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.学校 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 2019-2020学年度上学期 五年级英语第一次月考试题 满分100分一、根据汉语提示填空,补全单词。(10分)1、 h r(小时) 2、ch_ se(奶酪) 3、 f _n_ sh(完成)4、w t(等待) 5、bo _ le(瓶子) 6、j ce(果汁) 7、s d(发送) 8、ph to(照片) 9、 f d(食物)10. h _ _f(一半)二、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入提前括号。(10分)( )1、A、pears B、oranges C、bags( )2、A、bananas B、juice C、milk( )3、A、when B、where C、with( )4、A、wear B、pear C、dear ( )5、A、pears B、oranges C、bags三、写出下列动词过去式。(10分) 1、visit _2、do _3、go _4、run_5、like _6、walk _7.take _8.drop_9、come _10、 buy_ 四、用How many或How much填空。(10分)1、 tea do you want?2、 cakes do you want?.3、 cheese do you want?4、 apples do you want?5、 juice do you want?五、选择。(10分) ( ) 1、Did you like ice cream ?A、Yes , I did. B、Thanks. C、No, I did. ( )2、When did you come back? A、Yes ,I did. B、last Sunday. C、Good.( )3、This is your ice cream . A、Thank you. B、sorry. C、Good. ( )4、Can you speak English ? A、Yes, I can. B、No, I can.( )5、Did you in London?A、lived B、lives C、live( )6、What did she _ last night?A、do B、does C、doing( )7、I _ some photos of the moutains last Sunday.A、take B、make C、took( )8、How much _do you want? A、milks B、cheese C、apples( )9、I went to the park_Sam.A、to B、by C、with( )10、I am going to _ some ice creams. A、buy B、bought C、buys( ) .六、选择正确的单词填空。(10分) up by at for with1、Yesterday I went to the park my mother.2、We need food our picnic.3、Hurry , Sam. 4、I go to school seven oclock everyday.5、They went to Shanghai train last Sunday.七、从右栏找出左栏答语。(20分)( )1.、What did they do? A、Two bags.( )2、Lets go to the supermarket. B、She is eleven.( )3、Do you like bananas? C、Daming and his father.( )4、Who went to the Great Wall? D、They took lots of photos.( )5、When did you come back? E、OK.( )6、How much rice do you want? F、Yes, I do.( )7、What are you doing? G、No, he isnt.( )8、How many cakes do you want? H、Last Friday.( )9、How old is she? I、Im shopping.( )10、Is he a teacher? J、Six, please.八、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(10分) 1、at did Where the you weekend go(?) 2、did they last do What Sunday (?) 3、of a took Daming photo father his (.) 4、were of people lots There (.) 5、make list a Lets (.) 九、阅读理解。(10分) My name is David. I have a brother. His name is Earl. This is our room. There are two beds in it. The bed on the left is mine, and the one on the right is his. There is a desk and two chairs. Theyre ours. We like our room. Its clean and bright. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1、Davids brothers name is Earl.( ) 2、The bed on the right is Davids.( ) 3、There are two desks and chair in the room.( ) 4、David likes the room , but Earl doesnt.( ) 5、The room is clean and bright. .
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