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对外经济合同英文写作,Unit One Some Language Features in the Contract Documents 第一,选用正式的或法律条文的用词 The Contract document is a legal document which the Parties to the Contract shall comply with. The language used in the contract documents shall be clear, unadorned and legal. One language feature in Contract documents is wording. The words and phrases used in the said documents shall be legal, formal, and accurate.,Sample 1 The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as part of this Contract. 整个合同期间,本合同的附件应被理解为合同的一部分。Notes: 1)1) 句中的be deemed(被认为)和construed(理解)为正式用词。Be deemed 比be considered 正式,construed比 understood正式。 2 2) The Appendix hereto是指“本合同的附件”,即The Appendix to this Contract,这里hereto为英语法律用词,下一单元专门讲解。 3) Appendix与Contract为本合同文件的专门用词,因此用大写。一般合同中第1条definition(定义)中提及的名词都要大写。,Sample 2 The first Board meeting shall be convened within one month after the issuance of the Companys business license. 第一次董事会应在公司营业执照签发后一个月内召开。 Notes: 1)句中convened比called正式。 2)2)within one month一个月内召开,在法律文件中表示时间之内,一般用介词within,而不用介词in,因为介词in可能表示“之内”,也可能表示“之外”,为避免争议,用介词within为好。 3)the issuance of the Companys business license 签发公司营业执照,the issuance为法律英语正式用词。,Sample 3 “Permanent Works”means the permanent works to be executed in accordance with the Contract. “永久工程”是指根据合同将实施的永久工程。 Notes: 1)1) in accordance with 在合同等法律文件中常用,比according to要正式。 2 2)to be executed将实施,或将施工之意;同理,the execution of the Works是“施工”之意。,Sample 4 The headings and marginal notes in these conditions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract. 本合同条件中的标题和旁注不应视为合同条件的一部分,在合同条件或合同本身的理解或解释中也不应考虑这些标题和旁注。 Notes: 1)句中construction 意为explanation,但比 explanation正式,此词在法律文件中常用。有的国际法律文本中,此词被译成“构成”,显然是错误的。2)shall not be deemed part thereof不应视为合同本文的一部分。shall在法律英语中意为“应当、应该”之意;part thereof即part of these conditions。the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract合同条件或合同本身的理解或解释。thereof意为of these conditions。,(5) If under Clause 31 the Employer employ other Contractors on the Site he shall require them to have the same regard for safety and avoidance of danger. 如果根据第31条规定,业主在现场还雇用其他承包人时,业主应同样地要求这些承包人在安全和避免危险方面负同样的责任。Notes: 1 1) 句中require是正式用词,比ask正式。而且,require表示上对下的要求,表示法律条款对合同当事人的要求。而ask一词没有这么明确,它含有request和require之意,其中request表示下对上的要求,在译成中文时,为“请求”。可见在此句中只能用require为最恰当。 2 2)under Clause 31根据第31条规定, under为法律英语正式用词,表示“根据、按照”之意。 3 3)the Site“现场”或“工地” 之意。,(6) The submission to and consent by the Engineer of such programs or the provision of such general descriptions or cash flow estimates shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract. 向工程师提交并同意的上述进度计划或提供上述一般说明或现金流通量估算,并不解除根据合同规定的承包人的任何义务或责任。 Notes: 1 1)句中consent(同意)和 estimates(估算)都是正式用词。 2 2)duties or responsibilities任何义务或责任,在法律英语中大量使用同义词连用,使意思明确,避免因英语词汇一词多义而发生争议。 3 3)under the Contract根据合同规定。,(7) The Chairman may convene an interim meeting in accordance with a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors. 董事长可根据董事会三分之一董事的提议,召集临时董事会会议。 Notes: 1)句中convene(召集)和interim(临时)都是正式用词。 2 2)an interim meeting董事会会议,此词组实际上是指an interim meeting of the board of directors。,(8) The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price. 业主特此立约保证向承包人支付合同总价,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。 Notes: 1)covenants 是法律用词,意为签订有法律约束力的正式合约。 2)hereby为常用的法律英语副词,意为“特此”。 3)the remedying of defects therein修补工程中缺陷,therein即in the Works之意。),第二,同义词连用 A Another language feature is that an expression may contain two synonyms or more repeating each other in meaning to avoid possible misunderstanding. E Examples: (1) The headings and marginal notes in these conditions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract. 本合同条件中的标题和旁注不应视为合同本文的一部分,在合同条件或合同本身的理解或解释中也不应考虑这些标题和旁注。 N Notes: 11)句中interpretation与construction同义,意为理解,解释。,2) This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B. 本协议由甲方和乙方签订。 N Notes: 1 1) 句中made和entered into同义,意为签订协议。by和between同义,意为由甲方和乙方签订。Sign, make ,conclude, enter into an agreement签订协议 2 2)agreement 与contract 意思并不完全一样,contract为总体概念,agreement为contract一部分。从法律上称为“合同书”。,( (3) The Contractor shall, without limiting his or the Employers obligations and responsibilities under Clause 20, insure the Works, together with materials and plant for incorporation therein, to the full replacement cost. 在不限制第20条中规定的承包人和业主的义务和责任的条件下,承包人应以全部重置成本对工程,并对用于工程中的材料和工程配套设备进行保险。 N Notes: 1 1) 句中obligations和responsibilities同义。 2)materials and plant for incorporation therein用于工程中的材料和工程配套设备,for incorporation in应译为“用于”,而不能译为“进入”; therein即in the Works之意。,(4) Party A shall no longer be responsible for keeping secret and confidential the part already published. 甲方不再承担已经被公开部分的保密义务。 N Notes: 1 1)句中secret和confidential同义。 K 2)Keeping secret and confidential保密。,(5) The amendments to or alterations of this Contract bec
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