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vJournal of East China University of Science and TechnologyVol. 24 No. 61998-12l: 1998-07-271A0#e程军* 朱建华(华东理工大学机械工程学院,上海200237)41:对铜合金进行固体渗硅的工艺方法和渗硅后铜合金表面行为进行了研究。采用本院研制的渗剂对ZQSn6-6-3进行渗硅化学热处理,获得了0.81. 2mm的渗层。探讨了热处理温度、保温时间等工艺参数对渗层厚度和渗层性能的影响;研究了铜合金渗硅层的微观结构,结合粘着理论、磨损剥层理论和晶体结构,揭示了渗硅后提高耐磨性的原理。研究表明,渗硅的控制步骤是硅在铜合金中的扩散,并给出了渗层厚度与温度及保温时间的经验公式。1oM:锡青铜;固体渗硅;微观结构;耐磨性ms|:TG 156.82#.:v, 19955Ew.:8, 19926Karapetian S S, Korostelin Yu I. The dependence of the friction coefficient on the crystal structure of solids: physicalprinciples. Wear, 1983, 85: 133j1417Jahnmir S, Suh N P. Mechanics of subsurface void nucleation in delamination wear. Wear, 1997, 44: 17j388vu)vIF.).+:a, 19829dA.).:tb, 1992Wearablity of Siliconized Copper-based Alloyand Process CrotrollingCheng Jun* and Zhu Jianhua(College of Mechanical Engineering ECUST, Shanghai 200237)Abstract: The process of solid powder siliconizing of copper-based alloy and the surfacecharacter and behavior of the alloy after siliconizing treatment are studied in this paper. Asiliconized layer with 0.8j1.2mm thickness was made by using the powder compounded byourselves. Effects of the process parameters on the thickness and the character of the layer,such as, temperatures, the holding time, and effects of the microstructures of thesiliconizedlayer are studied. The research results indicat that the diffusing of the silicon in the alloy isthe RDS of the process, uncovered the relationship between the microstructures and thewearablity. An experimental equation calculating the thickness of the layer is proposed.Keywords:bronze; solid powder siliconlizing; microstructure; wearabilityc716cv24
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