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美剧英语笔记(American English notes)Get home | personal homepage | friends | application | news TV cant see! Watch American TV notes!2010-04-21 19:20 | share bright XinThousand, times, no! Absolutely not! Easy, does, it., take your time.Dont, push, me., dont push me. Have a good of it. is having a good time.What, is, the, fuss? Whats the noise? Still up? Still asleep?It, doesnt, make, any, differences., thats ok. Dont, let, me, down., dont let me down.God works. Gods arrangement. Dont, take, ill, of, me., dont get angry with me.Does, it, serve, your, purpose? Does it serve your purpose? Dont flatter me. award.Big mouth big mouth! Sure thing! Sure!Im, going, to, go., Im going. Never mind. doesnt matter.Can-do. can. Close-up. close-up shot.Drop it! Stop! Bottle it! Shut up!Dont play possum come on! Break, the, rules., anti rule.There, is, nobody, by, that, name, working, here., there is no one here.How, big, of, you! Youre great! Poor thing! What a pity!Nuts! Bah; nonsense; bastard Make forget it up!Watch you mouth. pay attention to words. Any, urgent, thing? Anything urgent?Dont over do it. dont go too far. Can, you, dig, it? Can you dig it?You, want, a, bet? You wanna bet? What, if, I, go, for, you? What if I go to replace you?Who wants? Who cares? Follow my nose. does something intuitively.Gild the lily. is superfluous. Ill, be, seeing, you., bye.I, wonder, if, you, can, give, me, a, lift? I wonder if you can give me a lift?I, might, hear, a, pin, drop., very quiet.你为什么这么肯定?怎么这样肯定?是这样的吗?是这样吗?别喝醉了。别喝醉了。不要戴高帽子。别摆架子。在那边。就在那里。打包袋。打包袋,铃响了。听起来耳熟。双耳睡觉。睡的香逃学。旷工、旷课。我是一个穿裤子的人。我当家。它在空中。尚未确定。我洗耳恭听。我洗耳恭听。临阵退缩。害怕做某事。真为你高兴!好得很!帮助我。帮帮我。先把它搁置一旁。先把它搁一边失去头。丧失理智。说真的。有话直说。他颈部的疼痛。他真让人讨厌。当然!一定,当然!那是一个男孩!太好了,好极了!这取决于你.由你决定。占线。占线。我全力支持你。我现在很忙。不要编故事。不要捏造事实。小别胜新婚。小别胜新婚。她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。看个够。看个够。他目光敏锐。他的眼睛很锐利。拍摄微风。闲谈。告诉我什么时候!随时奉陪!让我们见机行事。让我们随兴所至。为什么那么蓝吗?怎么垂头丧气?你怎么来了?什么风把你吹来了?下巴。不气,振作些。你永远不知道。世事难料高杰克!举起手来(抢劫)!她几分钟后就会来。他马上会过来。他是个吹牛大王。他是个吹牛大王。我总有一天跟他扯平我总有一天跟他扯平她身怀巨款。她身怀巨款。我没有地方可待。没地方可去。我好想见你。我很想见你。什么猫腻。别耍花招。来吧,Be reasonable. hey, what makes you unreasonable?.Price, is, soaring, if, it, goes, on, like, this, we, shall, boiling., not, be, able, to, keep, the, pot, and so on. The price is going up in a straight line. This way, we dont have anything to cook in the potNone, of, you, keyhole., no peeking.Dont, get, me, wrong., dont get me wrong.You, dont, seem, to, be, quite, yourself, today., you dont look right today.Do, you, have, any, money, on, you? Do you have any money on you?Dinner is on me. dinner, please.We, have, no, way, out., we cant help it.I hate, to, be, late, waiting., and, keep, my, date, I dont like being late and waiting.Not precisely! Not necessarily, not necessarily!You dont say so. not necessarily, not so.It, doesnt, take, much, of, you, time., it doesnt take you much time.Not in the long run. is not the case in the long run.It is of high quality., its of high quality.He pushes his luck., hes too greedy.I, cant, make, both, ends, meet. I couldnt pick up last month. I was short of money next month.It, can, be, a, killer., this is a nerve racking problem.You ask for it! Serve you right!Four useful words in spoken English - short sentences -Are, you, by, yourself? Are you coming alone? Are, you, kidding, me? Are you kidding me?Back in a moment! Boys will be boys back soon! !Come, to, the, point! Come to the point! Do, I, have, to? Must I do it?Dont, count, me, on! Dont count on me! Dont, fall, for, it! Dont fall for it!Dont, get, me, wrong! Youre wrong! Dont, give, me, that! Come on!Dont, let, down, me! Dont let me down! Dont, over, do, it! Dont overdo it!Drop, me, a, line! Write to me! Easy, come, easy, go! Easy come easy go!Get, a, move, on! Come on! Give me a break! Spare me!Glad you like it! Im glad you love Great! Minds think alike! Great minds think alike!He, always, talks, big! Hes always boasting! Hes a double crosser! Hes a liar!I, cross, my, heart! I swear its true! I, just, made, it! I did!我看着我的钱!视财如命!我马上回来。我马上回来!让我去看看!我去查查看!我会留意的。我会留意的!我彻底崩溃了!我穷困潦倒!我在赶时间!我赶时间!我没那么坏!我没那么差吧?我手头很紧!我缺钱!我有忧郁!我很郁闷!我根本没明白!我完全不懂!如果我是你,如果我是你如果我是你哇,太好看了!太好看了!这没有什么大不了的。没什么大不了的!值得一试。值得一试!等着瞧!等着瞧!明白我的意思吗?明白我的意思吧?让我们换个话题吧。换个话题吧!我在流口水了。我要流口水了!一分耕耘一分收获!吃一堑长一智!与你无关!没你事!全方位测测自己的英语水平 她心情不好。她今天很忧郁!目前还不错。还过得去!说到魔鬼!说曹操,曹操到!离我远一点!离我远点!没什么区别。不都一样吗?四壁有耳!隔墙有耳!我们最好走!最好马上就走!我们全都同意。我们都赞成!有什么事吗?你在想什么?听你的。你是老大!真是自讨苦吃!你自讨苦吃!你相信我的话!我保证!你敢打赌吗?你敢打赌吗?你在开我玩笑吧。你开玩笑吧?你真的在骗我!真是笑死我了!点击查看更多纯正美语日常用语分享|举报|阅读(47238)(74)发表评论|评论:发表发悄悄话添加表情1 2 3 1楼但美兰回复下一页最后页2010-04-21 20:22嗯分享了2楼李斯卿回
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