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Unit 2 What is happiness to you?,【诵读积累】 (2013济南模拟)每个人对待幸福的态度和感觉都不一样,请你就What Is Happiness? 这一话题谈谈你对幸福的看法。主要内容如下: 1. 不同的人对幸福有不同的看法(从物质、精神等方面分析);2. 我对幸福的看法。,What Is Happiness? Happiness means different things to different people. Some people believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they prefer, which means happiness. Others have the belief that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, they have not only money but also power, which cant be bought by money. However, there are still a large number of people who have quite opposite opinions. They think much of their belief, or their intelligence, or their health, which they think can make them happy.,For me, happiness is closely tied to my study, my work and my family. When I make great progress in study, when I make contributions to the society through my work and when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I will be happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual, my “wealth” of happiness is in my study, my work and my family.,【尝试运用】 词汇翻译 许多的 _ 重视, 尊重 _ 与不可分割 _ 为作出贡献 _ 和睦融洽 _ 取得很大进步 _ 取决于 _,a large number of,think much of,be tied to,make contributions to,in harmony,make great progress,depend on,句式仿写 我相信,如果我积极而真实地展现自己,我就会找到一份适合我的工作。 _ _,I believe that if I present myself positively and truthfully, I will,be able to find a job which is right for me.,. 单词盘点 核心速记 1. _(adj. ) 青少年的;地位(或职位、级别)低下的 2. _(adj. ) 严重的;严厉的,严格的;艰巨的 3. _ (vt. ) 拥护;支持;提倡 4. _(adj. ) 短暂的;暂时的 5. _ (vt. &vi. ) 服从,听从,顺从 6. _(n. ) 天资,天赋;天才,junior,severe,advocate,temporary,obey,talent,7. _ (vt. ) 分配 8. _ (adj. ) 足够的;合乎需要的 9. _(vt. &vi. ) 停止;放弃;离开 10. _(adj. ) 清晰的,生动的,鲜明的 11. _(adj. ) 最多的,最大的 (n. ) 最大值,最大极限 12. _(adj. ) 最少的,最小的 (n. ) 最小值,最小极限 13._ (adj. ) 成熟的 (vi. ) 成熟;使充分发展,allocate,adequate,quit,vivid,maximum,minimum,mature,联想串记 14. _(vt. )围绕,环绕_ (n. )环境 15. _(n. )疼痛,痛苦;折磨_ (v. )遭受;忍受 16. _(n. )感激,感谢;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估_ ( vt. ) 欣赏;感激 17. _(vt. )完成,实现_(adj. )完成的;熟练的;有教养的;学识渊博的_(n. )实现,完成;成就;才艺,技能,surround,surroundings,suffering,suffer,appreciation,appreciate,accomplish,accomplished,accomplishment,18. _ (vi. &vt. )(使)适应;改编_ (n. )适应;改写本 19. _(adj. )令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的_ (v. )钦佩;称赞,赞美_ (n. )钦佩者;爱慕者 20. _(vt. )陪伴,陪同;伴随;为伴奏_ (n. )公司;陪伴,做伴 21. _ (vt. )预言,预告,预报_(n. )预报;预言,adapt,adaptation,admirable,admire,admirer,accompany,company,predict,prediction,22. _(vt. )帮助,协助_(n. )助手,管理员_(n. )帮助,协助 23. _(adj. )即食的,方便的;立刻的 (n. )瞬间,刹那_ (adv. &conj. )立即,马上;一就 24. _(n. )动力,动机_(v. )促进;激发,激励_ (adj. ) 有动机的,有积极性的,assist,assistant,assistance,instant,instantly,motivation,motivate,motivated,. 短语互译 1. 被环绕 _ 2. 远离,和不在一起;除了 _ 3. 使某人振作;欢呼,喝彩 _ 4. 心情好 _ 5. 适应 _ 6. 追求;谋求 _ 7. 伴随有;附有,带着 _ 8. 独自,单独;独立地 _,be surrounded by,apart from,cheer sb. up,in good spirits,adapt to,go after,be accompanied by,on ones own,9. head for _ 10. to ones relief _ 11. feel caught between _ 12. quit doing sth. _ 13. ahead of _ 14. at that point _ 15. in a rush _ 16. assist sb. with sth. _,朝方向(地方)行进,前往,使人欣慰的是,在之间感到左右为难,停止做某事,在前面;早于,在那时;在那个阶段,匆忙地,急切地,帮助某人做某事,. 句型透视 1. 动名词作表语 To some, happiness is _(被环绕着) family and friends. 2. by the time引导时间状语从句 _(到的时候) she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years.,being surrounded by,By the time,3. 情态动词+have done表示对过去发生的事情的推测 In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Goodwill Games _ (可能把她未来的幸福化为泡影). 4. It feels like结构 _(似乎,感觉好像) allocating adequate time for each is just not practical.,could have cost her her future happiness,It feels like,5. see +宾语+宾语补足语 When I imagine my future, I _ _(看到的是自己工作成功,身边有家人陪伴的情景). 6. where引导定语从句 If you know of a _(的类似情景) your solution worked, mention it. . .,see myself successful in my job,and surrounded by my fam
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