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Word power,Unit 2 Growing pains (period 4),高一年级组 Jack,Joe (an American) Nancy (an Englishman) Once Joe came to Britain for the first time by air. When he arrived at Nancys home. He asked, “ Could I use your bathroom?” Nancy said ok and gave him a clean towel and told him that the bathroom was upstairs. After a while, however, Joe didnt find the bathroom.,1. What is it that Joe cant find in the bathroom? 2. Why cant he find it?,It is a toilet that Joe couldnt find.,Joe is an American, he says bathroom and means a place where there is a toilet. But in Nancys eye, its a place where people can only have a bath. Because of this, they misunderstood each other.,pants Am.E,trousers Bri.E,candy Am.E,sweets Bri.E,living room Am.E,sitting room Bri.E,soccer (ball) Am.E,football Bri.E,vacation Am.E,holiday Bri.E,toilet/WC Bri.E,restroom/bathroom Am.E,fit v.(大小,尺寸等)适合 adj.合适的,恰当的;健康的 be fit to sth 适合做 be fit for sb/sth 适合某人/某物 keep fit 保持健康 suit 多表示(花色,款式,时间,安排等)适合,适宜 fit 强调衣服大小合适,主要指在尺寸,形状方面 match 多表示(衣服等之间相互搭配)协调,相配 1.The dress suits me.这件裙子适合我穿。 2.I tried the dress on but it did not fit.我试穿了那件连衣裙,但不合身。 3.A red jacket doesnt match green trousers.红色短上衣与绿裤子不相配。,1.wish v 要是就好了后跟that从句时,从句谓语须用虚拟语气(1)表示现在无法实现的愿望,从句谓语一般过去式。系动词be,则要用were。 (2)表示与过去事实相反的愿望,从句谓语用had done. (3)表示将来无法实现的愿望,从句谓语“would/could/should+动词原型”形式。 I wish I were as tall as you. 我希望和你一样高。 He wished he hadnt said that. 他希望他没讲那样的话。 I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。,1.is that 2. centre 3. fitted 4.toilet 5.programme 6.colour 7.she has just gone home 8.on,I can tell you that. Thats a no-brainer. / a piece of cake,_,something easy to do.,Colloquialism(俗语,口语),Dont be a wet blanket. Have some fun!,_,boring/ afraid to have fun,Go on, tell me. Im all ears.,_,listening carefully,Are you serious? Dont pull my leg.,_,joke with someone,Answers 1.be good at gardening. 2. an important person in an organization. 3. be not friendly to her. 4. raining heavily 5.Not really to my taste.,园艺能手,当权者,对某人冷淡,倾盆大雨,非我所爱,Colloquialism(俗语,口语),A piece of cake 小菜一碟 A wet blanket 泼冷水,扫兴 All ears 洗耳恭听,Pull my leg 开玩笑 Duck soup 易如反掌之事 Rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨,7.Pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑一百步。 8.Never make a mountain of a molehill. 不要小题大做 9.Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。 10.Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进,按部就班。 11.Business is business. 公事公办。,12.He who laughs best laughs last. 笑到最后才是真正的赢家/谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好 。 13.Judge not according to appearance. 不要以貌取人。 14.First awkward, twice smart. 一回生,二回熟。 15. Be all thumbs. 笨手笨脚,Task Writing a letter of advice,Skills building one: Asking for and giving advice,Lead in,When do you usually need to ask for advice or help? What should you keep in mind when asking for advice or help?,1.State the problem clearly and give only the necessary information. 2. You should ask clearly for help.,Keep in mind : bear in mind Never mind Come to mind Change ones mind,把记住,不要紧,突然想起,改变主意,asking for advise,1.我该怎么办呢? 2.我很喜欢她,我应该告诉她吗? 3.考试之前我应该做什么?,What should/can I do?,What should I do before an exam?,I like her a lot. Should I tell her?,When giving advice, what should you keep in mind?,1.Ask questions to make sure you fully understand the problem.,2.Its good to show your sympathy to the person you are talking with.,1.Show sympathy,I am sorry to hear that. I hate it when that happens! I know just what you mean!,2.Giving advice,1.Use modal verbs( should/must/can) 你应该要对你的老师诚实。 你不应该花如此长的时间看电视。,You should be honest to your teacher.,You shouldnt spend so much time watching TV.,2.use make sure 要学好英语,首先你必须确保在课堂上认真听课。 明天一定要准时到达这里。,To study English well, you must make sure to study hard in class.,Make sure to be here on time tomorrow./ Make sure that you will be here on time tomorrow.,3.Use imperatives,让我告诉你真相吧。 吃足够多的蔬菜。 不要在课堂上睡觉。,Lets me tell you the truth!,Eat plenty of vegetables!,Dont sleep in class!,跳转到31,Imperatives,定义: 祈使句表请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告。 用法: (1) 以动词原形开头的祈使句:用于第二人称祈使句中,向听话者发出命令,提出要求或建议。这种祈使句的主语you通常省略 Eg: Stand up! Dont worry about it! (2)以let开头表建议的祈使句:用于第一、三人称祈使句。eg: Lets go! Let him be here by 10 oclock (3)祈使句还可以以动词,动词短语,名词,副词来表示。Help! Hands up! Patience! Quickly!,Exercise 1,Listen to the recording and finish the exercise on page 32.,Answers,1.football,lonely,2.science,actress,3.refuses,4.listens,shouts,5.exam,worried,Page 32 Listening,Tapescript,1.,Woman: Whats wrong? Man: My best friend has just started playing on the school football team. Woman: Why is that a problem? Man: Well, now he seldom has time to see me. I feel quite lonely. Woman: Oh, Im sorry to hear that.,2.,Man: Whats the matter? Woman: My father wants me to study maths and science, and work in a big company when I grow up. Man: Well, that sounds like a good idea, doesnt it? Woman: Yes, but I want to be an actress. Man: I see. You should talk to him
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