .44$ HYGROTHERMAL Property Table .53$ PHYSICAL Property Table .54$ Other Property Tables .55$ Relation Definitions.56$ A: Proposed ATTRIBUTE new additions .60$ B: ASTM E1309/E1471/E1434 ATTRIBUTE Correlation .67$ C: Schema Diagnostic Messages .68$ SCHEMA GOALS:$ -$ A single, industry-standard ASTM/MIL-HDBK-17 compliant database schema for$ archival of composite material property test data, to provide maximum$ portability of data between database users in different organizations. In$ order to service a reasonably broad set of needs, the schema has grown$ beyond the size where it will be commonly used in its entirety. It has now$ become, as much as anything, an encyclopedia of accepted attributes for the$ complete characterization of composite materials. New M/Vision tools make$ this feasible, as a database based on this schema can be loaded with the$ desired attribute types, and the unused attributes subsequently automatically$ pared away.$ The focus of the DSDCC is currently restricted to M/V
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