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論文審查環境職業醫學與流行病學第一篇姓名溫倩茹 市話公司名稱臺大醫院環職部 職稱代訓住院醫師 投稿項目環境職業醫學與流行病學 投稿類型海報 論文標題糖尿病族群中肝癌患者的糖尿病用藥狀況與肝癌發生相關性 口頭報告作者中文摘要【作者】溫倩茹12、陳保中1【單位】1臺大醫院環職部2署立桃園醫院家庭醫學科糖尿病族群中肝癌患者的糖尿病用藥狀況與肝癌發生相關性全世界糖尿病的人口每年都在上升,而目前相關研究證據糖尿病會增加癌症的發生機率,進一步也顯示糖尿病的某些用藥如雙胍類或胰島素增敏劑類等會減少發生某些癌症的風險,但目前並無一致的結果。肝癌長年來都是台灣癌症死因的前一或二名。形成肝癌的原因極為複雜且非單一原因所致。近年之研究顯示,慢性病毒性肝炎、肝硬化、長期酗酒、抽煙、黃麴菌素、個人之基因特質等,都與肝癌發生有關,不論是糖尿病患者或肝病患者在台灣的職場中都具有一定的比例。我們希望能藉由分析台灣全民健康保險資料庫中的糖尿病歸人檔來了解台灣糖尿病族群中肝癌患者的糖尿病用藥狀況與肝癌發生相關性。 英文摘要The different association between Diabetic drugs and the diabetic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma at TaiwanGlobal diabetic population is rising every year, and relevant researches show diabetes increases the probability of the occurrence of cancer. Further evidence disclosed biguanides or insulin-sensitizing agents will reduce the risk of some cancers, but the results are controversy. Liver cancer was leading mortality etiology of Taiwan cancer death in recent years. The cause of liver cancer is very complex. In recent years, studies have shown that smoking, chronic alcoholism, chronic viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, aflatoxin, individual genes, are related to liver cancer, whether patients with diabetes mellitus or liver diseases in Taiwan have a certain proportion of the workplace. We hope that through analysis of Taiwan national health insurance database of diabetic group to understand the different association between Diabetic drugs and the diabetic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma at Taiwan. 第二篇姓名何宇琪 Emailhermioneheyuqigmail.com公司名稱國立成功大學 職稱學生 投稿項目環境職業醫學與流行病學 投稿類型口頭報告 論文標題氣候變異對室內空氣品質的影響:台灣地區室內空氣污染物濃度之15年數據分析 口頭報告作者何宇琪 中文摘要氣候變異對室內空氣品質的影響:台灣地區室內空氣污染物濃度之15年數據分析何宇琪1, 許乃云1, 蘇慧貞11成功大學環境醫學所摘 要建築物是人類在面對氣候變異的最佳庇護所,人們每天有絕大部份的時間在室內活動,因此室內空氣品質很重要。然而近年來持續攀升的高溫及各種極端天候事件,室內空氣品質受到室外影響甚劇是不容置疑。本研究利用自1998年以來在台灣各地區的不同場址一共802棟建築物(住宅322棟、學校162棟、辦公大樓106棟、其他公共場所212棟)進行空氣品質調查之數據資料去評估氣候變異對室內空氣品質的影響。總體調查場所之室內空氣污染物監測的平均值標準差(樣本數)如下:一氧化碳(CO) 1.11.5 ppm (674)、臭氧(O3) 38.4271.5 ppb (409)、空氣懸浮微粒PM2.5 48.969.3 g/m3 (509)、PM10 51.9110.4 g/m3 (437)、空氣活性總真菌4543.19518.6 CFU/m3 (1757)、細菌2129.23607.0 CFU/m3 (1720)。調查顯示氣溫變異會直接或間接影響污染物濃度變化,CO、O3、PM10和真菌之冬季平均濃度 (1.4 ppm, 73.6 ppb, 65.0 g/m3, 5948.7 CFU/m3)顯著最高,PM2.5在秋季平均濃度顯著最高 (93.5 g/m3),細菌則在春季平均濃度顯著最高 (2503.9 CFU/m3)。此外,地理氣候差異的綜合影響也會導致不同地區室內空氣污染物的顯著差異;PM2.5、PM10、細菌及真菌在南部之平均濃度 (68.8, 64.4 g/m3; 2924.4, 5815.8 CFU/m3) 皆顯著高於在北部地區 (29.3, 42.8 g/m3; 1049.7, 666.0 CFU/m3)所測得之結果,而O3則呈現相反之趨勢 (北47.4 vs.南29.1 ppb)。本研究是學界首現以15年監測數據評估氣候變異對室內空氣污染物濃度的影響。關鍵詞:氣候變遷、大氣環境、室內空氣品質、衝擊評估、溫度、汙染物 英文摘要Influence of Climate Variation on Indoor Air Quality: a 15-year Profile Analysis of Indoor PollutantsYu-Qi He1, Nai-Yun Hsu1, Huey-Jen Su11 Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung UniversityAbstractBuildings are supposed to be the best shelter for human beings from direct impacts of climate change. Nowadays, as people spend more time indoors, the indoor environment quality becomes much more important. However, it is undoubtedly that indoor air quality might affect seriously by outdoor environment since the presence of rising temperature and extreme weather events are never ending. The aim of this study is to estimate the impacts of potential climatic variations on indoor air pollutants (IAP), using a 15-year monitoring data collected from 802 different buildings (home 322, school 162, office 106, other public places 212) span throughout the island of Taiwan. The profile of IAP averagesStd.Deviation(sample size) following the standard procedure of indoor investigation is listed below: carbon monoxide (CO) 1.11.5 ppm (674), Ozone(O3) 38.4271.5 ppb (409), Particulate Matters PM2.5 48.969.3 g/m3 (509), PM10 51.9110.4 g/m3 (437), total culturable fungal 4543.19518.6 CFU/m3 (1757), bacteria 2129.23607.0 CFU/m3 (1720). Statistical analysis demonstrates that temperature variation directly or indirectly affect the changes of IAP concentrations. Highest average levels of CO, O3, PM10 and fungal are found in winter (1.4 ppm, 73.6 ppb, 65.0 g/m3, 5948.7 CFU/m3) while PM2.5 is found in autumn (93.5 g/m3) and bacteria is found in spring (2503.9 CFU/m3). Furthermore, geographical variation also shows statistically difference in indoor concentrations. For PM2.5, PM10, bacteria and fungal, higher averages are discovered in the south of Taiwan (68.8, 64.4 g/m3; 2924.4, 5815.8 CFU/m3) with respect to the north (29.3, 42.8 g/m3; 1049.7, 666.0 CFU/m3); For O3, its 47.4 (north) vs. 29.1 (south) ppb. This study is the first to assess the impact of climate variation on IAPs with a 15-year dataset.Key words: climate change, ambient environment, indoor air quality, impact assessment, temperature, pollutants 第三篇姓名陳啟信 Emailchchen66619gmail.com公司名稱臺大醫院 職稱主治醫師 投稿項目環境職業醫學與流行病學 投稿類型兩者皆可(由審查委員決定) 論文標題玻璃纖維強化樹脂製程之工作暴露對於呼吸系統的效應 口頭報告作者陳啟信 中文摘要玻璃纖維強化樹脂製程之工作暴露對於呼吸系統的效應陳啟信
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