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中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(T)table5teibl n. 桌子:They sat around the table. 他们围桌而坐。/ After supper I help my mother to clear the table. 晚饭后我帮妈妈收拾桌子。tailteil n. 尾巴;尾部:A fish moves its tail to swim. 鱼摆尾游泳。/ Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased. 狗在高兴时摇尾巴。taketeik (took, taken) v. 花费;拿,带:This work took us 10 days. 这项工作我们花了10天时间。/ Take some money with you. 带些钱去!【短语】 take a seat 坐下,就座: They took a seat at the small round table. 他们在那小圆桌旁坐下。 take an active part in 积极参加:She takes an active part in sports. 她积极参加运动。 take care of 照顾:The nurses took good care of the patient.护士细心护理病人。 take exercise 做运动:We take exercise every morning. 我们每天早晨做运动。/ He still insists on taking exercise even if it rains.下雨天他依然坚持做运动。 take off 起飞;脱掉 :The airplane takes off at 10:45. 飞机10:45分起飞。/ He came in and took off his coat. 他走了进来,脱掉大衣。 take ones place 坐某人的座位;代替某人的职务: When his secretary went on holiday, Miss Li took her place for a week. 他的秘书去休假的时候,李小姐替了她一个星期。 take out 拿出,取出:Please take out your book. 请拿出你的书。 take photos 拍照:He took photos of the Great Wall.他拍了一组万里长城的照片。/ She likes taking photos best during travel. 旅游时他最喜欢拍照。 take time 花费(时间):It certainly takes time to do a difficult job like this. 做像这样难的工作当然需要时间。 take turns 轮流:The pupils took turns to clean up their classroom. 学生们轮流打扫教室。 take(leave) a message 捎(留)口信:My mother took a message and asked me to go home. 妈妈捎了个口信让我回家。take-away5teikEwei adj. 外卖的,可带走的:He often buys some take-away food on his way to school in the morning. 早晨他经常在上学的路上买些外卖食品。talktC:k v. 说话,谈话:She is talking to her boyfriend on the telephone. 她正在电话里和她的男朋友讲话。【短语】 talk about 谈话,交谈:We talked about what we had learnt and understood. 我们都谈了心得体会。talk with 和交谈:I am talking with him about the matter. 我正和他谈论这件事。talltC:l adj. 高的:The church has a tall tower. 教堂有一很高的钟楼。/ A lot of tall buildings have been set up in Beijing. 北京建起了许多高楼。tapeteip n. 磁带:Our teacher played a tape in the class. 老师在课堂上放了一盘磁带。/ Wed better record the programme on tape. 我们最好将节目录在磁带上。tasteteist n. 滋味;趣味;鉴赏力 :When I have a cold, I lose my sense of taste. 我感冒时吃东西就没有味道。/ He has a taste for poetry. 他爱好诗词。v. 品尝;有味道:The fruit doesnt taste nice. 这水果的味道不好。 / Taste this cake and tell me whether you like it. 尝尝这块蛋糕,告诉我你是否喜欢。taxi5tAksi n. 出租汽车:We took a taxi from the station to the school. 我们坐出租汽车从车站到了学校。TB7ti: 5bi: 肺结核(病):She died of TB. 她是患肺结核死的。【说明】 是tuberculosistju7bE:kju5lEusis的缩写。teati: n. 茶:Have a cup of tea, please! 请喝一杯茶吧!/ Do you prefer tea or coffee? 你喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡?【注意】 make tea 意为“沏茶”,black tea 意为“红茶”,strong tea 意为“浓茶”,weak tea意为“淡茶”。teachtI:tF v. 教,教书:My brother is teaching me to swim. 我哥哥正在教我游泳。/ He teaches in a school. 他在学校里教书。【短语】 teach oneself 自学:I am teaching myself Japanese. 我在自学日语。teacher5tI:tFE n. 教师:He is a teacher of Chinese. 他是一位汉语教师。/ Mr.Green is our English teacher. 格林先生是我们的英语老师。teamtI:m n. 队,组:There are eleven players in a football team. 一个足球队有11个队员。/ Which team won? 哪个球队赢了?teamwork5tI:mwE:k n. 合作,协同工作:They could succeed only by means of good teamwork. 他们只有靠良好的协力合作才能成功。teapot5tI:pCt n. 茶壶:She had left the teapot ready on the table. 她已经把茶壶准备好放在桌子上。technologytek5nClEdVi n. 工艺学;技术:We should master the technology of computers. 我们应该掌握计算机技术。telegraph5teligrB:f n. 电报:People sent a message by telegraph in the past. 过去人们用电报传递消息。telephone5telifEun n. 电话;电话机:I spoke to him by telephone. 我和他通了电话。/ You are wanted on the telephone. 有你的电话。v. 打电话:He telephoned me that he could not come. 他打电话给我说他不能来。telltel v. 说,告诉,吩咐:Father has told the children a story. 父亲给孩子们讲了个故事。/ I told the happy news to everybody. 我把好消息告诉了大家。temperature5tempritFE n. 温度:Temperatures in some parts of China will fall below freezing tomorrow. 明天中国部分地区的气温将降至零度以下。tenten num. 十:Ten to one she has forgotten it. 十之八九她可能已经忘了。tenttent n. 帐篷:If you go camping, you sleep in tent. 人们去野营的时候睡在帐篷里。/ We pitched our tent. 我们搭起了帐篷。termtE:m n. 学期:How many English songs have you learned by the end of last term? 到上学期末你们学了几首英语歌?terrible5terEbl adj. 可怕的;感到极不舒服的:The heat is terrible in August. 八月热得可怕。/ They gave us terrible food at the hotel. 旅馆给我们吃的饭菜糟透了。terrifictE5rifik adj. 极好的,很棒的:That was a terrific party! 那是一次很好的聚会!/ He gave us a terrific speech. 他为我们作了一次很棒的演讲。textbook5tekstbuk n. 课本:Their new English textbooks are on the teachers desk. 他们的新英语教科书放在老师的书桌上。thanTEn conj. 比:You know better than I do. 你比我懂得多。/ The earth is bigger than the moon. 地球比月球大。thankWANk v. 感谢,谢谢:Thank you for showing me the way. 谢谢你给我指路。/ Dont thank me for doing my duty! 这是我应尽的责任,不用谢! 【辨析】 thanks for与thanks to:前者意为“因某事而感谢某人”,后者意为“由于,幸亏”,有时作反语。如:Thank you for coming. 感谢你的光临。/ Were late, thanks
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