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Unit 1,How can I get there?,Part B,Lets make a short revision!,看图片根据首字母补全单词。,b_ _ks_ _ _e,o,o,t,o,r,c_ _ _ m _,看图片根据首字母补全单词。,i,n,e,a,看图片根据首字母补全单词。,h_ _ p_ _a_,o,s,t,l,i,看图片根据首字母补全单词。,m_ s _u _,u,e,m,看图片根据首字母补全单词。,p_ _t o_ _i _ _,o,s,f,c,e,f,词汇填空,1.学校在邮局的附近。 The _ is _ the _.,school,near,post office,词汇填空,2.医院在公园的后面。 The _ is _ the _.,hospital,behind,park,3.动物园紧挨着电影院。 The_ is _ _ the _.,词汇填空,zoo,next,to,cinema,句子操练,有一个书店在博物馆的附近。 _ a bookstore near the science museum.,There is,Lets try,Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Listen and tick or cross.,1.( )They want to go to the bookstore. 2.( )The cinema is next to the bookstore.,Mike: What an interesting film! Wu Yifan: Yes, but Im hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. Mike: Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? Wu Yifan: Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. Mike: How can we get there? Robin: Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. Mike: OK. Lets go!,Lets talk,1.表示“一,一个”,2.后接元音音素的单词。an interesting film.,3.What an interesting film ! 多么有趣的一部电影啊!,an 的用法知多少?,向左转,turn left,向右转,turn right,直走,go straight,How can we get there?,crossing 十字路口,Lets watch a video,Oral Practice,How does Kitty get to the park?,Go straight.,How does Lucy get to the school?,Go straight. Then turn left.,Oral Practice,Turn left at.,Turn right at.,Go straight!,Oral Practice,How can we get to the park?,Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like , and tell us how can we get there? Be a tour guide in your family,and talk about an interesting place you all know.,Homework,Thank you!,单击此处编辑母版文本样式 第二级 第三级 第四级 第五级,放映结束 感谢各位的批评指导!,让我们共同进步,
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