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THE MOST INFLUENTIAL CONVERGENCE PLATFORM OF NEW MEDIA IN ASIA-PACIFIC REGION 亚太视野 传播中国 VISION OF ASIA PACIFIC,COMMUNICATION FOR CHINA Asia Pacific Daily 最具亚太影响力的新媒体平台 Asia Pacific Daily 亚太日报(Asia Pacific Daily,简称 APD),秉承原创、独家、深度、开放、联动的理念, 致力打造最具亚太创造力、亲合力、影响力的新媒体聚合平台。 诞生于香江之畔的亚太日报,沐浴着太平洋的海风,在亚洲大陆茁壮成长。她天性奔放,心 怀辽阔,意蕴深远。无论东西南北,国家大小,亚太日报时刻相伴,情感不变,真诚记述每一天。 国际政局复杂多变,地区形势波橘云诡。不管事件在哪里发生,亚太日报记者都会亲历现场, 始终为您呈现最真实、最鲜活的新闻报道。无论社会生活、文化旅游,还是科学技术、工农产业, 亦或健康养生、出国移民,只要您的兴趣所至,亚太日报总会精彩纷呈! 今天的亚太日报,中文和英文网络主版强势引领,地域版、专业版、峰会版不断涌现,移动 客户端、纸质专刊、移动互联平台、个性化定制服务各具优势,联动发力,聚合传播。 亚太日报既是媒体,更是平台。我们愿与每一个合作伙伴资源共享,相互促进,缔造和传递 正能量。 欢迎携手亚太日报,与我们一起进步,一起成长! Adhering to the concept of being original, exclusive, in-depth, open-minded and interactive, Asia Pacific Daily (APD) is committed to building up the most creative, user-friendly, influential and integrated new media platform. While embracing the breeze from the Pacific Ocean, the Hong Kong-based APD is thriving in Asia. She is unrestrained by nature with a broad and profound mind and always offers real-time news in every corner of the world with sincerity and professionalism. The international politics are complicated and ever-changing and regional tensions are growing. Yet no matter where the news events happen, APD reporters always arrive at the scene in time and present the most authentic and original news. In addition to international and local news, APD is also offering the latest information in a wide range of fields including lifestyle, culture, tourism, technology, agriculture, health care, and immigration. Strongly led by the Chinese and English main sections, sections for specific regions, industries and summits are quickly springing up. The mobile client, the mobile internet platform and various printed special issues and customized services are also growing fast. With their respective advantages, all these businesses of APD are now integrating together and generating stronger power. APD is not only a media outlet; it is also a platform on which we wish to share the resources and positive energy with every partner to help and benefit each other. Welcome to join hands with APD. We are looking forward to making further progress with you! 社长致辞 PRESIDENTS ADDRESS 俱孟军 Ju Mengjun 新华社亚太总分社 社长 亚太日报 社长 Director of Xinhua News Agency Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau Director of Asia Pacific Daily 依托新华社亚太总分社所辖33个分社, 亚太日报以香港为总部, 在中国大陆、 日本、 澳大利亚、 柬埔寨、 新西兰、 越南等已设立分支机构, 即将在新加坡、 马来西亚、 缅甸、 韩国等国家和地区拓展报道,增设新闻中心及办事机构。 33 个分社包括:香港、澳门、东京、大阪、福冈、首尔、平壤、雅加达、马尼拉、 新加坡、 曼谷、 吉隆坡、 胡志明、 斯里巴加湾、 河内、 金边、 仰光、 万象、 帝力、 新德里、 孟买、 加尔各答、 加德满都、 科伦坡、 达喀尔、 伊斯兰堡、 喀布尔、 马累、 堪培拉、 悉尼、 墨尔本、惠灵顿、苏瓦等。 VISION OF ASIA PACIFIC,COMMUNICATION FOR CHINA Based on 33 branches of Xinhua News Agencys Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau, the Asia Pacific Daily locates its headquarter in Hong Kong, and has established offices in the Chinese mainland, Japan, Australia, Cambodia and New Zealand. To expand its coverage, the APD is going to build more news centers and administrative offices in countries and regions as Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar and South Korea, etc 33 branches: Hong Kong, Macau, Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Seoul, Pyongyang, Jakarta, Manila, Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City, Bandar Seri Begawan, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, Yangon, Vientiane, Dili, New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Kathmandu, Colombo, Dakar, Islamabad, Kabul, Male, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Wellington and Suva, etc. 亚太视野 传播中国 2 1 1 亚太日报(Asia Pacific Daily,简称 APD) 亚太日报 (Asia Pacific Daily, 简称 APD) 是新华社亚太总分社主办 , 全面覆盖中国及亚太地区,是新华社实施新媒体发 展战略率先启动并迅速成长的新媒体聚合平台 , 目前拥有中文网、英文网、移动互联终端、社交媒体 ( 微信、微博、 以及在 facebook、Linkedin、Twitter 上推送相关新闻 )、车载电视节目、 LED 屏幕媒体、报刊型专刊、云报纸等各类媒体产品。 亚太日报立足亚太 , 依托地缘优势以及新华社亚太总分社遍布亚太 50 多个国家和地区的 33 个分社采集网络 , 秉承原创、 独家、深度、开放、联动的独特理念,致力打造一个全面了解亚太政治、经济、文化、商业、科技、教育等领域的新平台、新 窗口,在中国、亚太地区各国政府及社会各界的大力支持下,亚太日报的影响力不断扩大 , 在中国内地、港澳台地区以及亚太 国家已具有相当的知名度和美誉度。同时 , 亚太日报行业版还将联合各行业领军企业和机构 , 推出公益、旅游、医疗、农业、 移民等行业专版。亚太日报为企业、事业单位、政府和社会团体提供一个最具价值的个性化定制综合服务平台。 亚太日报是出生香港,立足亚太,面向世界的跨国新媒体平台,以多国的地域版块、专业的行业版块构建无 缝亚太资讯,以直面政要的对话力,聚合权威的号召力打造亚太高端视界,进而受到亚太地区政治、经济、文化、 商界领袖及社会各界高端人群的高度关注。 亚太日报是紧跟时代,拥抱未来的跨界新媒体平台,以丰富的媒体产品线、尖端移动互联科技搭建畅通立体 传播大平台,以独家亚太资源、强大整合力、实效执行力打造权威、开放、互动的大平台,为促进企业品牌传播, 推动企业深度合作,构建亚太大未来注入新活力。 Covering China and the Asia-Pacific region, the Asia Pacific Daily was launched by the Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau of Xinhua News Agency as the initiative step its new media development strategy, and becomes a fast-growing convergence platform of new media. Up till now, the APD runs media products including the Chinese and English news websites, mobile internet terminals, social media platforms (share news stories on WeChat, Weibo, facebook, Linkedin and Twitter), in-train media, outdoor LED screen, paper-based special issues and cloud newspaper. Based on the geological advantage and Xinhua News Agencys expanded network, which includes 33 local bureaus in over 50 countries and regions, the Asia Pacific Daily becomes the only convergence platform of new media to have a comprehensive understanding of
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