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Unit 1My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins单词闯关1.旗;旗帜 _2.不上课;休息;不工作 _ 3.乐队 _ 4.创立;创建 _ 同义词 _5.直到为止 _ 同义词_6.假期;假日_ 同义词_7.第九 _ 九(基数词) _8.第十二 _ 十二(基数词) _9.第二十 _ 二十(基数词) _短语互译1.since then _2.all kinds of _3.take a vacation _4.have one day off _5.玩得高兴;有乐趣 _6.一就 _7.举行野餐 _8.三天的假期 _ 连词成句1.isnt, Lingling, Chinas National Day, is, the First of October, it(玲玲,10月1日是中国的国庆节,不是吗?)_2.the end of, until, stay, the, well, holiday, there(我们会一直待在那儿,直到假期结束。)_3.but, a, we, only, its, one day off, have, public holiday (它是一个公共假期,但我们只放一天假。)_4.as soon as, go, holiday, my family, begins, somewhere interesting, the, always(假期一开始,我的家人总会去某个好玩的地方。)_1until prep.直到为止conj.直到为止 观察 well stay there until the end of the holiday. 我们会一直待在那儿,直到假期结束。I didnt wake up until 11 oclock. 我直到11点才醒来。探究 图解助记 活学活用12017东营A little monkey might feel sad because of having a new baby sister or brother!Yeah. I didnt know that _ I saw the film Born in China. A. ifB. untilC. since D. although2as soon as 一就 观察 And my family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins. 并且假期一开始,我的家人总会去某个好玩的地方。探究 as soon as意为“_”,引导时间状语从句,如果主句用一般将来时或祈使句,as soon as引导的从句必须用_表示将来。活学活用22017襄阳Can you tell me when you are going to arrive there?Im not sure. But Ill ring you up as soon as I _ there tomorrow.A. arriveB. arrivedC. will arriveD. am going to arrive1The First of October is Chinas National Day, isnt it, Lingling? 玲玲,10月1日是中国的国庆节,不是吗? 探究 本句是反意疑问句,由“陈述句附加疑问部分”构成,附加疑问部分的人称和时态与陈述句保持一致,前后两部分遵循“前 _ 后 _;前 _ 后 _”原则。结构陈述部分肯定式疑问部分否定式She was ill yesterday, wasnt she?她昨天生病了,不是吗?陈述部分否定式疑问部分肯定式You didnt go, did you?你没去,是吗?答语事实是肯定的,就用 _,后跟肯定的简略句;事实是否定的,就用 _,后跟否定的简略句。His sister didnt attend the meeting, did she?他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗?Yes, she did./No, she didnt.不,她参加了。/是的,她没参加。拓展 陈述部分含有never, few, little, nothing, nobody, no, none, hardly, tooto等表示否定意义的词时,其附加疑问部分应用 _ 形式。There are few people in the room, are there?房间里几乎没有人,是吗?活学活用1. 2017黔南州Summy ate nothing for breakfast this morning, _?No, because she had a stomachache.A. isnt sheB. was sheC. didnt sheD. did she2People have celebrated the National Day since then.从那时起,人们就开始庆祝国庆节了。 探究 (1)since作介词,意为“自以来”,后接表示过去的时间点。该句的结构为“现在完成时since时间点”。(2)since还可作连词,后接表示过去的时间状语从句,常见的结构:Its时间段since句子(一般过去时)It has been 时间段since 句子(一般过去时)Its ten years since he left Hefei.It has been ten years since he left Hefei.自从他离开合肥已经10年了。主句(现在完成时)since句子(一般过去时)I have lived here since I was born. 我自从一出生就住在这里。活学活用22016海南 Uncle Liang _ in Haikou since 1980, so he knows a lot about the city.Ais living Bhas livedClived详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1. flag2. off3. band4.found; build5until; till6.vacation; holiday7ninth; nine8.twelfth; twelve9twentieth; twenty短语互译1从那以后2.各种各样的3.去度假4休一天假5.have fun6.as soon as7have a picnic8.a threeday holiday连词成句1. The First of October is Chinas National Day, isnt it, Lingling?2. Well stay there until the end of the holiday.3. Its a public holiday, but we only have one day off.4. My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 肯定; 否定; 时间状语B考查连词辨析。if意为“如果”;until意为“直到”;since意为“自从”;although意为“尽管”。notuntil为固定结构,意为“直到才”。句意:“一只小猴子可能会因为有了小妹妹或弟弟而感到伤心。”“是的。我直到看了电影我们诞生在中国才知道。”故选B。2 一就; 一般现在时A考查动词的时态。as soon as意为“一就”,遵循“主将从现”原则,所以as soon as引导的从句应该用一般现在时。故选A。句型透视1 肯; 否; 否; 肯; Yes; No; 肯定 D考查反意疑问句。反意疑问句遵循“前肯后否,前否后肯”原则,由句中nothing知,这个陈述句为否定句,后面的问句要用肯定句,排除A、C;前一句中的谓语动词是ate,因此后面的问句用did帮助提问,排除B。故选D。2 B淀粉酶可通过微生物发酵生产获得,生产菌株在含有淀粉的固体培养基上可释放淀粉酶分解淀粉,在菌落周围形成透明圈。为了提高酶的产量,研究人员欲利用诱变育种的方法获得能产生较多淀粉酶的菌株7
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