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突出发现问题,强化震慑作用(Outstanding problems, strengthen the deterrent effect)This year is the beginning of the implementation of the partys eighteen spirit, and the struggle against corruption is still grim and complex, and inspections can only be strengthened and not weakened.To highlight the problems found, and strengthen the deterrent effect, can not let the people who have problems luck, can not allow corrupt elements to have a foothold!This is a sonorous voice, witnessed a series of major policy decisions of the CPC Central Committee in 2013 made the inspection work to strengthen and improve the deployment. 10 central inspection teams dispatched twice, looking for tiger hunting, and found a number of outstanding problems and some leading cadres of the problem clues, remarkable results. Inspections have never attracted the attention of the media and society as they are now.Identifying problems, reflecting problems, and promoting problem solving - this is called the trilogy of inspections. Now, what kind of new melody has been sung in the trilogy of keeping pace with the times?The central government attaches great importance to the development of inspectionsInspection is an important duty entrusted by the party constitution, an important measure to strengthen the partys construction, an important means of strictly administering the party and maintaining Party discipline, and an important form of strengthening supervision within the party.Since the 90s of last century, the system frame of patrol work has gradually come into being, and the field of inspection has been expanding constantly, and the supervision has been continuously strengthened. Chen Liangyu, Hou Wujie and some other senior leadership corruption incident, the initial clues are related to the source of inspections.The remarkable results of the inspections have won wide acclaim both inside and outside the party, which has made it bear higher expectations.Better play the supervisory role of the patrol system. Write the 12 words in eighteen big reports of the party, fateful.Since the eighteen Party Congress, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to improving inspections. In less than half a year, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee made two visits to the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee for the two time. Secretary General Xi delivered an important speech and made important instructions several times. The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the central patrol group leader Wang Qishan 6 times successively chaired the central patrol work leading group meeting 2 times in the central inspection work mobilization meeting speech. Zhao Leji and Comrade Zhao Hongzhu have also made requests for work several times.On June 2013, the general office of the Central Committee transmitted the opinions of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Central Committee on Further Strengthening inspections and the 2013-2017 year plan for central inspection work.November held in the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, also made new important arrangements for inspections, decided to improve the central and provincial inspection system, so that the local, departments, enterprises and institutions full coverage.The decision to deploy the direction development of inspection work for the new period, but also fully embodies the Party Central Committee strictly, against corruption strong determination and the patrol cadres of care and trust.Clear responsibilities, identify problems, focusThe biggest change in the visit in 2013 is to define the responsibilities and highlight the priorities. Deputy Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, member of the leading group of the central inspection work Zhang Jun said.In accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee, the new round of inspections focused on clean government and anti-corruption work, the discovery of problems, the formation of shock and awe as the main task, to curb the spread of corruption.Inspection objects, prominent Party organizations, leading bodies and their members, especially the number one.The contents of supervision, highlight the four focus, that efforts to find out whether there is money, leading cadres abuse of power, corruption and bribery, corruption and other illegal issues; we found that the existence of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful and other violations of the provisions of the central eight mental problems; efforts to find whether there is related to the party the theory and policies of other major political issues publicly opposing views, engage in policies, under the measures and other violations of political discipline; efforts to discover the existence of buyin
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