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Can you come to my party教材分析本节课的生词较少,而且单词的拼写比较简单,所以学生学起来不会感到困难重点还是放在通过操练帮助学生掌握词组的用法。教 学目 标Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 学会使用“Can you.?, 并用”Yes, Id love to.“和 “Sorry, I.”进行回答。 2. 学会使用have to /has to 来谈论职责和义务。 3. 掌握简单邀请的方式以及接受和拒绝邀请的表达方式并关注中西文化差异。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下词汇: 1) 名词 n. exam, flu 2) 动词 v. prepare, meet 3) 形容词 adj. another, useless, free 4) 词组 prepare for an exam, go to the doctor, have the flu, help my parents, meet my friend重 点如何用can提出邀请以及对于接受和拒绝邀请的正确表达。另外,What引导的感叹句也有出现。Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? Sure, Id love to. Sorry, I cant. I have to prepare for an exam. Im sorry, too. I must go to the doctor. Maybe another time. What a small party.难 点用can提出邀请以及对于接受和拒绝邀请的正确表达.教 法讲授法、讨论法、练习法教 具电子白板、PPT教学过程(包括课程导入、新课解析、例题精讲、课堂练习、作业设计等)Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up (课堂热身) A guessing gameT: Can you guess who he is?1. Hes a student from a_ school.2. Hes kind of smart but very lazy.3. He likes sleeping and eating.4. His favorite food is grass cake.(教师通过给出一定的线索,引出懒羊羊这个学生感兴趣的任务,符合学生的特点,同时容易集中学生的注意力并关注了重点词another的渗透。)2. Presentation(呈现关键句型)(1)Read and fill in the blanks. T: Look at Lazy Goats calendarOct.11 Thurs. I have to _ on Monday, _ on Tuesday, _ on Wednesday, _ on Thursday, and I am going to _ on Friday. Im have a boring, tiring and busy week next week.(通过懒羊羊繁忙的日程安排,形成了人物反差,同时有意识地渗透了部分关键词组,达到了温故知新,同时联系实际的特点)(2) Ask and answer.T: Can you come to my dinner party next weekend?S: Sure. Thanks for asking.S: Sorry, I cant. I have to do lots of homework next weekend.S: Sure, Id love to. Thanks for asking.T: Thats too bad. Maybe another time./Great!(通过懒羊羊发出邀请的问答过程,自然地渗透关键句型。)(3) Group workA: , can you come to my dinner party next Saturday evening?B: Sure, Id love to. Thank you for asking.A: What about you, ?C: Sorry, I cant. I have to.A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time. A: Can you come to my dinner party next Saturday evening, ?D: Sorry, I cant. I have to.Maybe next time.(通过前面的情况预设和信息提示,学生能够模仿着进行语言操练获得练习的平台。)3. Work on 1aT: Match the phrases with the pictures a-e.(教师可以四处走动,以帮助学生将动词正确搭配在相关词组中,也可以让学生发挥peer assessment的作用)4. Work on 1b(1) Listen and writeT: Listen and write the names (Tim, Kay, Anna and Wilson) next to the correct students in the picture.(教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)T: Do you remember? Ted has to help his parents. Tim. Wilson. Anna. Kay.(通过复述,可以有效利用听力材料,同时循序渐进地帮助学生消化知识,获得学习信心。)(2) Listen and fill in the informationT: Listen again and finish the chart.Name TedJennyTimWilsonAnnaKayCan/cantReasonA: Can Ted come to Sun Nings party?B: Yes, he can./No, he cant. He has to.(进一步实现从听到说到操练的过渡,自然掌握重点句形。)(3) Fill in the blanks and retell the information.Sun Ning is going to have a party on _ _. But Ted, Tim, Wilson, Anna and Kay _go. Ted _ _ help his parents. Tim has to _ for an exam. Wilson is going to see the _. Anna is _ her friend. And Kay has the _ now. Only Jenny would _ to come. So _ a small party!(教师需要重点关注What a small party!这个感叹句并适当操练。)5. Work on 1cT: You are the students in the picture. Student A, invite three students to your party. Student B, C and D, give answers. (通过小组活动,能实现同伴互助,帮助薄弱学生获得学习信心。)6. Finding something important.T: Can you help him to say “No.”?(教师预设一个场景,帮助学生总结回顾接受和拒绝邀请的表达方式)Accept (接受 )Yes, Id love/like to.Thank you/Thanks for asking.Certainly, Id love/like to.Sure, Id love/like to. Decline(拒绝)Im sorry, I cant. I have to(prepare for an exam)Id love to, but I have to(go to the doctor)板书设计:重点单词,句型及答语。教学反思:如何发出邀请和接受或者拒绝邀请是重点,教师要引导学生自己发现重点,然后适当地补充和总结,为了提高学生积极性可以采用小组比赛的形式进行总结。另外,教师适当地点一下中西文化差异.一元线性回归模型的基本出发点就是两个变量之间存在因果关系,认为解释变量是影响被解释变量变化的主要因素,而这种变量关系是否确实存在或者是否明显,会在回归系数1的估计值中反映出来。5
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