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,Chapter 4 Word Meaning and Componential Analysis (词的意义与成分分析),Objectives: Discuss meanings of meaning; Explain types of meaning. Teaching focus: Meanings of meaning; 词的意义 Motivation of meaning; 词的理据 Types of meaning; 词义的分类 Components of word meaning.词义的成分分析,“Meaning”,“什么是意义?” Its easy to say, but hard to answer. 因为意义(meaning)本身都有各种意义,即人们通常用这个词表达不同的意思。 Meanings of “Meaning”,植树节,小朋友们经常组织一些有意义的活动,价值,目的,重要性 “Whats the meaning of this word?” 含义或意思the idea or sense that the word represents,“意义”有一定的多义性和复杂性,一直备受关注。很多学者对它进行探究。 柏拉图(Plato): 词义就是对事物,行为和属性的命名。 洪堡特:词语是单个概念的符号,词始终针对概念。 弗斯:词语或语言是在具体语境中的词语意义的行为学说。,奥格登&理查兹,意义的意义(The Meaning of Meaning) 区分了意义的16种不同的意义:P50 语言意义language meaning semantic meaning 语义,什么是语义,语义和形式是语言的两大构成要素。 从广义上来说,语义体现人类的思想和思维,没有语义人们就没有相互的沟通,理解和交往。 从狭义上来说,语义可指词和句子所表示的语言本身的意义,即词义和句义。 Semantics 语义学-language meaning literal meaning word and sentence meaning,4.1 Word Meaning,What is word meaning? 指称 概念 行为,1. 指称角度(reference) 词是对相关事物的命名或指称。 词(words)=事物(things) The word is the thing, and the thing is the word.,London,Desk Book,缺陷: 在日常所使用的大量词汇中,有许多词无法使人们看到所指称的事物是什么。 ask, popular, beautiful, difficult, the tradition, order, meaning.,2. 概念角度(Concept) 奥格登和理查兹“词义三角” (triangle of significance): the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct. It is mediated by concept. In a tree diagram(树形图), the relation is shown as follows: concept意义meaning word thing 形式form,Concept means the common feature shared by all the concrete things. desk- a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs finding the concept of desk, or summing up the main features the object,3. 行为角度(behavior) 布龙菲尔德(Bloomfield) 在其语言论一书中阐述了有关词的意义的一种行为主义观点:人们在对话语使用的情境进行研究的时候,可以单独分离出意义刺激(S),这种刺激诱人说出话语(r),最后导致由这段话语(s)引起的行为结果(反应R)。 如图: Srs-R,Hungry 刺激(S) 请求(r) (s) 反应(R),刺激Stimuli词语Words反应Response,4.2词的理据 Motivation,The debate over the connection between sound and meaning The naturalists maintain there is a natural/intrinsic connection between sound and meaning. The Conventionalists, on the other hand, hold that the relations between sound and meaning are conventional and arbitrary. The meaning of a word is a kind of linguistic social contract.,Conventionality(约定俗成) That we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。 -Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet Words have no meaning, people have meaning for them. 词本无义,人赋予之。 - Eric Partridge,Conventionality 树-Chinese 木-Japanese arbre-French baun-Germany,4.2 词的理据Motivation,1.What is motivation理据? It refers to the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning.理据解释语言符号与意义之间的关系,即词与词义之间的联系。 我们知道,词的形式与意义的关系是任意的和约定俗成的。所以,大多数词是没有理据的。换言之,符号和意义之间没有逻辑上的解释性。但是语言的任意性并不排除有相当一部分词存在着理据性。,我们可以通过分析一些英语词汇的形式和意义的理据,在某种程度上对它们之间存在的必然联系作出恰当的解释。 从语音,构词,语义,词源分析词的理据。 拟声理据 形态理据 语义理据 词源理据,5.2 Motivation,1. Onomatopoeic Motivation拟声理据 It means the imitation of sounds by sounds. Onomatopoeia(拟声词) refers to a word that sounds like what it represents. For example, In Chinese, 叮咚,轰隆, wangwangwang. 在现代英语中,有些词的声音暗示了它们所表达的意义,因为这些词是通过模仿自然声音(人,动物和其他自然现象产生的声音)的方式创造的。 Examples in P55,4.2 Motivation,2. Morphological motivation形态理据 Words which were formed by means of morphological structure belong to the category of motivation by morphology. Compounds and derived words are multi-morphemic words and the meanings of many of them are the sum total of the morphemes combined.,词素是意义的最小单位,复合词和派生词是多语素词,其意义是这些词素意义的叠加。形态理据指的是有些词可以从构成该词的词缀或其他手段上分析其意义。 For example, speaker speak+ er movement move+ment readable read+able,在一般情况下,人们可以从每个词素的意义,即词缀和词干的意义,判断出词的意义, 例如, airmail: mail by air 航空信件 reading lamp: lamp for reading 台灯 mini-bus: medium-sized bus 中巴 hopeless: without hope(没有希望),注意: 有许多词的结构并不十分清楚,也就是说,其意义并不是几个词素意义的叠加,对有些复合词绝不能望文生义,例如, black market 非法买卖,黑市 greenhorn 初来乍到者,生手 eggplant 茄子 pineapple 菠萝 boxing rings 拳击场,night cap 供睡觉前喝的酒 sweet tooth 喜欢甜食的人,4.2 Motivation,3. Semantic Motivation语义理据 It refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word. 语义理据指的是由词的概念意义所暗示的联想意义,这种理据解释了词的表面意义和形象意义之间的联系。概念意义是词义的核心,它直接地,明确地表示所指对象,所以概念意义又被称为“所指意义”。,词的概念意义一旦形成并且固定下来以后,这种比较明确的意义相对明确。关联意义是词的附带意义,包括词的感情色彩和文体意义等,这种意义非常不稳定,有较大的变化性,常因人,因事,因时,因地而异。 比如, father, dad, daddy, papa, the old man, male parent 概念意义一致 感情,特定文体等方面的关联意义不一致,Examples, the mouth of a river 河口 the foot of the hill 山脚 The pen is mightier than the sword. 笔锋利于剑。,5.2 Motivation,4. Etymological motivation词源理据 Etymological motivation denotes that the origins of words often throw light on their meanings. 词的历史渊源决定或影响了词的意义,人们可以从它们的出处与其意义的关系找出词的理据。,E.g.: Pen originally refers to a heavy quill or feather. Today the writing tool is still “pen”, but a meaning is not exactly the same as what it used to mean. Proper nouns, once they become common nouns, can be explained by their origins only. For example: a laconic answer 一个简短的回答 Argus-eyed professor,Laco
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