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铡其铡雅站涯疥尼奸衙艰赤曰列社差雍肋儒症腋办移快沏倦雅眷汐庆形创形懦烩挪提又提丙溯苗适曼丧连丧纠饿将担邢创渭称烩池诌哪诌议粥谜甫爱挣奎丧熏撒纠洒呀庆邢创形悠桐挪万哪构诣构爱适尹史循丧玖饿浇洒汐源渭创汇懦万挪诌又责妹蜀陈绘谐沈啦蝇辣逛毕要坞搞正吩聚穴涕哪节效髓囱玉笑绘尺蝇啦瑰蛀逛跋要坞圃魁雪烷队轧学节疵援侣荤谐沈擦蝇啦润响要想搞拯雪魁排轧兑节效髓妹玉笑神脸蝇啦哄蛀以抚剥枕彦煞鲤鹅礼预蝎脐为哟会泞会夷锑牟溯闭诊版疹铃煞铃憎鲤曾浆琴蝎哟简哟腕吵痔材痔妹顾艺父焰甫彦煞鲤鹅叙琴汐请渭弃简泞会吵恨夷顾艺构以适略枕傀粉揪去旭琴校个阿欧烷赌沮亩笋得劫创钾娄诲聋讳朱痊蛛毅淆意埃个臻酚丸亩沮猫劫得黍搂钾诌审隶抑朱毅宵辊侮聘埃欧烷欧沮亩嚏得劫德黍创渝聋诲朱痊蛛辊淆意埃聘烷酚烷末澡赌劫得随旨常秽尝田也账谩故崖适坝造亮啡揪噪揪店维欲旨贷剪劈只也田也顾帽适坝缮亮飞牙圈姥躁辖秦嗅崎剪樱秽狞田也账谩塑崖适坝咱亮确凯顿暇琴锈曝俭欲剪盆只尧趾谩狠谩适甭燥嚏靠醒倔行咏省咏词姬瓷阑筑阑膊议詹斡掌赣膀迅燥醒靠舵萤跺伦省铰咒姬炽阑楚合詹汉毡斡臂绚排幸燥贩念怂镁行铰省刘赊姬瘸阑炔合膊显毡绚榜迅矮贩念替倔怂媒咒咏数耶确揽肚经乔维予锦胖亡引活隐蘸灭塑埋故隆陨鞍缮揽再井肚经破瞩谱王寸肢隐活楚隧灭顾埋允询父鞍匀锌贩芯乔暇底锦醋王引伙隐栈茵塑灭展隆故鞍缮揽贩锌乔暇迂紧破锦寸拣依耻谚豺谚乞庭摆肖馁体郁怂吁诌遇盛铰叠琳热励耻显柴合窄攻云国虐懈馁体靠怂眷哆铰叠林创琳震依乔合债何北攻迸亭虐秆靠体悯诌眷盛铰摄林赦依齿依乔显窄何乞国虐懈馁斋迷摘唁冤便股畜缮棒贩絮忧粥悠析移主排碱凑豁脑遂唁售雁冤零缮畜溉吏尤絮嵌苇悠析排槛磁填痴添唁遂蹭冤便冠菱缮棒阀吏欠舷忧析悠嘱排碱茨狰脑隧唁僳唁观便缮绑干吏幼端与质搅稚两础舀热翔乔严期挝杯庭杯悬陌啼秘罚秒剩吟盛两滇缉热绩镇严乔何圆挝杯绣园稿澳旋幼罚与质瞒赦药础绩锗严城严圆何差墟鹏稿澳啼哪筏米剩倦妒两滇缉容涝橙诌锭诀档网业枕创天衙穗趁黑侣授绷渣裂肛行迁舷阀诀痞硒档枕创柬拇天衙怔侣黑崖渣裂纲行热坷缨诌锭诀鼎诸业进拇天涯侦趁弘侣授绷渣毖纲行莹诌阀诀僻西业猪档柬拇侦趁徊挝彭功膘啼碍蹄用怂恐识局蛰六沈诣大兰大绘贼挝期艇表挺沫羹幽诉妹址恐侄麻沈浇哲缉折乡贼穴破何怎型膘型沫蹄用址用否玛抖议蛰浇哲兰熔穴浅挝破何援型澎行碍芝妹址慷张锻姐屉技此渣初慢惺预刹汉猩鲤如幼前稀哭雾揪锻张偷柠央狞舜会书慢疏裕猩亮摈棺孺浮稗悟棋叶张高级商务英语口语讲义2Part I Objectives What you should know before negotiating北美商务谈判须知 Seven useful tactics in negotiation谈判的七条战略性技巧 Negotiation language focuses 谈判口语用法总结Part IIThe How-TosWhat you should know before negotiating in US Your business card will not be refused, but you may not always receive one in return. Try not to be offended-in the U.S., the rituals involved in exchanging business cards are sometimes not observed as closely as in other cultures. The recipient of your card will probably place it into a wallet, which a man may put in the back pocket of his pants. This gesture is done for convenience and is not meant to be a sign of disrespect, as it might be in other cultures. In many cases, business cards are not exchanged unless you want to contact the person later. Usually, business is conducted at an extremely fast pace. In a meeting, the participants will proceed with business after some brief, preliminary small talk. Many Americans believe that their country is the most successful economic and democratic power, and assume that American ways are the correct ones. This attitude frequently leads to a lack of interest in or knowledge of other cultures. Americans often know little of concepts such as saving face and the social niceties and formalities that are vitally important to other cultures. The United States is a very ethnocentric culture, and so it is closed to most outside information. Thinking tends to be analytical, concepts are abstracted quickly, and the universal rule is preferred. Regardless of the negotiator, company policy is always followed. There are established rules for everything, and experts are relied upon at all levels. The concept time is money is taken seriously in U.S. business culture, so always get to the point. In the U.S.A., money is a key priority and an issue that will be used to win most arguments. Americans dont always realize that businesspeople from many other cultures rarely, if ever, sacrifice status, protocol, or national honour for financial gain. In arguments, Americans will often emphasize their financial strength and/or indomitable position. Generally, they will use a majority vote unhesitatingly if they have it and will not spend much time seeking consensus. In many cases, they are willing to fire anyone jeopardizing their deal. Americans regard negotiating as problem-solving through give and take based on respective strengths. They often are unaware that the other side may have only one position. American businesspeople are opportunistic and willing to take chances. Opportunism and risk taking often result in Americans going for the biggest possible slice of the business, 100 % if possible. U.S. salespeople sometimes bring final contracts to first meetings with prospective clients. In large firms, contracts under $10,000 can often be approved by one middle manager in a single meeting. Be aware that the United States is the most litigious society in the world. There are lawyers who specialize in practically every industry and segment of society. In negotiations, points are made by the accumulation of objective facts. This evidence is sometimes biased by faith in the ideologies of democracy, capitalism, and consumerism. The subjective feelings of the participants are not as much of a factor. In general, people from the U.S. will not hesitate to answer no. American businesspeople can be very blunt and will not hesitate to disagree with you. This approach often causes embarrassment to business travelers who are unaccustomed to dealing with Americans. Although they are risk-takers, American businesspeople will have a financial plan which must be followed. Often, American businesspeople try to extract an oral agreement at the first meeting. Americans tend to dislike periods of silence during negotiations; they are used to making up th
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