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Further discussion about Chinese education,Outline,Brief introduction General analysis of the text Contrast between western and Chinese education The exploration of educational reform”Weichang class” The current situation of education in China,教,教:甲骨文的“教”字是个会意字,其右是一只手拿了一条教鞭(或是棍子),左下方是个“子”(小孩),“子”上面的两个叉是被教鞭抽打的象征性符号。东汉许慎说文解字将其释为“上所施,下所效也。” 意即我们今天所说的“教育”。,What is the aims of education?,Prepared us to think about the natural world Knowledge in basic skills, academics, techniques, discipline, citizenship Develop the knowledge, skill, or character of students A quality education is custom design that addresses the unique abilities of each student and has a positive emotional experience,“what we should aim at producing is men who possess both culture and expert knowledge in some special direction.” -Alfred North Whitehead,Alfred North Whitehead,Alfred North Whitehead (15 February 1861 30 December 1947) an English mathematician and philosopher. He wrote on algebra, logic, foundations of mathematics, philosophy of science, physics, metaphysics, and education. Whitehead supervised the doctoral dissertations of Bertrand Russell and Willard Van Orman Quine, thus influencing logic and virtually all of analytic philosophy. He co-authored the epochal Principia Mathematica with Russell and later the metaphysical treatise Process and Reality.,赞可夫(,19011977) The principle of implementing education with high challenge; The principle of implementing education with high speed; The principle of the importance of theoretical knowledge; The principle of making Ss understand the process of learning; The principle of making all Ss receive the general development;,Dewey , American educator, the representative of pragmatism education Life is development, and the interrupted development is life. So the best education is to learn from life, learn from experience. Education has to provide Ss the sufficient life capital.,In this selection, Whitehead sets forth his views on education and stresses the need to recognize the interdependence among various disciplines and to avoid the narrowness of perspective that he felt characterizes much of a university education. The selection can be seen as composed of two parts. In the first part whitehead clarifies some key nations concerning education, and in the second he presents his commandments.,Organization and Development,Part One: (P1- 3) clarifying some key notions concerning education Part Two: (P4 - 9) presenting his commandments/instructions/advice,Para.1 - Distinction between culture and training Culture refers to the cultivation of the ability to think, to make discovery, which is ultimate aim of education. Training refers to the acquisition of skills and information, which is part of education, but not the most essential part;,Para. 2-3 - Inert ideas are not only useless but even harmful to education Schools of learning, overladen with inert ideas, exhibit pedantryand routine. Women, who are uneducated and thus not infected with inert ideas, are the more cultured part of their community. Intellectual revolutions fail to have the desired effect whey they, in their turn, bind humanity with inert ideas of their own fashion.,Para. 4 - Two educational commandments Do not teach too many subjects. What you teach, teach thoroughly. Para. 5 - Ideas should be combined and put into application,Para. 6 - The understanding provided by the literary side of education: the joining of ideas Whitehead emphasize the importance of the present. The present is where ideas are connected; it is the hall of meeting for all the past saints and the point of departure of the future.,Para. 7- 8 - The understanding provided by the scientific side of education: the proof of ideas; proposition should be used in combination Para. 9 - The relation between theory and utilization,Three common notions,Culture normally defined as education or a set of beliefs that shared by members of a community, is defined by whitehead as activity of thought, etc. In contrast with informedness, culture means the ability to think, to judge, and to create.,Understanding not just logical analysis, but in the sense it is used in the French proverb “To understand all is to forgive all.” Prove not just to show the truth of some idea, but the worth of it.,The school bus driver heart attack and coma(昏迷) American children calm self-help,校车司机心脏病发昏迷 美国孩子镇定自救,Driver,heart attack and coma,School bus,12 students,School bus,Out of control,Jeremy,Two children,implementation heart pressing resuscitation (心脏按压急救术),Bus driver,elective class,someone call the ambulance someone reported the most accurate location someone asked for the best heart disease emergency plan someone waved to passing bus to get help others placed a red warning light,Two little doctors,emergency physician,specialized training,Team spirit training,My opinion,Perhaps in our Chinese teachers and parents opini
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