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Unit 2 Energy,3. Complete the passage by filling the blanks with target words in the box. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,Wind and hydroelectric power, which have been used 1) for generations, are also rapidly growing in energy markets. The 2) behind both is that the force of the wind and water 3) are passed through 4) which convert their energy into electricity. Commercial wind energy is usually collected by wind “farms” 5) consisting of hundreds of wind turbines spread over large plots of land.,H,_,D,_,K,_,B,_,J,_,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,Modern 6) have become very efficient at transferring the energy of wind to electricity. Wind power is an important part of the overall 7) energy sources for the future. But hydroelectric power is 8) in several different methods. The most popular is through9) , such as the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. Another form of hydroelectric energy is tidal power. In use since the early 1900s, tidal power stations collect the energy created by the rise and fall of the tides to 10) to electricity.,G,_,A,_,N,_,L,_,E,_,4. Complete each of the following phrase/sentences according to its Chinese equivalent in the brackets. You may refer to the meaning of words in the box below.,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,1) launch a great (运动)against homelessness 2) data input and (确认) (污染物)are constantly being released into the atmosphere.,crusade,validation,Pollutants,_,_,_,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,4) (可更新的)contract 5) (毒素)cleansing therapies 6) a (副产品)of wheat flour processing 7) a (镶嵌)gem 8) a (机械)defect 9) (使纯净)the water by distilling 10) Theres too great a (消耗)of alcohol in China.,consumption,by-product,mechanical,_,_,_,mounted,toxin,purify,_,_,_,renewable,_,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,11) (削减)military spending 12) The plane is (加油). 13) regional (差异) 14) (表面上)viable proposition 15) (极端异乎寻常的)clothes 16) a structure (安置)on a disk 17) (驱散)melancholy 18) the (安装)of specific software on system,seemingly,fueling up,decrease,installation,far-out,variations,_,_,_,_,_,_,positioned,_,dissipate,_,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,19) had no (其他选择)but to confess 20) the (执行的)committee 21) the (震动)of the tuning fork 22) defence (机制)against many diseases 23) the airplane (制造商) 24) consciousness of (可持续的)development 25) the practical (应用)of a theory,mechanism,executive,application,manufacturer,alternative,_,_,_,_,_,sustainable,_,vibration,_,5. Match each word in the box with the group of words that regularly occur with it.,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,1) charge a small_ for service _ my income take a vitamin_ magazine_,2) sign name to the _ a historical_ _ a project a _ of a judgement,supplement,document,_,_,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,3) a_ person a _price a_ wish drink_ amounts of alcohol,4) _ authority _an influence on _ all ones power _ oneself to do,modest,exert,_,_,5) _ an obstacle _ an awkward question on a dramatic_ drop his_ of friendliness,6) _ rules of etiquette _ weapons a_ design _ opinions,pose,conventional,_,_,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,7) economically_ financially_ a _ newborn baby a _ form of political organization,8) _ the sapling _ the cost of production _ ones enemy _ the coat,viable,cut down,_,_,9) _ the power of the wind _ the energy a horse in_ fasten the safety _,harness,_,10) _ Ancient Egypt _ thousands ago _ Galileo and Newton _ Tang Dynasty,date back to,_,11) _ the rules _ the old laws _ disease _ the long hours of heavy labor,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,12) _ the window _ the problem of drug abuse _ the chronicles of the middle Age _ ones eyes,13) _ petrol _ the classroom _ the country _ the pipe,14) _ to Catholicism _ dollars into pounds _ the sunlight into energy a_ to socialism,do away with,look into,run out of,convert,_,_,_,_,15) _ military rockets _ computers perform an _ renewable energy an _ the health of millions of people,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,experiment with,_,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,7. Write a short paragraph of about 80100 words, with the words and expressions given below. You have 510 minutes to complete this activity.,harness renewable run out of give off pollutant consumption sustainable,Unit 2 Part IV Exercise 1,In many countries today, a lot is being said about harnessing renewable energy, which we may never run out of. One basic benefit of renewable energy is that it does not give off greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutants. Renewable energy can help a country rely on
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