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英国社会与文化Content 目录IA General Survey 一、概览IIThe Constitutional Monarchy 二、君主立宪制IIIThe Monarchy 三、王室掠影IVHistorical events 四、历史事件VEconomics and Education 五.经济与教育VILiterature and Arts六、文学艺术VIIThe Mass Media 七、大众传媒VIIIFamous British Figures八、英国名人IXMajor Cities九、主要城市X London Scenic Sports十、伦敦揽胜XISports and Entertainment十一、体育与娱乐XIIPeople and Society十二、人民与社会I. A General Survey 概览1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland1 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Britain is not just one country and one people, even if some of its inhabitants think so. Britain is, in fact, a nation which can be divided into several separate parts, each part being an individual country. Thus, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales (and even Cornwall perhaps) do not claim to belong to England, because their inhabitants are not strictly English. They are Scottish, Irish, Welsh and many of them prefer to speak their own native tongue which is in turn incomprehensible to the others.不列颠不只是一个国家或一个民族,即使它的一些居民也这样认为。事实上,不列颠是一个可以划分为几个独立部分的王国,因而苏格兰、北爱尔兰(甚至可能还有康沃尔郡)都不 宣称隶属于“英格兰”,因为它们的居民在严格意义上讲并不是“英格兰人”.它们是苏格兰人、爱尔兰人、威尔士人,大多数都喜欢说自己的方言,而这些方言又无法被其他地方的人们所理解。These cultural minorities have been Britains original inhabitants. In varying degrees they have managed to preserve their national identity, their particular customs and way of life. This is probably even more true of the remote areas where traditional life has not been so affected by the growth of industrialism as the border areas have been. The Celtic races are said to be more emotional by nature than the English. An Irish temper is legendary. The Scots would rather forget about their reputation for excessive thrift and prefer to be remembered for their ballads and dances, while the Welsh are famous for their singing. The Celtic temperament as a whole produces numerous writers and artists, such as the Irish Bernard Shaw, the Scottish Robert Burns, and the Welsh Dylan Thomas, to mention but a few.土生土长的不列颠居民是文化上的少数民族,他们在不同程度上成功地保留了自己的民族特色以及他们与众不同的习俗和生活方式。或许更准确地说,偏僻地区的传统生活不像交界地区那样易受工业化发展的影响。凯尔特人的性情被认为比英格兰人更情绪化;爱尔兰人的性情具有传奇性;而苏格兰人宁可淡忘他们曾拥有的繁荣兴盛的名誉,只乐意他们的芭蕾和舞蹈为人们所铭记;威尔士人则以他们的歌声著称。凯尔特人的整体禀赋造就了大量的作家和艺术家,如爱尔兰作家萧伯纳、苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯和威尔士诗人戴伦托马斯。这里所提到的还仅仅只是少数。Thats why its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.这就是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国全称的来由。National Anthem英国国歌God Save the Queen天佑我王(I)God save our gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,God save the Queen:Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us:God save the Queen .(1)上帝保佑我们慈祥的女王,我们高贵的女王万寿无疆,上帝保佑我们的女王:赐予她胜利,快乐与显赫。长久君临臣民:上帝保佑女王。(II)0 Lord our God arise,Scatter her enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all .(2)万能的主显灵,让她的敌人落荒而逃,让他们一败涂地:推翻他们的政权,让他们的诡计落空,我们忠心地祈祷:上帝保佑全体臣民。(II)Thy choicest gifts in store,On her be pleased to pour,Long may she reign:May she defend our laws,And ever give us cause,To sing with heart and voice:God save the Queen(3)上帝储存的最精良的天赋,快乐地倾泻在女王殿下身上,愿女王长治久安:愿女王捍卫我们的法律,永远向我们布施公正,让我们纵情歌唱:上帝保佑女王。The Union Jack英国国旗Britains Union Flag records in its name and fusion of three different emblems the growth of one kingdom out of the successive union of three crowns. The original English flag was white and bore the plain red cross of St. George, the countrys patron saint. He was a 3rd century Christian soldier who had preferred death by beheading to denouncing his faith. The red cross recalled his martyrdom by Roman hands at Lydda, in Palestine. When the English Knights joined in the Crusades, they identified themselves by the saints symbol. On their return, the religious emblem eventually became the national flag.大不列颠联合王国国旗的名称及三种不同标志记录着一个王国从三个王权到成功联合的发展过程。最初的英格兰国旗为白底,上面镶着英格兰保护神圣乔治的纯红十字架。圣.乔治是3世纪一名信奉基督教的士兵,他甘愿斩首,以示对耶稣的忠诚。红十字架让人们铭记他在巴勒斯坦吕底亚殉难于罗马人手中。当年英格兰骑士参加十字军东征,统一用圣乔治红十字架标志身份,战争结束回国之后,这一宗教徽章最终成为英格兰国旗。The choice of St. George as a patron has been linked with the tradition that during the Crusades the saints apparition rescued the English from the fury of their Moslem foes. His sudden appearance on the battlefield threw the Mohammedans into confusion and fight. Thus the English recognized and acknowledged him as their patron. King Edward Ill adopted his name as a battle cry, and his emblem became the English flag.选择圣乔治作为保护神源于一个传说:在红十字军东征期间,在穆斯林敌人的猛烈袭击中,圣乔治的幽灵在战场上突然现身,使伊斯兰教徒陷入混战,全军溃退,从此,英格兰人将圣乔治尊为他们的保护神。英王爱德华三世采用圣.乔治的名字作为战斗口号,圣乔治标志亦成为英格兰国旗。St. Andre
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