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100多款滋补汤和十大靓汤做法(More than 100 nourishing soup and 10 beautiful soup)1. Chicken or bamboo chicken clay pot huaishan, qi zi, red dates (nourishing Yin)?2. Bighead fish head clay pot black beans, red dates (dizziness, headache)?3. Fish in clay pot, red dates, tangerine (blood tonic)?4. Mushrooms, incense, eyebrow beans, white beans, red dates (attachment cysts)?5. White pigeon clay pot huaishan, qi zi, red date (jianpi, blood tonic)?6. Black grass carp pot black beans, red dates (supplement blood, dizziness, headache)?7. Pig bone clay pot, beef, red jujube (back pain)?8. Pig bone clay pot deli, first wu, red date, huang jing (wu hair, back pain)?9. Pig bone clay pot, ba halberd, beef, red jujube (supplementary qi, back pain)?10. Chicken (or bamboo chicken) on the side of astragali, anti-party, red jujube (supplement qi, supplement blood)?11. Pork bone clay pot astragali, anti-party, red date, qi zi (blood supply, beauty)?12. Pig bone pot beef, dog ridge, red date (blood supply, back pain)?13. Carp clay pot red jujube, zazzi (blood replenished, beautifying)?14. Water fish stewed in winter fungus or huai mountain, qi zi (nourishing Yin and kidney)?The raw fish in huaishan, the qi zi, the red jujube (nourishing Yin, the blood, the appearance)?16. Tugler glabrous or tortoise (to the wind dehumidification)?17. Mutton clay pot huaishan, qi zi add horse hoofs, a little angelica, red jujube (nourishing Yin kidney)?18. Braised angelica, party ginseng or astragalus, black beans, and lean meat (night sweats)?19. Rabbit meat clay pot north skin, yizhi ren (night urine)?20, bighead fish head clay pot chuan bow, bai zhi, red date (dizziness, headache)?21. Mutton, ginseng, cooked, angelica, jujube (anemia)?22, glue stew lean meat, red date, qi zi (menstruation is too much, in menstruation not clean time dress)?23, sha ren, huaishan, tubuli, bai shu pork (stomach cold, spleen deficiency)?24. Chicken pot, huaishan, jujube (invigorating and invigorating)?25, tianji tianqi, red dates (for patients with bone festival, during treatment)?26, the mulberry root clay pot (hypertension, cerebrovascular accident)?27, pork with white bean clay (diabetes)?28. Partridge pot, figs, ginkgo biloba (cough)?29. Walnut clay pot or pig bone (night urine)?3. Fish in pot red bean and orange peel (body weak and nosebleeds)?31. Lotus seed heart, white mouton clay pot (nosebleeds)?32. Xuanhuin 20g, motherwort 20 grams of egg, red ginseng (menstrual pain)Cold soup?1. Mulberry leaf, black sesame, carrot, pig bone or fish (prevention of colitis)?2. Mulberry leaf, black sesame, carrot, black bean clay pot pork bone or fish (Yin and Yang soup)?3. Ginseng, jade bamboo clay pot, bamboo chicken or pot pork roll (nourishing Yin, moisten lung)?4, lotus seed, lily cooker fish (jianpi)?5. Black sesame clay pot fish head (qinghot, detoxification)?6. Horse hoofs, carrot, pot roast pork (qing Yin hot, low fever)?7, powder ge fish or carp with red jujube, ginger, Chen PI?8, sweet potato (namely pig potato), carrot, pot pork bone (qinghot, cure sore throat)?9, dried vegetables, carrots, lily, eyebrow beans, light vegetables on pig bones or fish (hot cough)?10. Bamboo taro, carrot and vegetable pot pork bone (qinghot)?11. Kunbu, kelp, five star fish, fresh vegetable pot or fish (pharyngitis)?12. Seaweed, mung beans, carrot, pork bone or fish with tangerine, ginger (qinghot, detoxification)?13. Winter melon, red bean, eyebrow bean curd pork bone or adding lotus seed, Chen PI (heat and detoxification)?14. Old cucumber, red bean, red turnip carrot, pig bone or fish, orange peel (heat and detoxification)?15. Pig horizontal clay pot red bean or black sesame (child qinghot, dull appetizer)?16. Starter, haw, yao zhu soup (pharyngitis)?Western food, red radish, fish ball soup (clear heat)?18. Snow ear, lean meat, egg soup (qinghot, runlung)?South apricot, north apricot, eyebrow bean, figs, lilies, Chen PI (dry cough and no phlegm)?20. Apples, tangerine and jujube meat (cough)?21, snow pear, tangerine and jujube meat (hot cough)?22, stone vegetables, green bean clay pot carp, Chen PI, ginger (pharyngitis, clear front)?23. White pigeon clay pot with orange peel, ginger (prevent heat, sore throat, clear front clothing)?24, lilium, the technique, huaishan clay meat (jianpi, Yin)?25. Raw fish casserole (or ginseng), figs (detoxification and detoxification)?26. Tian qi (30 g), danshen (5 g) clay pot pork bone or chicken (hypertension)?27, sword flowers, figs, tangerine pork ribs (hot cough)?Red radish, green radish, and light vegetable pot pork bone or fish (clear heat appetizer)?29, pork belly clay pot lotus seed, pate or clay pot, bamboo (spleen appetizer)?30, the grass tortoise pot half jin (hepatitis b)?31, bletilla 10 grams, bla
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