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太原五中2017-2018学年度第二学期阶段性检测 高 二 英 语I单项选择(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. Andy, you _ hair!Well, thats because of gene, you know my father is bold-headed.A. are losingB. loseC. lostD. had lost2. _ to his work, Mayor Geng is so respected and supported by the citizens.A. DevotingB. To devote C. Being devotedD. Devoted3. As a proverb goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” You can _ more than you believe if you really set your mind to it. A. accessB. accumulateC. accomplishD. approve4. We had thought it difficult _ South Korea and the Democratic Peoples Republic ofKoreato sit down to talk, but it took place this year. A. persuaded B. persuade C. to persuadeD. persuading5. We provide home and food for dogs. _, they offer us company and love.A. In generalB. In returnC. In factD. In practice6. My drivinglicensemaystillbeconsidered_, for it should be renewed in every six years.A. in useB. in order C. in timeD. in all7. Love is just a word _ someone comes along and gives it meaningA. if B. untilC. afterD. when8. Luckily, the old warmhearted lady _in her home for three days.A. stayed us upB. put us upC. set us upD. took us up 9. The Running Man came to Yingze Park, _the fans a closer look at these famous stars.A. gaveB. gives C. givingD. given10. They have recommended that the historic site _and repaired. A. be closedB. was closedC. had been closedD. would be closedII阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AI was talking with a man not long ago who was taking his children to Paris for their summer vacation, and the only thing I could think was how grateful I was that my father never did that to me.Our vacations were spent 50 miles south of our home in Indiana: spending a week in a tent with five kids. The campground had two lakes: one for fishing, and the other for swimming. The swimming lake had a diving board about 300 feet high. Every year some kid made his way to the end of the board and then froze (吓呆) with fear. Wed run up to the camp store and bring Mr. Lane back. He would walk down to the lake and shout at the kid to jump! But the kid never would. So Mr. Lane would climb up to the board, throw the kid over his shoulder, and climb back down. He seemed so put out that one might have thought he would took the diving board down. Instead, every year he added to its height.After supper, we walked to the camp store and got a bottle of soda. Back at the campsite, we lit a fire and sat around it while our dad told ghost (鬼) stories until our mom made him stop.Mom would hang our swimsuits in the tent so they wouldnt be wet in the night. The raccoons (浣熊) would come out from the woods and move around the campfire, eating anything that was thrown away.We would pull our sleeping bags over our heads and dream a sound dream, and then wake up to the sound of birdsong. Lying there, at the start of the day, I would count down the days left, wishing we had just arrived with the week ahead of us.11. What did the author think of his not being taken to Paris?A. He was disappointed.B. He was very puzzled.C. He was very thankful.D. He was a little regretful.12. What does the underlined part “put out” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Lucky.B. Sorry.C. Excited. D. Angry.13. Which of the following can describe the authors camping in Indiana?A. Tiring but inspiring.B. Money-saving but boring.C. Relaxing and unforgettable.D. Adventurous and disappointing.BLook inside any fashion lovers closet and youre likely to find baseball caps, sneakers, hoodies (帽衫), and T-shirts, as the rise of streetwear has become one of the biggest trends in fashion in recent years. A recent study done by US investment company Piper Jaffray found that when shopping for clothes, American teenagers tend to buy streetwear, which combines influences from hip hop, skating and celebrity cultures.Streetwear isnt only about cool clothing, but also about gaining recognition. Todays young people are looking for fashion items that show off both their style and their status. “Theres a lot of interest today in exclusive (独家的) products,” US sneaker expert Matt Powell told Retail Dive. “You have the younger shoppers, who are concerned about being special and having a product that others dont have.” When a popular brand brings a streetwear item into the market like a hip hop artist release (发行) a mixtape, chances are that there will be a lot of young people queuing to buy it. The relationship between streetwear and hip hop dates back to the 1990s. When young black and Latino people in the US experienced various forms of racial (种族的) and class inequality, their music became their protection and their clothes became their uniform. “Hip hop was the type of music where it was accepted, promoted, and preferred
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