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广州市第115中学 陈敏 语法选择 Every year teenagers from all over the world go to the USA. As educational exchange students, theyll attend the American schools and 1 the teenagers there. At the same time, a number of American teenagers go to other countries 2 new languages and understand the rest of the world better.Fred was one of the two-way-exchange students last year. He 3 about ten months with a family in Germany. In return, Mike, 4 son of that family, went to Freds home in America. Fred knew 5 German when he got to Germany, but he could catch some German words after several days. Schools were completely different from what he had expected- 6 harder. They had fourteen subjects instead of six 7 America. They did nothing but study at school. Freds fellow students were of different ages, but they were 8 in the same subject. Fred got 9 to open learning. They shouted out their 10 in class and were ready to take plenty of practice after class. To Freds delight, they had no exams at the end of each term.( ) 1. A. meetB. metC. are meetingD. have met( ) 2.A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. learned( ) 3. A. spendsB. was spendingC. spentD. would spend( ) 4. A. the B. aC. anD. 不填( ) 5. A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little( ) 6. A. moreB. manyC. mostD. much( ) 7. A. forB. atC. onD. in( ) 8.A. interestingB. interestedC. interestD. interests( ) 9. A. useB. usingC. usedD. to use( ) 10. A. thinkB. thinkingC. thoughtD. thoughts【策略指导】这是一篇有关教育交流的短文。第一段简单地介绍了美国教育交流的大致情况,第二段介绍了以为美国交流生导的德国的一次学习活动,从他几乎不懂德语,到初步沟通、参与学习活动、对比学校生活、抒发感受等一系列事情的描述。ABCACDDBCDAnswers: A host family is a volunteered family that welcomes students from different places or countries to stay with them during the exchange programme time. This is especially arranged for secondary school students and often doesnt receive any payment for hosting but the students are responsible for their own financial spending. This includes school fees, uniforms, text books, Internet and phone calls. A host family could come in many different forms including retired couples, or families units with or without children. Host families have the responsibility to at lease provide a room, meals, and a stable(稳定的)family environment for the student. Of course there is the natural possibility that problems may arise(出现) while living with any host families. In this case, most exchange programmes allow for a switch(调换) of families. In each family, it is usually required to have one parent who is at least 25 years of age. The families that have been selected are well prepared to experience new culture and give a new cultural experience to the student. A student can live with more than one family in an exchange programme to expand(增长)their knowledge and experience new culture.( ) 1. A host family welcomes students from to stay with them during the exchange programme time. A. their own country B. all over the world C. the same place D. the same school( ) 2. According to this passage, how much money does the host family often receive for hosting? A. A great deal of money B. A little C. None D. We dont know( ) 3. The followings are the financial spending that the students are responsible for except for .A. food B. Internet and phone calls C. school fees D. text books( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage/A. The exchange programme is especially arranged for primary school students.B. It is usually required to have one parents who is younger than 25 years old.C. The student can change the host family with the exchange programmes help.D. The host families neednt be well prepared to experience new culture and give a new cultural experience to the student.【策略指导】这是一篇介绍host family的文章,我们的课文也有提到哦!做题的时候注意划出关键词句!Answers: B C A C 2
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