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大气污染控制工程综述(Review of air pollution control engineering)Review of air pollution control engineeringAbstract: China is a developing country, urbanization is accelerating the development of the economy. Because of the fact that in the past only the economic development and neglect of the environmental problems, air pollution has become increasingly serious, and the human living environment has deteriorated day by day. This paper expounds the causes of the air pollution in China, the harm to the human body and the monitoring and prevention measuresKey words: air pollution; cause of formation; harm; monitoring; prevention and controlIn recent years, with the increasing population of the world and the rapid development of industry and agriculture, human activities have more and more impact on the atmospheric environment. At present, due to the irrational production activities of our human beings, a series of serious atmospheric environmental problems have been created- the concept of air pollutionAccording to the international standards organization (ISO) definition to air pollution: air pollution is usually due to human activities and natural processes caused by some substances into the atmosphere, showing enough concentration reached enough time and thus endanger human comfort, health and welfare or harm the environment. According to this definition, air pollution is caused by human activities and natural processes for two reasons. This paper mainly introduces the air pollution caused by human activities. It has such characteristics as high speed of diffusion, wide range of propagation, long duration and great loss.Two. Reasons for the formation of air pollution sourcesChina is a developing country, and urbanization is accelerating. Because of the fact that in the past, economic development was neglected and environmental problems were neglected, the air pollution became more and more serious, and the living environment of human being deteriorated day by day. The reasons for the formation of air pollution sources can be classified into the following categories:2.1 Industrial EnterprisesIndustrial enterprises are the main source of air pollution, and also one of the focuses of air hygiene protection work. With the rapid development of industry, the types and quantities of air pollutants are increasing. Due to the nature, scale, process, raw materials and product types of industrial enterprises, the degree of air pollution is also different.2.2 life stove and heating boilerIn the residential area, with the concentration of the population, a large number of civilian life stoves and heating boilers also need to consume a large amount of coal, especially in the winter heating time, often make the contaminated areas of smoke, this is also a source of air pollution can not be ignored.2-3 transportationIn recent decades, due to the development of transportation industry, the number of cars traveling in the city is increasing day by day. Trains, ships, aircraft and other passenger and freight transportation are frequent, which adds new air pollution sources to the city. One of the most important things is the exhaust gas from the car.Three. The harm of the main pollutants on the human bodyThe major pollutants that affect atmospheric pollution are sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, hydrocarbons, dust and so on. Some of these disposable pollutants will also produce a series of two pollutants in the atmosphere after a variety of chemical reactions, which is more harmful.1. sulfur and nitrogen oxidesSulfur oxides, sulfur from fuel (oil, coal) combustion mainly refers to sulfur dioxide and sulfur dioxide three, their harm to human body is to stimulate the human respiratory tract, the narrow diameter resistance increases, resulting in a decline in the ability to resist bacterial infection, damage of bone marrow and spleen hematopoietic organ damage in vivo The new supersedes the old. Nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere has two sources: one is the nature of spontaneous generation, such as discharge; the other is artificially produced. Anthropogenic emissions to the atmosphere of nitrogen oxides, nitrogen oxides by skin contact and ingestion of contaminated food into the digestive tract, causing harm to the human body, can also be absorbed into the body through the respiratory tract to the human body, causing more serious damage. Long life in the nitrogen oxide pollution in the environment, there will be a cough, headache, dizziness, fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath, frothy sputum and pulmonary edema and other diseases, or fever, shock, coma and even death. What is more serious is that NONO2 diffused and migrated in the atmosphere and formed acid rain after chemical conversion. When people breathe not gas, but when the concentration of acid mist, even if only the equivalent oxide concentration 1/10, the stimulation and harm are more seri
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