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Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 2 How old are you?Objective:Vocabulary: numbers: 1-11, birthday, my, yourStructure: Fold / Blow/ RideIs this your?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Whats your name?How old are you?Im /Shes/HesFunction: Asking and giving ones own ageResponding to simple instructionsTalking about birthdaysUsing birthday card formulaAsking about and identifying possessionsSaying the sound sh-Period 1Language focus: Using nouns to identify thingsAsking How questions to find out the ageUsing daily expressions to express good wishesTeaching aids: VCD, picturesPROCEDURE CONTENT METHODS PURPOSE.Pre-taskpreparation1. Warm-up Pupils follow the teacher singing a song and a chant by clapping hands.通过唱歌和念儿歌来巩固数字,并起到热身作用。2. Questions and answers(Pictures)Ask pupils to answer to answer the questions.T: whats the date today?What can you say to your friend?Are you happy on Childrens Day?(Teachers Day, New Years Day)通过图片介绍一些特殊的节目,让学生回答今天是什么日子,该说些什么祝福的话以及感受一下愉快的心情,也为本课内容作铺垫。1. Introduction 1) Show the picture.2) Look at Alice and guess.T: Alice is happy today. Why?P: Shes happy because通过让学生猜,引出 Alice 高兴是因为今天是她的生日。2. ImitationIm (nine)Count the candles. 通过数蜡烛问答,熟悉本课要学习的知识。3. Pair work Practise How old are you? in pairs.通过学生俩俩合作操练基本句型。4. When is your birthday?Write your date of birth on the blackboard. The whole class may congratulate you.通过师生的问答将对话内容展示出来,并进行模仿。II. While-task procedure5. Guessing gamePupils look at the slide.Give them some hints and let them guess the characters ages and give the winner some prize.T: Ted is older than Alice.How old is Ted?Lingling is younger than Alice.Eric is as old as Ted.Winnie was born in 1993.通过另一种表达方式来猜一猜小朋友的年龄。让学生了解并通过出生年月来判断年龄。输入更多的信息让学生掌握得更好。III. Post-taskactivities1. Who has good memory?Pupils watch video tape and answer questions.T: How old is?Today s birthday.How old is he? Hes?通过观看录像,回忆一下今天是谁过几岁生日,他的朋友们都对他说了什么?让学生通过回答问What does his friend say to him?题能连连贯地说一段话,锻炼英语口头表达能力。2. Listen to the tapePupils listen to the tape and write down the answers on their paper.T: How old is his mother/father?四年级的学生在一定程度上已有听一段话的能力,这是培养听力的良好途径。3. Tell a story 通过某个故事让学生了解中西方文化的差别,即在国外一般不问他人的年龄,特别是女性,这不礼貌。IV. AssignmentAsk some questionHow old are you?How old is your father/mother/ grandmother/grandfather对知识进一步巩固并获得更多的信息。
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