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菏泽语法十四 交际用语,考点1 问候 (1)面对面问候 How are you?/How do you do?/How is everything going?/How are you getting on? Im fine. /OK, thanks. /Thank you.,(2)间接问候 Please give my best wishes/regards/love to. . . Sure, I will. /Of course.,1(2016云南中考)Tim, how is it going with you? _ . Im having fun. ATerrible BBoring CVery tiring DPretty good,D,考点2 打电话 (1)打电话一方用语 Could/May/Can I speak to. . . ? Whos that (speaking)? Is. . . at home? Im calling to tell/ask you to. . .,(2)接电话一方用语 Hello, this is. . . speaking. Wait for a moment. /Hold on for a moment. Im afraid hes not here/hes out now. Can I take a message?,2(2017徐州中考)Hello! May I speak to Rose please? _ . I will go and get her. ASpeaking BHold on, please CI dont know DHurry up, please,B,考点3 感谢和应答 (1)表示感谢 Thank you (very much)/Thanks (a lot)/Many thanks. /Its so kind of you. /Thank you all the same.,(2)应答 Not at all. /My pleasure. /Its a pleasure. /Thats OK. / Thats all right. /Youre welcome. /Dont mention it.,表示感谢的应答语 My pleasure. /Its a pleasure. 是表示感谢的应答语,不是 请求帮助的应答语,考生经常在这一点上触雷。,3(2017徐州中考)Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice, Amy. _ . Thats what friends are for. AMy pleasure BWith pleasure CNever mind DIts nice of you,A,4(2017邵阳中考)Gina, your new dress looks so nice. _ ANo, no BThank you CYes,B,考点4 道歉和应答 (1)道歉 Excuse me. /I beg your pardon. Sorry. /Im (so) sorry. I really feel bad about. . . (2)应答 It doesnt matter. /No problem. /Forget it. /Never mind. /Thats all right. /Thats OK.,5Im so sorry that I had lost your storybook last night. _ . I still have another one. AMy pleasure BPretty good CIt doesnt matter,C,6(2016白银中考)Im sorry, Dad. I lost that wallet you gave me. _ AThe same to you BIts my pleasure CNice to see you DWell, never mind,D,考点5 祝贺和应答 (1)祝贺别人取得成功 Congratulations! (2)祝别人旅途愉快,玩得开心 Have a good trip!/Have a good/great time!/Enjoy yourself. /Have fun! (3)祝福别人顺利通过考试等 Good luck!,7(2017天津中考)We have won the first prize in the match! _ ANever mind. BNice work! CHave a good trip! DWait a moment!,B,8(2017天津中考)My friends and I will go fishing today. _ AMy pleasure. BThanks a lot. CHave a nice day! DNice to meet you.,C,9(2017上海中考) _ Congratulations! ASorry for breaking the glass. BHow are you feeling today? CI was awarded first prize in the writing contest. DWhy not take the underground to the university?,C,考点6 请求允许和应答 (1)请求允许 Can/Could/May I. . ? I wonder if I could/can. . . (2)允许 Yes. /Sure. /Certainly. /Of course. /Thats OK. /All right. / Go ahead.,(3)不允许 Im sorry, but. . . Youd better not. . . No, please dont. . . Im afraid. . .,10(2017临沂中考)Could you please take out the rubbish? _. But I want to drink a cup of water first. AThank you BSure, no problem CYoure welcome DNo, I cant,B,11(2017宜昌中考)May I have a look at the magazine China Today? Certainly. _ AHere you are BIts a pity CThank you DId like to,A,12(2017南京中考)Hello, Helen! Can I see Mr. Smith? _. Ill tell him you are here. ANever mind BIt sounds like fun CJust a minute DSorry to hear that,C,13(2017十堰中考)Would you mind my opening the window? _. Ive got a cold. ANever mind BYoud better not CAll right DWith pleasure,B,考点7 邀请和应答 (1)邀请 Will/Would/Could/Can you come to. . . ? Would you like to. . . ? May I invite you to. . . ?,(2)接受邀请 (Yes,) Id love/like to. Yes. Its very nice of you. That would be nice.,(3)拒绝邀请 No, thank you. Id love/like to, but. . . Its so kind of you, but I. .,14(2017烟台中考)Could you go swimming with me this afternoon, Jane? _, but I have to do the chores first. AId like to BOf course not CI dont mind DIts nothing,A,15(2017渝北中考)Lets watch TV after dinner. _ AYes. Id love to BSorry, Im not CI dont know DSounds like a good idea,D,16(2017渝北中考)Would you like something to eat? _. Ive had enough. AYes, I would BYes, please CNo, I wouldnt DNo, thanks,D,17(2017曲靖中考)Shall we go for a picnic or study for the test this weekend? _ AThats it BIts up to you CI dont think so DI guess so,B,考点8 劝告、建议和应答 (1)劝告、建议 Youd better (not) do sth. You should (not) do sth. Why dont you do sth. ?/Why not do sth. ? How/What about doing sth. ? Shall we. . . ?/Lets. . .,(2)同意劝告、建议 Great!/Why not?/Its a good idea. /Sounds great. / Its up to you. (3)不同意劝告、建议 Im afraid that. . . /Im afraid not.,18(2017苏州中考)Im afraid I cant come to your wedding, Julia. _ ! But why? AHow happy BHow lucky CWhat a pity DWhat nice news,C,19(2016德州中考)Ill have an important meeting this weekend, so I cant go fishing with you. _ . I thought we could have a nice time together. AIts a pleasure BYoure welcome CWhat a pity DI am sure,C,20(2016泰安中考)Lets go swimming on Saturday, Jack. Oh, _ I have to work on a science report. Awhat a pity! Bwith pleasure. Cgo ahead. Dhow come?,A,考点9 问路和应答 (1)问路 Excuse me, where is. . . ? How can
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