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2014届 分类号:H0 单位代码 :10452临沂大学毕业论文(设计)论英语词汇教学中的游戏应用姓 名 学 号 201006130531 年 级 2010级5班 专 业 英语 系(院) 外国语学院 指导教师 2014 年4月 19日 A Study of Application of Games in English Vocabulary TeachingA Thesis Submittedto Foreign Languages School of Linyi Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBySong lingSupervisor: Liu LanfuApril 19, 2014AcknowledgmentsI would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Mr. Liu lanfu who gave me valuable instructions and precious directions. And it has been a great honor for me to work under his guidance. Without his logical rigor, his expert comments and patient training, I would not have been able to accomplish this thesis. I am very grateful to the help of my classmates, Wang Lijie, Liu Xiaoli and Meng chao who made me self-confident and released my anxiety. Under the harmonious phenomenon, the thesis is carried out smoothly. My gratitude is also to my family for their unfailing support and total understanding to my academic endeavor. AbstractVocabulary, as the footstone of language, is widly used in human society. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed, which embodies the importance of vocabulary learning for language learners. However, Students often complain that it is hard for them to remember words. They always can not reach the desired effect, which is the common weakness in the process of the English vocabulary learning. How to learn or teach English vocabulary effectively, games have been proven to have advantages and effectiveness in learning vocabulary. This paper discusses the application of games in English vocabulary teaching. Through this study, we find that the games provide students with relaxed and interesting learning environment which can help them learn and retain new words easily. In addition, vocabulary games can bring real world in the classroom and improve students English level by using a flexible way of communication. Therefore, we can not deny the role of games in English vocabulary teaching and learning. Key words: Study; English vocabulary; Game teaching摘要词汇是组成语言的基石, 在人类社会中被广泛使用。离开词汇就无法表达思想,可以说是一语道破了词汇学习对语言学习者的重要性。但是, 常有学生抱怨词汇难记, 总是达不到预期效果, 这是当前学生在英语词汇学习过程中的通病。如何学习或者教授词汇,游戏已经被证实在词汇教学方面有优势并且效率高。本文研究的是英语词汇教学中的游戏应用的问题。通过这个研究,我们发现游戏提供给学生轻松有趣的学习氛围,它能帮助学生轻松地学习和获得新单词。另外,词汇游戏能把真实的世界带到课堂去,并且通过复杂的交流方式提高学生的英语水平。因此,我们不能否认游戏在英语词汇教学和学习中的作用。关键词:学习;英语词汇;游戏教学 Table of ContentsAcknowledgmentsiAbstractii摘要iiiTable of ContentsivChapter One Introduction1Chapter Two Literature Review22.1 Definition of Games22.2 The Characteristics of English Vocabulary Game22.3 The Value of English Vocabulary Games22.4 The Forms of English Vocabulary Games3Chapter Three The Research Methods63.1 Literature Method of English Vocabulary Games63.2 Survey Method6Chapter Four Major Findings and Imlications84.1 The Applications Strategies of Games84.2 The Application of Games in the Classroom94.3 Attention in the English Vocabulary Games10Chapter Five Conclusion12References1313Chapter One IntroductionAs we all know, words are the building blocks of every language and play an important role in learning a foreign language. “It is an element which is connected to listening, speaking,reading,and writing.”( Gu, 2002, p.11) In order to communicate with a foreigner well, students should obtain a sufficient number of words and know how to use them. You should find every chance to practice yourself.Although the students understand the importance of the English vocabulary when learning English, a number of Chinese students are passive to learn English vocabulary because of several factors. To start with, they argue that the teachers interpretation for the meaning, the pronunciation, and spelling and grammar functions is boring. In addition the students are prone to consider vocabulary learning understands the main meaning of new words. The last but not least, students do not want to take risks in applying the words that they have learned. Students may recognize a word in a written or spoken form and consider that they already know the word, but they may not be able to pronounce that words correctly or use it properly in different contexts. As for teachers, they just interpret the meaning, the pronunciation, and spelling and grammar functions of the words in the traditional way regardless of the interests of the students. In this way, the effect is bad. Games can makes students be interests in learning English vocabulary. So English language game happens to be a far more effective me
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