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Unit 7 Topic 3 Section D 授课时段:第 周 星期课型Writing教学目标(1) 学习并掌握新词汇regularly, diet , in short, not onlybut (also)(2) 谈论健康饮食及其重要性。(3) 总结多音节副词的比较级和最高级。重点难点1. Key points:(1)谈论健康饮食及其重要性。(2)总结多音节副词的比较级和最高级。2. Difficult points: 用英语写出简单的关于健康饮食及其重要性的短文。教学过程集体备课个人备课Step 1 ReviewLead the students to review grammar and functions of this topic.Step 2 Task1: reading 1. Lead in to 1a by asking the two questions. (1)Do you have any healthy eating habits? (2)How do you keep healthy in your daily life? 2 . Teach the new words.3 . Lead the students to read the passage.(1) skim the passage and give a title to the passage.(2) What does the passage tell us?(3) whats your title for it?4 . underline the topic sentences of Paragraphs 2-4. Explain : 1 . in short 2 . Not only but also 不但而且5. Work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in 1b-4 according to the outline.Step 3 Task 2: Project:1 Lead the students to finish a project about healthy eating habits.Step 4 Task3:WritingPlease write an email to tell her something about eating habits and how to eat healthily in China.Step 5 Summary Some new words and phrases:regularly, dietin short, not onlybut (also)Step 6 Homework1.复习 the new words, phrases and useful expressions in this topic. 2. Finish Wb in SD3. Finish “ Review of Unit 7”in P79-804. Preview Section A of Unit 8, Topic1个人教学反思淀粉酶可通过微生物发酵生产获得,生产菌株在含有淀粉的固体培养基上可释放淀粉酶分解淀粉,在菌落周围形成透明圈。为了提高酶的产量,研究人员欲利用诱变育种的方法获得能产生较多淀粉酶的菌株2
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