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2019/11/8,Lesson 05,1,Opportunities Open in the West,西部地区的开发机会,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,2,The first great rush of population to the far west was drawn to the mountainous regions, where gold was found in California in 1848, in Colorado and Nevada 10 years later, in Montana and Wyoming in the 1860s, and in the Black Hills of the Dakota country in the 1870s.,大规模迁往极西地带的移民,大多集中在山区。在那里,加州于1848年发现了金矿,十年后在科罗拉多和内华达州,十九世纪六十年代在蒙大拿和怀俄明州,十九世纪七十年代在达科他的黑山地区都先后发现了金矿。,翻译技法:增添,翻译技法:被动转主动,翻译技法:分译,1007:46,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,3,原文:Miners opened up the region, established communities, and laid the foundations for more permanent settlements.,2003/04 改译题,译文:采矿者开发了这一地区,建立了村镇,打下了永久定居的基础。,改译:采矿者开发了这些地区。建立了村镇,打下了长期居住的基础。,1007:46,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,4,Yet even while digging in the hills, some settlers perceived the regions farming and stock-raising possibilities. Eventually, though a few communities continued to be devoted almost exclusively to mining, the real wealth of Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and California proved to be in the grass and soil.,不过,在山区采矿的同时,有些移民已看到这些地区有从事农业和畜牧业的可能。后来虽然少数城镇专门从事采矿业,但蒙大拿、科罗拉多、怀俄明、爱达荷等州的真正财富,也和加州一样,还是在草原和沃土中。,翻译技法:省略,翻译技法:增添,翻译技法:省略,为什么这样译呢?如果回译过去,又是什么?,1007:46,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,5,原文:While digging in the hills, some settlers perceived the regions farming and stock-raising possibilities.,2009/04 改译题,译文:在山区采矿的同时,有些移民已经看到这些地区的农业和畜牧业的可能性。,改译:在山区采矿的同时,有些移民已看到这些地区有从事农业和畜牧业的可能。(增词),2019/11/8,Lesson 05,6,(1) Cattle-raising, (2) long an important industry in Texas, became even more flourishing after the war, (3) when enterprising men began to drive their Texas longhorns north (4) across the open public domain.,(2) 在得克萨斯州,养牛早就是重要事业,(1)战后尤见繁荣,(3)大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛,(4)穿过开放的公共地带,向北走去。,翻译技法:顺逆结合,“事业”?对吗?,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,7,Feeding as they went, the cattle arrived at railway shipping points in Kansas, larger and fatter than when they started. Soon this “long drive” became a regular event, and, (1) for hundreds of kilometers, (2)trails were dotted (3)with herds of cattle moving northward.,牛群边走边吃,到堪萨斯州的铁路运输站时,已长得比出发时更大更肥壮了。不久,这样的“长征”就成为常事了。(3)向北移动的牛群,(1)在几百公里的征途上,(2)留下了无数的足迹。,翻译技法:主转从,译为“长途跋涉”可能更好,翻译技法:分译,翻译技法:顺逆结合,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,8,Cattle-raising spread into the trans-Missouri region, and immense ranches appeared in Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakota territory. Western cities flourished as centers for the slaughter and dressing of meat.,养牛业迅速超出了密苏里地区,在科罗拉多、怀俄明、堪萨斯、内布拉斯加、和达科他等地区,都出现了巨大的牧场。西部的城市因成了屠宰业和调制肉类的中心而繁荣起来。,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,9,Altogether, between 1866 and 1888, some six million head of cattle were driven up from Texas to winter on the high plains of Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.,在1866年至1888年间,大约有600万头牛从得州放牧到科罗拉多、怀俄明、蒙大拿等地的高原上过冬。,翻译技法:省略,翻译技法:被动转主动,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,10,The cattle boom reached its height by 1885, then the range became too heavily pastured to support the long drive, and was beginning to be criss-crossed by railroads.,养牛业的兴旺发达,到1885年已到达最高峰,当时的高原,已经不足以供这么多长征牛群吃草的需要了,而且这些草原,也开始被纵横交错的铁路线所割裂。,到达?还是“达到”?,翻译技法:副词转形容词,改译:。(由于放牧的规模过大),在这以后,草原就无法满足这么.,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,11,Not far behind the rancher creaked the prairie schooners of the farmers bringing their families, their draft horses, cows, and pigs. Under the Homestead Act they staked their claims and fenced them with barbed wire. Ranchmen were ousted from lands they had roamed without legal title.,在牧牛人身后不远之外,有许多草原篷车在吱吱作响,农民把他们的妻儿,还有拉车的马,奶牛和猪群也带了来。根据“定居法案”,他们圈定了所得的土地,并用铁蒺藜围起来。原来未经合法手续取得土地的牧牛人都被赶了出去。,改译为:宅地法,2019/11/8,Lesson 05,12,原文: Soon the romantic “wild west” had ceased to be.,2005/07 改译题,译文:不久,这片具有浪漫气氛的“西部荒原”便停止了。,改译:不久,这片具有浪漫气氛的“西部荒原”,便不复存在了。,
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