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课后强化训练4七年级下册Units 712一、阅读理解第一节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Class Afloat is a Canadian school on a tall ship! The ship is 210 feet long and 30 feet wide, and it can take up to sixty students. The classrooms are well­equipped and comfortable, and theres even a library! It isnt necessary to know anything about sailingstudents can learn on the ship.Not all the students are Canadian. Theres usually a mix of nationalities. This year, there are also students from Mexico, the US, Germany, and Turkey. Theres a mix of ages, too. There are high school students sixteen to eighteen years old, and first­year college students.The teachers design special study programs for each student. Because the school is a ship, you can do some exciting classes, for example, Marine Biology (studying the animals and plants in the sea) and History of Geography courses about the places you visit. Students also learn all about sailing!Students dont just study. They must also clean, cook, and sail the ship. In their free time, students can rest, read, or watch a movie. In the evenings, they relax with friends and have club meetings.Every sixteen to twenty days, the ship stops in a port for three to six days. In port theres lots for the students to dohomestays, camping trips, museum tours, cultural events, hiking, etc. They also go boating and do other water sports. Parents can meet up with the students in one port every term.Students also take part in two volunteer programs in Senegal and the Dominican Republic. They help local families in different ways, for example, with basic health matters or starting a business. Students learn how, with just a little money and time, they can make changes that improve other peoples lives.(B)1. In Paragraph 2 we can get the information about _A. the ship B. the studentsC. the classes D. the activities(D)2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Students must know how to sail before they join the ship.B. All the students take the same classes together.C. Students go home to see their parents on holidays.D. Besides studying, students also have to do jobs on the ship.(A)3. Why are students required to take part in the volunteer projects?A. They can learn how to help others.B. They can learn how to make money.C. They can learn how to start a business.D. They can learn how to do medical practice.(C)4. The passage is mainly about _A. learning to sail a tall shipB. sailing around the worldC. a school on a sailing shipD. after­school activities【解析】文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。加拿大的Class Afloat学校是一所在一艘航行的船上开办的学校,本文对这所特别的学校进行了介绍。1. 根据第二段中的nationalities和ages可判断出,本段主要介绍了一些关于这所学校的学生的信息,故选B。2. 根据第四段的第一句和第二句可知,除了学习之外,这个学校的学生还负责打扫卫生、做饭以及驾驶这艘船等工作。故选D。3. 根据最后一段最后一句可判断,这个学校要学生做一些志愿活动是为了让他们学习怎样帮助他人。故选A。4. 根据全文内容可判断,本文主要介绍了加拿大的一所在航行的船上开办的学校。故选C。第二节:59是五段电视节目内容的解说词,AG是七个对应的节目名称。请根据所给信息找出各自相匹配的选项,有两项多余。(C)5. People would like to learn about the news home and abroad every day.(G)6. Parents often have trouble in getting the children away from the TV to do their homework.(A)7. Even if you could buy the world, you couldnt buy a happy family, good friends or knowledge.(D)8. The Lost World is an exciting American film for people, especially school students.(E)9. People might grow plants and vegetables in the sea in about 50 years.A. Money Isnt AnythingA talk about money with young people.B. The Importance of KnowledgeA talk between a famous teacher and some students.C. Todays NewsIt tells you important events around the world every day.D. American FilmsAn introduction to new American films.E. Farms in the FutureA program about science in the future.F. Study ToolsThe famous teacher Li Hui will tell you about some useful study tools.G. Parents HeadacheA semina(讨论) with parents who have trouble with their children.二、完形填空Zhang Lei is a highly skilled doctor. He was born in a lonely _10_ village. The people there lived a hard life. They seldom walked out of the mountain. They could _11_ get good education. However, Zhang Lei was _12_, for he not only went to college, but he also became an excellent doctor. Then what made him lucky? A volunteer teacher called Han Xue encouraged him, and _13_ his life.When Han Xue first entered Zhang Leis school, she couldnt _14_ her eyes. She was shocked by the sights in front of her: broken windows, small old desks and chairs. Even worse, students of different ages were in the _15_ classroom. It was the only class in the school. Han Xue realized _16_ poor the people were in education. She planned to _17_ as many ways as she could to help them. One day when Han Xue was giving a class, Zhang Lei _18_ some noises for fun. Other kids laughed. At that time Han Xue decided to make good use of the _19_ to help him. She walked towards Zhang Lei and asked him to put out his hands. Looking at them _20_, Han Xue said with a kind smile, “As soon as I see your little _2
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